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Barairo no Yoake 0-9
Song title
Romaji: Barairo no Yoake
English: Rose-Tinted Dawn
Original Upload Date
November 4, 2012
OPA (music)
Asaki No'9 (lyrics)
Sai (illustration)
Anyo-kun (logo)
Niconico Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
偏り過ぎた思い出が 沈めば夜明けが近づく katayorisugita omoide ga shizumeba yoake ga chikazuku When overly biased memories sink, the dawn will approach.
潮目に落とした希望では何にも吊れる気がしない shiome ga otoshita kibou de wa nannimo tsureru ki ga shinai I doubt the hope I dropped in the current rift will help anchor anything.

言い訳ばかりの答弁に疲れた政治家みたいに iiwake bakari no touben ni tsukareta seijika mitai ni Just like a politician weary of replying and excusing,
波の無い海に漂うあなたはまるで難破船 nami no nai umi ni tadayou anata wa maru de nanpasen You drift on the waveless ocean, resembling a shipwreck.

使い古された言葉 愛の歌で近づいて来る tsukaifurusareta kotoba ai no uta de chikazuite kuru My love song delivers those clichéd phrases to me.
乾いた世間の海から私が守ってあげましょう kawaita seken no umi kara watashi ga mamotte agemashou I’ll shield you from the arid sea called society.

あぁ 振り返ればバラ色 夜明けはもう迫り来る aa furikaereba barairo yoake wa mou semarikuru Ah, turn around, and everything’s rose-tinted. The dawn is just around the corner.
でもあなた気付かず嘆き続けるのでしょう demo anata kizukazu nagekitsuzukeru no deshou But you will never notice it, and you’ll keep on grieving, right?
心配無い明けない夜は無いから そう信じよう shinpai nai akenai yoru wa nai kara sou shinjiyou No worries, it’s always darkest before the dawn. Let’s believe so.

世間の罵声を浴びて歩こう 波しぶきみたいに心地良く seken no basei o abite arukou namishibuki mitai ni kokochiyoku Let’s brave the downpour of boos and jeers. Consider it a sea spray that brings you comfort.
時代に乗るのはやめましょうよ 自分を見失う運命だから jidai ni noru no wa yamemashou yo jibun o miushinau unmei dakara Let’s stop reacting to the times. It will make you lose sight of yourself.

誰かのせいにしてるとあなたが小さくなるだけよ dareka no sei ni shiteru to anata ga chiisaku naru dake yo Laying blame at someone’s feet will only make you smaller and smaller.
真っ直ぐ信じた未来は誰にも邪魔はさせないの massugu shinjita mirai wa dare ni mo jama wa sasenai yo I wouldn’t let anyone obstruct the future I believed in so straightforwardly.

そう 振り返ればバラ色 夜明けはもうそこまで sou furikaereba barairo yoake wa mou soko made Yes, turn around, and everything’s rose-tinted. The dawn is right around the corner.
怯えても叫んでみても 待ってくれない obiete mo sakende mite mo matte kurenai Getting scared and crying out won’t slow down its progress.
バラ色の夜明けが本当の始まりなの barairo no yoake ga hontou no hajimari na no The rose-tinted dawn is the true beginning.
諦める事なんかもう諦めなさい akirameru koto nanka mou akiramenasai You might as well give up on giving up now.

バラ色に染まった宇宙との約束と barairo ni somatta uchuu to no yakusoku to Making a promise with the rose-colored universe,
私も立ち入れない場所を あなただけ進み watashi mo tachiirenai basho o anata dake susumi You alone will advance in a place I can’t even enter.
抱いていた夢を解き放て 絶やさず そう永遠に daite ita yume o tokihanate tayasazu sou eien ni Release those dreams you once held. Don’t stop—yes, forever and ever!

揺らめくバラ色の夜明けは 去って行く あぁ霧のように yurameku barairo no yoake wa satte iku aa kiri no you ni Swaying back and forth, the rose-tinted dawn is departing, ah, just like a fog.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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