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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Beginning's Goodbye
Song title
Romaji: Hajimari no Sayonara
English: Beginning's Goodbye
Original Upload Date
September 21, 2013
Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
Gom (music, lyrics)
Shito (music, lyrics)
Kaizoku Ou (guitar)
Yamako (illustration., video)
510,000+ (NN), 3,700,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
「好きな人はできた?」なんて もう関係ないじゃない "suki na hito wa dekita?" nante mou kankeinai janai "Do you have someone you like?" As if... It's no longer any business of mine, right?
急に気になって打った質問状はその5秒後に破いた kyuu ni ki ni natte utta shitsumonjou wa sono go byougo ni Suddenly getting intrigued and typing that, five seconds later I wanted to smash my phone to pieces

めまぐるしい日々 yabuita memagurushii hibi These hectic and crazy days

(ススメ) 毎日ちょっと背伸びをして (susume) mainichi chotto senobi o shite (Keep going forward...) Always pushing myself just a little too much
(トマレ) でもちょっと甘えたくて (tomare) demo chotto amaetakute (I should stop this...) But I'd rather act a bit spoiled...
(スグニ) ダメなのに浮かぶのはなんなの? (sugu ni) dame na noni ukabu no wa nan nano? (Suddenly,) Even though it's hopeless, what is this that comes to mind?

キライ キライ キライ 分かってる kirai kirai kirai wakatteru Dislike, dislike, dislike...something I know well
ミライ ミライ フタリ 探してる mirai mirai futari sagashiteru Searching for a future for the two of us
言えないね 強がる癖 変わんないみたい ienai ne tsuyogaru kuse kawannai mitai That habit of acting tough...I just can't say it, can I? Looks like nothing is gonna change...
Torn メロディが溢れてる 同じ歌 Torn, merodi ga afureteru onaji uta A melody spills forth, that same old song
Time 同じ時間(とき) 数えすぎたね Time, onaji toki kazoe sugita ne Having recounted those same moments far too much
忘れるのは 難しいよ wasureru no wa muzukashii yo Forgetting is so hard
キミの音が 溢れたみたい kimi no oto ga afureta mitai That sound of you seems to have come flooding back once more

二人で観た映画とか 二人で食べたパンケーキ futari de mita eiga toka futari de tabeta pankeeki The movies we saw together, the pancakes we shared,
そんな何気ないことが 胸の風船にチクチクと刺さった sonna nanigenai koto ga mune no fuusen ni chikuchiku to sasatta Those carefree memories poked and poked at the balloon that is my heart

曇りのち涙 kumori nochi namida Cloudy with a strong chance of tears...

(ヒラケ) 濡れないように傘をさして (hirake) nurenai you ni kasa o sashite (Open it up...) I take out an umbrella to try and not get wet
(トナリ) でも半分空いてたりして (tonari) demo hanbun aite tarishite (You're right near by...) but it's still half-empty
(イマハ) 一人分でいいのになんなの! (ima wa) hitori bun de ii noni nan nano! (Right now,) Though I was fine being on my own...what the heck!?

キライ キライ キライ 嘘吐き kirai kirai kirai usotsuki Dislike, dislike, dislike...the lies come out
ミライ ミライ フタリ 歩いてく mirai mirai futari aruiteku The two of us are walking into the future
お揃いの思い出が照らす 別々の道 osoroi no omoide ga terasu betsubetsu no michi Those identical memories shine down along our separate paths
Torn リズム刻んでく 同じ歌 Torn, rizumu kizandeku onaji uta The rhythm marks the time, that same old song
Time 同じ時間(とき) 笑っていたね Time, onaji toki waratte ita ne We were laughing together weren't we?
覚えているよ 覚えてたいよ oboete iru yo oboetetai yo I still remember it, I want to keep remembering!
・・・フラれたみたいじゃない ...furareta mitai janai ...It looks like I've been rejected, doesn't it?

(キライ キライ キライ・・・) 別々の道を (kirai kirai kirai...) betsubetsu no michi o (Dislike, dislike, dislike...) These separate paths of ours,
(ミライ ミライ フタリ・・・) 進むけど (mirai mirai futari...) susumu kedo (That future of ours...) Though we continue down them,
いつかまた会えるよ itsuka mata aeru yo Someday we'll surely meet again!
ずっとキミを想ってる zutto kimi o omotteru I'll always be thinking of you

キライ スキ キライ 分かってる kirai suki kirai wakatteru Dislike, Like, Dislike...I understand
ミライ ミライ フタリ 探してる mirai mirai futari sagashiteru Searching for a future for the two of us...
見えないね 泣キ虫には・・・ 変われたみたい mienai ne nakimushi ni wa... kawareta mitai It can't be seen, can it? It looks like the one who's the crybaby has changed, huh?
Torn メロディが溢れてる 同じ歌 Torn, merodi ga afureteru onaji uta A melody spills forth, that same old song
Time 同じ時間(とき) 数えすぎたね Time, onaji toki kazoe sugita ne Having recounted those same moments far too much
忘れるのは 難しいよ wasureru no wa muzukashii yo Forgetting is so hard
キミの音が 溢れたみたい kimi no oto ga afureta mitai That sound of you seems to have come flooding back once more

English translation by descentsubs


This song was featured on the following album:

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