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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Hikari Shoumeiron
Song title
Romaji: Hikari Shoumeiron
English: Light Proof Theory
Original Upload Date
August 2, 2018
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
Oji (guitar, bass)
cake (keyboard)
早川誠一郎 (drums)
Mogelatte (logo design)
Yamako (illustration, video)
YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
迷い込んだこの世界で mayoikonda kono sekai de Having lost our way in this world
出会ってしまった僕らは deatte shimatta bokura wa where we met,
最後に saigo ni in the end, we …

東奔西走(とうほんせいそう) touhonseisou Running helter-skelter
探し人 当てもなく sagashibito ate mo naku looking around aimlessly
狂瀾怒濤(きょうらんどとう) kyourandotou Like mayhem
荒れ狂う 世の中で arekuruu yo no naka de running amok in this world

曖昧モノクロ人生に aimai monokuro jinsei ni In my vague monochrome life,
最大フラッシュくれたんだ saidai furasshu kureta nda you gave me the greatest flash
「ありがとう」一人じゃない "arigatou" hitori ja nai "Thank you," I'm not alone

黒い黒いこの曇天に kuroi kuroi kono donten ni Cry Cry Even if you shed tears
Cry Cry涙したって Cry Cry namida shitatte in this black, black cloudy weather,
雲間の光掴め kumoma no hikari tsukame grasp the light between the clouds
赤い赤いこの証明が akai akai kono shoumei ga This red, red proof
痛い痛いほど流れ itai itai hodo nagare flows so much it hurts,
最後に saigo ni but in the end
離れないように笑えるように hanarenai you ni waraeru you ni may we stay together, may we get to smile,
生きていけるように ikite ikeru you ni may we go on living
Ah 青い青いこの晴天に Ah aoi aoi kono seiten ni Ah may my one wish reach
願い一つ届くように negai hitotsu todoku you ni this blue, blue sky

七転八倒 shichitenbattou Writhing in agony,
傷だらけ食いしばれ kizu-darake kuishibare covered in wounds, grit your teeth
一触即発(いっしょくそくはつ) isshokusokuhatsu In an explosive situation
戦乱をいざ進め senran o iza susume keep the fighting going

愛する誰かの人生の aisuru dareka no jinsei no If I tell it like the life of a loved one
終着点寄り添えるように shuuchakuten yori soeru you ni were about to meet its end,
伝えれば一人じゃない tsutaereba hitori ja nai you won't be alone

迷い迷いこの生命で mayoi mayoi kono seimei de With this bewildering, bewildering life
見たい見たいその大団円 mitai mitai sono daidanen wanting, wanting to see the finale,
弱さを武器に変えろ yowasa o buki ni kaero turn weakness into a weapon
強い強いこの信念が tsuyoi tsuyoi kono shinnen ga Hoping this strong, strong conviction
永久(とわ)永久(とわ)に続けばと towa ni towa ni tsuzukeba to will last forever and ever,
最後に saigo ni in the end
振り返らずに歩けるように furikaerazu ni arukeru you ni may we walk on without turning back,
生きていけるように ikite ikeru you ni may we go on living
Ah 未来未来この晴天が Ah mirai mirai kono seiten ga Ah may this blue sky
いつまでも続くように itsumade mo tsuzuku you ni last forever into the future, the future

狭い狭いこの空で semai semai kono sora de Under this narrow, narrow sky
出会い別れた僕らは deai wakareta bokura wa where we met and parted,
光を失っていた hikari o ushinatte ita we lost the light
願いすがるのは来世? negai sugaru no wa raise? Is the wish we cling to for the next life?
辛い辛いこの現世 tsurai tsurai kono gensei As for this present harsh, harsh world,
戦え tatakae we fight!

黒い黒いこの曇天に kuroi kuroi kono donten ni Cry Cry Even if you shed tears
Cry Cry涙したって Cry Cry namida shitatte in this black, black cloudy weather,
雲間の光掴め kumoma no hikari tsukame grasp the light between the clouds
赤い赤いこの証明が akai akai kono shoumei ga This red, red proof
痛い痛いほど流れ itai itai hodo nagare flows so much it hurts,
最後に saigo ni but in the end
離れないように笑えるように hanarenai you ni waraeru you ni may we stay together, may we get to smile,
生きていけるように ikite ikeru you ni may we go on living
Ah 青い青いこの晴天に Ah aoi aoi kono seiten ni Ah may my one wish reach
願い一つ届くように negai hitotsu todoku you ni this blue, blue sky

青い青いこの晴天に aoi aoi kono seiten ni May my one wish reach
願い一つ届くように negai hitotsu todoku you ni this blue, blue sky

English translation by ElectricRaichu

Notable Derivatives

Hikari Shoumeiron
Guitar cover by Oji
Featuring: CHiCO
Producer(s): Oji (guitar)

External Links

