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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Heroineikuseikeikaku single
Song title
Romaji: Hiroin Ikusei Keikaku
English: Heroine Development Plan
Original Upload Date
August 12, 2020 (album release)
Hatsune Miku
HoneyWorks (arrangement):
shito (music, lyrics)
Gom (lyrics)
Nakanishi (guitar)
Wakazaemon (bass)
Keiki Uto (keyboard)
Kousuke Higuchi (drum)
Yamako (album illustration)

Alternate Versions

Heroine Ikusei Keikaku Kiritanver
Suzumi Hiyori's version
Upload date: January 15, 2020
Featuring: Suzumi Hiyori
Heroine Ikusei Keikaku Hiyoriver
Tohoku Kiritan's version
Upload date: February 28, 2020
Featuring: Tohoku Kiritan


Japanese Romaji English
きっとヒロインなら綺麗で kitto hiroin nara kirei de Surely if I were a heroine
王子様にチヤホヤされるでしょ? oujisama ni chiyahoya sareru desho? I’d be beautiful and spoiled by a prince, right?
芋女の私もお姫様になれたらなんてね(イエイ) imo onna no watashi mo ohimesama ni naretara nante ne (iei) it would be great if an unfashionable girl like me could also become a princess, just kidding (YAY)

バイト探し 採用ないし baito sagashi saiyou nai shi looking for a job since I’m unemployed
やけになって飛び込む yake ni natte tobikomu taking a leap desperately
場違いすぎる世界 bachigai sugiru sekai a world that is too out-of-place
パシリばかり 雑用係 pashiri bakari zatsuyou gakari always running errands, in charge of the chores
最悪な奴らのマネージャー就任です saiaku na yatsura no maneejaa shunin desu starting a job as the worst two’s manager

バレたら最後 baretara saigo it’s the end if they know
妬まれるの嫌だし 生きるためだし(`・ω・´)9 netamareru no iyadashi ikiru tamedashi (`・ω・´)9 I don’t want to be envied, it’s just to make a living (`・ω・´)9

きっとヒロインなら綺麗で kitto hiroin nara kirei de surely if I were a heroine
王子様にチヤホヤされるでしょ? oujisama ni chiyahoya sareru desho? I’d be beautiful and spoiled by a prince, right?
芋女の私もお姫様になれたらなんてね imo onna no watashi mo ohimesama ni naretara nante ne it would be great if an unfashionable girl like me could also become a princess, just kidding
私をプロデュースして watashi o purodyuusu shite style me
髪も服も全部可愛くして kami mo fuku mo zenbu kawaiku shite make my hair and clothes cute
いつか出会う王子様どこで何をしてるの?神様 itsuka deau oujisama doko de nani o shiteru no? kamisama the prince who’ll meet once day, where is he and what is he doing? God
待ってますから気長に(はぁ…) matte masu kara kinaga ni (haa…) I’m waiting patiently (haa…)

ある日出会う 運命の人 aru hi deau unmei no hito One day, I met my fated person
紳士な振る舞いにドキドキしちゃったんだ shinshi na furumai ni dokidoki shichatta nda his behavior was of a gentleman and it made my heart beat fast
名前なんて聞けるはずない namae nante kikeru hazu nai there’s no way I could’ve asked about his name
また会いたいなんて願ってるだけでした mata aitai nante negatteru dake deshita I could only wish to meet him again

時間が止まる「また会えたね」と君 jikan ga tomaru "mata aeta ne" to kimi time stops, “We meet again,” you say
やっぱり恋だ yappari koi da it’s definitely love

きっと少女漫画じゃ両想い kitto shoujo manga ja ryou omoi surely if this was a shoujo manga, it’d be mutual love
ベタでいいじゃん むしろベタがいいじゃん beta de ii jan mushiro beta ga ii jan it’s okay if it’s a cliché, actually it’s better if it is
モブ女の私もヒロインなる気ありますなんてね mobu onna no watashi mo hiroin naru ki arimasu nante ne a minor character like me also wants to become a heroine, just kidding
すぐにくっついちゃえばいい sugu ni kuttsuichaeba ii we should immediately just get together
悲劇いらない いいね?シェイクスピア higeki iranai ii ne? sheikusupia I don’t want a tragedy okay? Shakespeare
やっと会えた王子様 yatto aeta oujisama I finally met my prince
まずは名前を知ることだよね mazuwa namae o shiru koto da yo ne but first, I should know his name
ヒロインらしく自然に hiroin rashiku shizen ni like a heroine, naturally

バレちゃった最悪な奴らに barechatta saiaku na yatsura ni the worst two knew about my secret
「これじゃあダメだ100振られる」って "kore jaa dame da hyaku furareru" tte “You’re going to get rejected 100% like this”
どうすればいいのー!? dousureba ii noo!? what am I supposed to do!?

気持ちなら負けないなんてみんな同じこと思ってて kimochi nara makenai nante minna onaji koto omottete my feelings won’t lose, everyone thinks that same thing
そこからの勇気と押しが大事なんです soko kara no yuuki to oshi ga daiji nandesu the courage and push from there are important
聞いてる!? kiiteru!? are you listening!?

ヒロインなら綺麗で hiroin nara kirei de if I were a heroine
王子様にチヤホヤされるでしょ? oujisama ni chiyahoya sareru desho? I’d be beautiful and spoiled by a prince, right?
芋女の私もお姫様になれるのなんてね imo onna no watashi mo ohimesama ni nareru no nante ne can an unfashionable girl like me also become a princess? Just kidding
自信ちょっとついたよ jishin chotto tsuita yo I got a bit more confidence
当たって砕けたらバカにして笑ってよ お願い atatte kudaketara baka ni shite waratte yo onegai if I try my chance, make a joke of it and laugh please
行ってきますね告白(よし) ittekimasu ne kokuhaku (yoshi) I’ll go for it! The confession (alright)
“ヒロインになれ”今日から "hiroin ni nare" kyou kara ”Become a heroine” from today

English translation by Chicken Wings

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