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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Happy End de Owaranai
Song title
Romaji: Happiiendo de Owaranai
English: It Won't Always End With a Happy End
Original Upload Date
April 22, 2016
Hatsune Miku
Pote (music, lyrics)
Higashi Yusuke (illustration)
Okamoto Mokao (illustration)
20,000+ (NN), 17,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
見慣れた景色は minareta keshiki wa The scenery I've grown so used to seeing
ちょっとハッピーなくらいがいいな chotto happii na kurai ga ii na I'd like for it to be a little happy
衛星軌道上から eisei kidoujou kara Receiving your radio waves
君の電波 受信中 kimi no denpa jushinchuu From above the satellite's orbit
いつだってそうだろう itsu datte sou darou It's always like that, isn't it?
難解なパズルを解くように nankai na pazuru o toku you ni Like solving a hard to understand puzzle
電気メーターは振り切って denki meetaa wa furikitte The electricity meter; shaking it off
朝までは部屋から出ないふり asa made wa heya kara denai furi Pretending not to leave my room till morning

それは 誤字脱字のない sore wa goji datsuji no nai A typo-less perfect way
完璧な生き方でしょ kanpeki na iki kata desho of living, right?
ねぇ 読み飽きた漫画の一コマであったような nee yomiakita manga no hito koma de atta you na Like how it was in the scene in the manga I grew tired of reading

コワセ ハッピーエンドで happiiendo de Within a happy end,
不満そうな顔の君が好き fuman sou na kao no kimi ga suki I like seeing you looking so dissatisfied.
いつだってそうさ ほら itsu datte sou sa hora It's always like that, come on,
セリフぐらい自分で考えて serifu gurai jibun de kangaete At least think about your lines yourself
まだ エンディングはこない mada endingu wa konai The ending still won't come yet;
そのたびに安堵して焦燥感 sono tabi ni ando shite shousoukan Each time it brings me relief, but feelings of impatience too
とりあえず部屋くらい片付けようかな toriaezu heya kurai katazukeyou kana I guess for starters, maybe I'll clean my room at least

転んで起き上がる koronde okiagaru Falling down and getting back up,
その繰返しの意味を探して sono kurikaeshi no imi o sagashite Searching for the meaning in that repetition
思考回路は固まり shikoukairo wa katamari My train of thought a lump
ネットで調べ かんにんぐ netto de shirabe kanningu Searching it up on the net
奇をてらうバカ話 ki o terau baka hanashi Even with an eccentric and stupid story,
そーゆー私はバカじゃないし sooyuu watashi wa baka ja nai shi I'm not an idiot or anything
立て付けの悪い窓を開け tatetsuke no warui mado o ake Opening a poorly fitted window,
雨に濡れた服を乾かした ame ni nureta fuku o kawakashita I dried my clothes wet by the rain

ずっと 綺麗ごとだけじゃ zutto kireigoto dake ja In a word where one can't solve everything
片付かない世の中で katazukanai yononaka de just with pretty things
ねえ ホコリにまみれて nee hokori ni mamirete Hey, I'm covered in dust,
ヘタクソに笑っている hetakuso ni waratte iru clumsily smiling

マワレ ハッピーエンドと happiiendo to I love you,
同じくらい君のことが好き onaji kurai kimi no koto ga suki just as much as a happy end
今だってそうさ ほら ima datte sou sa hora It's like that even now, come on,
三文芝居はもうやめにして sammon shibai wa mou yame ni shite put and end to the cheap play already
まだ 何て言ったて mada nante ittate Still, whatever I say,
大人になれない子供のままさ otona ni narenai kodomo no mama sa I'm still a child, unable to grow up
考えすぎちゃうから眠れないのかな kangaesugichau kara nemurenai no kana Maybe I'm overthinking this? Maybe that's why I can't sleep

ああ 運命なんて物に aa unmei nante mono ni Ah, I'd been lead around
振り回されていたなんてさ furimawasarete ita nante sa By something fate-like, I guess...

あのね 明日になったって ano ne ashita ni natta tte Hey, even tomorrow
同じくらい君と笑っていたい onaji kurai kimi to waratte itai I'd still want to laugh with you just as much
今だってそうさ ほら ima datte sou sa hora It's like that even now, look,
再起動プログラム働いて saikidou puroguramu hataraite the restart program's working
まだ 何て言ったって mada nante ittatte Because, after all, whatever I say,
大人になれない子供だからさ otona ni narenai kodomo dakara sa I'm still a child, unable to grow up
これで終わりだなんて kore de owari da nante I won't be made to say
言わせないのだ iwasenai no da This is where it ends!

やがて ハッピーエンドで yagate happiiendo de Soon, withing the happy end,
どこか嬉しそうな君が好き doko ka ureshi sou na kimi ga suki I like seeing you a little, looking somewhere a little happy
いつだってそうさ ほら itsu datte sou sa hora It's always like that, come on,
恥ずかしがらずにこっち向いて hazukashi garazu ni kotchi muite Without being so embarrassed turn this way
まだ エンディングは来ない mada endingu wa konai The ending still won't come yet;
そのたびに安堵して焦燥感 sono tabi ni ando shite shousoukan Each time it brings me relief, but feelings of impatience too
とりあえず一休み toriaezu hitoyasumi For starters, I'll take a rest;
テレビでも見ようかな terebi demo miyou kana maybe watch some TV...

English translation by Forgetfulsubs


This song was featured on the following albums:

  • Qで止まる

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