Song title | |||
"バイオロイド" Romaji: Baioroido Official English: Bioloid | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
May 17, 2012 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Ningen Dokku (music, lyrics)
Konya Monta (illustration) | |||
Views | |||
50,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast | |||
! | ! |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
「ご主人様、おはようございます | "goshujinsama, ohayougozaimasu | “Good morning, Master. |
私はあなたのロボットです | watashi wa anata no robotto desu | I am your robot. |
どんな事でも致しましょう | donna koto de mo itashimashou | I’m here to serve you in any way. |
何でも命令してくださいね」 | nan demo meirei shite kudasai ne" | Please give me any orders you have in mind.” |
一人の少女が言う | hitori no shoujo ga iu | So says a girl, |
虚ろな瞳で僕を見ている | utsuro na hitomi de boku o mite iru | Looking at me with vacant eyes. |
ガラクタに埋もれた部屋の中で | garakuta ni uzumoreta heya no naka de | It’s an automaton that was |
生まれた機械人形が | umareta kikai ningyou ga | Born in a room filled with junk. |
愛情注いでた | aijou sosoideta | I found myself affectionate with it. |
気付いたら僕の心の中は | kizuitara boku no kokoro no naka wa | Before I knew it, my whole heart |
感情持たない少女へと今 | kanjou motanai shoujo e to ima | Was more and more attracted |
動き始めていたから | ugokihajimete it akara | To the emotionless girl. |
壊して捨てちゃって | kowashite sutechatte | I’ll just destroy and throw it away, |
新しいアンドロイドを作ろう | atarashii andoroido o tsukurou | And create a brand-new android. |
次は少年の形にしよう | tsugi wa shounen no katachi ni shiyou | Next time, I’ll make a boy-shaped one. |
失敗作をゴミ箱に放りこむ | shippaisaku o gomibako ni hourikomu | I dump the failure into the trash can. |
少女は悲しげに | shoujo wa kanashige ni | Sorrowfully, the girl |
震える肩押さえながら | furueru kata osaenagara | Holds its trembling shoulders, |
それは生きてるかのように | sore wa ikiteru ka no you ni | And softly murmurs |
優しく呟く | yasashiku tsubuyaku | As if it were alive. |
だから | dakara | You know what, |
毎日毎日毎日毎日あなたに気に入られたくて | mainichi mainichi mainichi mainichi anata ni ki ni iraretakute | Every, every, every single day, I wanted you to like me, |
何度も何度も何度も何度も何度も笑顔を振りまいたんだ | nando mo nando mo nando mo nando mo nando mo egao o furimaitan da | So again, again, again and again, I flashed a smile at you. |
回る回る回る回る回る地球の真ん中で | mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru chikyuu no mannaka de | Round, round, round and round, in the center of the earth turning round, |
強く強く強く強く強く響いている鼓動 | tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku hibiite iru kodou | Thump, thump, thump and thump, my heart strongly throbs. |
拝啓、手紙を書きました | haikei, tegami o kakimashita | Dear Master—I wrote you a letter. |
不自由な指先を動かして | fujiyuu na yubisaki o ugokashite | Moving my clumsy fingers, |
何を書いたらいいのかすらも | nani o kaitara ii no ka sura mo | I try to write, though I don’t even |
わからないまま綴ります | wakaranai mama tsuzurimasu | Know what to write about. |
『愛とはなんですか? | “ai to wa nan desu ka? | “What is love? |
自分の存在とはなんですか? | jibun no sonzai to wa nandesu ka? | What is my existence? |
人間にはなれない私にも | ningen ni wa narenai watashi ni mo | I can never be human, |
未来はあるのでしょうか?』 | mirai wa aru no deshou ka?” | But do I have a future though?” |
動かなくなる | ugokanaku naru | The limited, short |
限りある短い時を | kagiri aru mijikai toki o | Period of time will soon end. |
あなたは離れていく | anata wa hanarete iku | You are leaving me. |
もう覚悟を決めて | mou kakugo o kimete | I’d better prepare myself. |
時間だ | jikan da | It’s time. |
冷たい空気と触れあいながら痺れてく信号研ぎ澄まし | tsumetai kuuki to fureai nagara shibireteku shingou togisumashi | Exposed to the cold air, I strain my signals going numb. |
考え考え考え考え考えても何も浮かばないよ | kangae kangae kangae kangae kangaete mo nani mo ukabanai yo | Think, think, no matter how much I try to think, nothing comes to mind. |
回る回る回る回る回る時計の針を見て | mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru tokei no hari o mite | Round, round, round and round, looking at the clock hands going round, |
ゆっくりゆっくりゆっくりゆっくりゆっくりぼやけていく視界 | yukkuri yukkuri yukkuri yukkuri yukkuri boyakete iku shikai | Slowly, slowly, at a slow speed, my vision is getting blurry. |
「短い間お世話になりました・・・・・・」 | "mijikai aida osewa ni narimashita......" | “It was for a brief time, but thank you so much...” |
静かに止まり掛けていく歯車 また回転速度を加速して | shizuka ni tomari kaketeiku haguruma mata kaiten sokudo o kasoku shite | My gears were silently stopping, but they’re now turning faster and faster. |
君が君が君が君が君が動けるようにと | kimi ga kimi ga kimi ga kimi ga kimi ga ugokeru you ni to | You, you, you, so that you could work again, |
グルグルグルグルグルグルグルグルグルグルネジを回していたんだ | guruguru guruguru guruguru guruguru guruguru neji o mawashite itanda | Squeak, squeak, squeak and creak, I turned the screw. |
回る回る回る回る回る視界の真ん中へ | mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru mawaru shikai no mannaka e | Round, round, round and round, your vision turned around, |
強く強く強く強く君は歩き始めていた | tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku tsuyoku kimi wa arukihajimeteita | Thud, thud, thud and thump, you started walking to the middle of it. |
虚ろな瞳で僕を見ていたんだ | utsuro na hitomi de boku o mite itanda | She was looking at me with vacant eyes. |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
External Links
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source