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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Bie le Ichi
Song title
Romaji: Biera
Simplified Chinese: 别了
Traditional Chinese: 別了
Pinyin: Bié le
English: Farewell
Original Upload Date
June 25, 2020
Hatsune Miku
Ichi (music, lyrics)
arusechika (illustration)
3,600+ (NN), 13,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
因果応報 理解不能の ingaouhou rikaifunou no What does it feel like to be in
偽りの中 どうでしょう? itsuwari no naka dou deshou? A karmic, incomprehensible fabrication?
私と貴方はそれを笑顔で飲み干した watashi to anata wa sore o egao de nomihoshita You and I have swallowed it up with a smile.
見捨てた憧憬 笑止千万 misuteta shoukei shoushisenban We’ve abandoned our adoration. What an awful laugh.
今の私は どうでしょう? ima no watashi wa dou deshou? How is the current me doing?
優しい貴方はそれも 受け入れてくれる気がした yasashii anata wa sore mo ukeirete kureru ki ga shita I thought you were kind enough to accept that, too.

私の中から這いずり出てくる watashi no naka kara haizuridete kuru Abstract emotions are creeping
抽象感情 無理して chuushou kanjou muri shite Out of me. They’re forcing themselves out.
逃げたくないなあ nigetaku nai naa I don’t want to run away.
わからないな 否 wakaranai na ina I don’t know. Really not.
偽り 嘯く 最低だ itsuwari usobuku saitei da I fabricate lies. I’m the worst.

いつもの光景 目が覚める度 itsumo no koukei me ga sameru tabi It’s a usual sight. Every time I wake,
苛まれゆく 昼下がり sainamare yuku hirusagari I suffer early in the afternoon.
隣で寝ていた貴方も何処かへ消えてゆく tonari de nete ita anata mo dokoka e kiete yuku You, who slept next to me, are disappearing somewhere.
過去を変えられなくてもいいから kako o kaerarenakute mo ii kara It’s fine if I can’t change the past,
この記憶を消してくれ kono kioku o keshite kure Just eliminate this memory!
何時でも脳にこびりついて itsu demo nou ni kobiritsuite Always sticking to my brain,
離れてくれない 感情 hanarete kurenai kanjou These emotions just won’t go away.

貴方を外野から引き摺り回す anata o gaiya kara hikizurimawasu Ignore my feelings of inferiority
劣等感情 無視して rettou kanjou mushi shite That’s dragging you around from the outside.
見逃せないなあ minogasenai naa I can’t let that slide.
貴方がいないと anata ga inai to Turns out I was a blockhead
何にも出来ない木偶でした nannimo dekinai deku deshita Who can’t do anything without you.

私は私で貴方は貴方 watashi wa watashi de anata wa anata I am me, while you are you.
分かり合えるはずも無いのに wakariaeru hazu mo nai noni Although we could never comprehend each other,
一体何処で間違えたのか ittai doko de machigaeta no ka Where exactly did I make a mistake?
来ないでこっち来ないで konaide kocchi konaide Stay away! Just stay away from me!
貴方だけ 貴方だけだった anata dake anata dake datta Only you. It was only you.
「いつまで一緒にいられるの」 "itsu made issho ni irareru no" “How long can we stay together?”
そんなこと聞かないで sonna koto kikanaide No, please don’t go there.
見ないでこっち見ないで minaide kocchi minaide Look away! Just look away from me!

私を中から 蝕み続ける watashi o naka kara mushibami tsuzukeru Abstract emotions keep corroding me
抽象感情:泥濘堂 chuushou kanjou: deineidou From the inside: a mire hall.
嘘が本当に uso ga hontou ni Lies are now true.
可能が不能に kanou ga funou ni The possible are now impossible.
一人は独りで 泣いていた hitori wa hitori de naite ita By myself, I felt alone, so I was crying.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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