Song title | |||
"ハジマリノイロリターナー" Romaji: Hajimari no Iro Ritānā English: Returner of the Beginning's Colors | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
December 27, 2014 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
220,000+ (NN), 29,000+ (YT), 3,300+ (BB) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
! | ! |
Singer | Kagamine Rin | Kagamine Len | both |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
始まりの色を見ていた | hajimari no iro o mite ita | I was looking at the colours of the beginning. |
「ココロ」の全てのはずなのに | "kokoro" no subete no hazu na no ni | I expected them to be everything in my "heart", |
不思議ね怖くない | fushigi ne kowaku nai | yet, it's strange, I'm not scared. |
大切な「キモチ」はいつだって | taisetsu na "kimochi" wa itsu datte | 'Coz "feelings" that are important, always, |
草臥れたブリキのオモチャみたいに | kutabireta buriki no omocha mitai ni | like a worn out tin toy, |
ガチャガチャと? | gacha gacha to? | clankety clank? |
音と思い出を残すからさ | oto to omoide o nokosu kara sa | leave behind sounds and memories. |
そちら側に忘れ物は? | sochira kawa ni wasuremono wa? | Did you forget something over your way? |
ないわ | nai wa | Nothing. |
笑って笑ってお別れするだけ | waratte waratte owakare suru dake | We just smile and go our separate ways. |
さよなら おやすみ 夕暮れの色オクサイドレッド | sayonara oyasumi yūgure no iro okusaido reddo | Farewell, good night. The evening's colour is oxide red. |
さよなら おやすみ 海の色ブロイスィッシュブラウ | sayonara oyasumi umi no iro buroisuisshu burau | Farewell, good night. The sea's colour is Prussian blue. |
おはよう おかえり 絡まる蔦の色プラスヴァンドーム | ohayō okaeri karamaru tsuta no iro purasu vandoomu | Good morning, welcome home. The colour of intertwining vines is Plus Vendome. |
涙は隠して虹色の地平線に | namida wa kakushite nijiiro no chiheisen ni | Hide your tears at the rainbow-coloured horizon. |
曲がるその隅っこで | magaru sono sumikko de | At that nook where you turn. |
始まりの色を見ていた | hajimari no iro o mite ita | I was looking at the colours of the beginning. |
世界の全てがそこにあって | sekai no subete ga soko ni atte | Everything in the whole world was there. |
「あれはなあに?」 | "are wa nāni?" | "What's thaaat?" |
旅行者みたいに 浮ついた 私をおいて | ryokōsha mitai ni uwatsuita watashi o oite | Seeming to be a traveller, it leaves the restless me, |
兎の「イマ」は 駆けてく | usagi no "ima" wa kaketeku | and the rabbit's "now" dashes onward |
ひしゃげたレンズの向こうへ | hishageta renzu no mukō e | beyond the crushed lens. |
さよなら おやすみ 歳経るラブレターのアズティックブラウン | sayonara oyasumi Toshi heru love letter no azutikku buraun | Farewell, good night. The Aztec brown of a love letter with the passing of years. |
「忘れないから」 | "wasurenai kara" | "Because I won't forget." |
さよなら おやすみ 星降る夜はオリオンピンク | sayonara oyasumi hoshi furu yoru wa orion pinku | Farewell, good night. The night when a star falls is Orion pink. |
さよなら 今日は おやすみ 明日も 旗振る 少年のフォーゲット・ミー・ノット | sayonara kyō wa oyasumi ashita mo hata furu shōnen no foogetto mii notto | Farewell today good night tomorrow too. The forget-me-not from a boy who waves a flag. |
ありがとう ありがとう おやすみ | arigatō arigatō oyasumi | Thank you, thank you. Good night. |
それはグラデーション | sore wa guradeeshon | That's a gradation. |
託され生まれ託し還る | takusare umare takushi kaeru | It's entrusted it's born I entrust it I return (or it returns). |
人生や夢みたいだね | jinsei ya yume mitai da ne | It's like life and dreams, yeah? |
独りきりで往く【勇気】が | hitorikiri de iku «yūki» ga | The «courage» to go all alone is |
オルゴールと愛とトランペットと価値で | orugōru to ai to toranpetto to kachi de | a music box and love and a trumpet and value. |
【生命】を天使みたいにお祝いするから | «inochi» o tenshi mitai ni oiwai suru kara | We celebrate «life» like angels, |
今だけは 泣かないで | ima dake wa nakanai de | so at least for now don't cry. |
呼ぼうよこの色は「終わり」じゃなくて | yobō yo kono iro wa "owari" ja nakute | I'll call this colour—it's not "the end"— |
「ハジマリ」と―― | "hajimari" to … | "the beginning" … |
English translation by ElectricRaichu
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Len's Lyrics - Translation
- Niconico Blog
- VocaDB
- UtaiteDB