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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Suicidal Themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
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Darling Syndrome album
Song title
Romaji: Biita
Official English: Vita
Original Upload Date
June 26, 2021 (album release date)
Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)
Nou (album illustration)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)

Alternate Version

Vita KANKANver
KANKAN's version
Upload date: February 28, 2020
Featuring: KANKAN
Producer(s): Kairiki Bear (music, lyrics)
Nou (illustration)
biz (mixing engineer)
Mashiro Kurota (video)


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
轟くガンガンガン眼光で ただ見極めて個々  todoroku gangangan gankou de tada mikiwamete koko With a throbbing, intense glint in my eye, I just give them probing glances one by one.
この声 この鼓動 肢体這い 毎々 kono koe kono kodou shitai hai maimai This voice and these palpitations crawl along my limbs each time.
全然全焼 脳で ただ ぶちかませ zenzen zenshou nou de tada buchikamase Entirely destroyed. With my mind, I just ram into them.
バッバッバラバラ カラカラ 視界外さよなララ babbabbarabara karakara shikaigai sayonarara Wham, wham, in pieces. Laughing loudly, I say goodbye to those out of sight.

卒倒 怒涛ドグマ HEY サバイバー REBIRTH惨害 sottou dotou doguma HEY sabaibaa REBIRTH sangai Fainting from surging dogma. HEY, survivor. REBIRTH, heavy damage.
続行ソッコーHURRY UP 命 たまたま今 響かせ zokkou sokkoo HURRY UP mei tamatama ima hibikase An abrupt resumption. HURRY UP. Life resounds unexpectedly now.
劣等 翻弄アリア RAY 芝居 バイバイDIE rettou honrou aria RAY shibai baibai DIE An inferior aria plays around. RAY. Drama. Bye bye, DIE.
蛇行 後光SIGNAL 生 まだまだ今 唸らせて dakou gokou SIGNAL sei madamada ima unarasete The meandering halo is a SIGNAL of life. There’s still more to come now. Make them moan.

低空飛行 DOWN DOWN DOWNダンダン teikuu hikou DOWN DOWN DOWN dandan Flying at low altitude. DOWN DOWN DOWN, gradually.
立ち込む光はイタイ イタイ イタイ tachikomu hikari wa itai itai itai The light crowding in hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

もろもろ最上行動 ほら最凶堂々 moromoro saijou koudou hora saikyou doudou Fine deeds are done conspicuously. Look, it’s the most misfortunate, magnificent thing.
ダ ダ ダ Damn it! 刻み 否 愛情MODE da da da Damn it! kizami hi aijou MODE Da-da-da-damn it! Carving it in, no, love MODE.
未来混合の期待感 暴論 狂わせ mirai kongou no kitaikan bouron kuruwase I expect things from this future mixture. An irrational argument drives them mad.
ただ生き抜け ほら最強衝動 tada ikinuke hora saikyou shoudou Just live through it. Look, these are the strongest urges.

燻る 惨 惨 惨 残像を ただ追い駆けて個々 kusuburu san san san zanzou o tada oikakete koko They just chase after smouldering, appalling afterimages, one by one.
この声 奈落へ 鳴り渡り 無イ無イ kono koe naraku e nariwatari nai nai This voice echoes to hell. Nothing, nothing.
戦 戦 戦場 脳で ただ ぶち抜いて sen sen senjou nou de tada buchinuite I just ram into the battleground with my mind.
バッバッバラバラ カラカラ 「支配」以外さよなララ babbabbarabara karakara "shihai" igai sayonarara Wham, wham, in pieces. Laughing loudly, it’s bye bye to everything but ‘domination.’

実行 決闘カルマ DAY スナイパーFUNG()危害 jikkou kettou karuma DAY sunaipaa kiba kigai Performing, duelling karma. DAY. Sniper, fang injuries.
素行 怒号LIER 命 他愛ない 基盤 奪われ sokou dogou LIER mei taainai kiban ubaware Behaviour, bellowing LIAR. Life, how foolish. My foundation is stolen away.
決行 特攻MANIA で まだまだ今 唸らせて kekkou tokkou MANIA de madamada ima unarasete I carry out suicide MANIA. Still more, now, roar!

抵抗しろ! 居合 居合 居合! teikou shiro! iai iai iai! Resist! Iai, iai, iai!

もろもろ最上行動 ほら最凶堂々 moromoro saijou koudou hora saikyou doudou Fine deeds are done conspicuously. Look, it’s the most misfortunate, magnificent thing.
ダ ダ ダ DUMMY? 苦味? 否 哀傷MODE da da da DUMMY? nigami? hi aishou MODE DU-DU-DU-DUMMY? Bitter? No, it’s sorrow MODE.
嫌い混合の不整脈 暴動 蹴飛ばせ kirai kongou no fuseimyaku boudou ketobase This arrhythmia comes from a mixture of hate. Kick away the rebellion!
ただ生き抜け ほら最強衝動 tada ikinuke hora saikyou shoudou Just live through it. Look, these are the strongest urges.

もろもろ最悪も ほら災厄も moromoro saiaku mo hora saiyaku mo All sorts of evils and calamities are
バ バ バ BUGGY 歪み 否 正々堂々 ba ba ba BUGGY yugami hi seisei doudou BU-BU-BU-BUGGY. Distorted? No, fair and square.
威勢解放の武勇感 獰猛 isei kaihou no buyuukan doumou The bravery of unleashing power is ferocious.
止まるな ただ気高く ほら最強衝動 tomaru na tada kedakaku hora saikyou shoudou Don’t stop. Just be noble. Look, these are the strongest urges.

最上行動 ほら最凶堂々 saijou koudou hora saikyou doudou Fine deeds are done conspicuously. Look, it’s the most misfortunate, magnificent thing.
ダ ダ ダ Damn it! 刻み 否 愛情MODE da da da Damn it! kizami hi aijou MODE Da-da-da-damn it! Carving it in, no, love MODE.
未来本当の期待感 正論 高鳴れ mirai hontou no kitaikan seiron takanare This is a true feeling of expectation for the future. Let the sound arguments throb.
ただ生き抜け ほら最強衝動 tada ikinuke hora saikyou shoudou Just live through it. Look, these are the strongest urges.
今 生き抜け ほら最上行動 ほら最強衝動 ima ikinuke hora saijou koudou hora saikyou shoudou Now, live through it. Look, this is the best behaviour, the strongest urges.

English translation by Releska


This song was featured on the following album:

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