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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Hajimari no Iro Returner
Song title
Romaji: Hajimari no Iro Ritānā
English: Returner of the Beginning's Colors
Original Upload Date
December 27, 2014
Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
220,000+ (NN), 29,000+ (YT), 3,300+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Singer Kagamine Rin Kagamine Len both
Japanese Romaji English
始まりの色を見ていた hajimari no iro o mite ita I was looking at the colours of the beginning.
「ココロ」の全てのはずなのに "kokoro" no subete no hazu na no ni I expected them to be everything in my "heart",
不思議ね怖くない fushigi ne kowaku nai yet, it's strange, I'm not scared.

大切な「キモチ」はいつだって taisetsu na "kimochi" wa itsu datte 'Coz "feelings" that are important, always,
草臥れたブリキのオモチャみたいに kutabireta buriki no omocha mitai ni like a worn out tin toy,
ガチャガチャと? gacha gacha to? clankety clank?
音と思い出を残すからさ oto to omoide o nokosu kara sa leave behind sounds and memories.

そちら側に忘れ物は? sochira kawa ni wasuremono wa? Did you forget something over your way?
ないわ nai wa Nothing.

笑って笑ってお別れするだけ waratte waratte owakare suru dake We just smile and go our separate ways.

さよなら おやすみ 夕暮れの色オクサイドレッド sayonara oyasumi yūgure no iro okusaido reddo Farewell, good night. The evening's colour is oxide red.
さよなら おやすみ 海の色ブロイスィッシュブラウ sayonara oyasumi umi no iro buroisuisshu burau Farewell, good night. The sea's colour is Prussian blue.
おはよう おかえり 絡まる蔦の色プラスヴァンドーム ohayō okaeri karamaru tsuta no iro purasu vandoomu Good morning, welcome home. The colour of intertwining vines is Plus Vendome.
涙は隠して虹色の地平線に namida wa kakushite nijiiro no chiheisen ni Hide your tears at the rainbow-coloured horizon.

曲がるその隅っこで magaru sono sumikko de At that nook where you turn.

始まりの色を見ていた hajimari no iro o mite ita I was looking at the colours of the beginning.
世界の全てがそこにあって sekai no subete ga soko ni atte Everything in the whole world was there.
「あれはなあに?」 "are wa nāni?" "What's thaaat?"
旅行者みたいに 浮ついた 私をおいて ryokōsha mitai ni uwatsuita watashi o oite Seeming to be a traveller, it leaves the restless me,
兎の「イマ」は 駆けてく usagi no "ima" wa kaketeku and the rabbit's "now" dashes onward
ひしゃげたレンズの向こうへ hishageta renzu no mukō e beyond the crushed lens.

さよなら おやすみ 歳経るラブレターのアズティックブラウン sayonara oyasumi Toshi heru love letter no azutikku buraun Farewell, good night. The Aztec brown of a love letter with the passing of years.
「忘れないから」 "wasurenai kara" "Because I won't forget."
さよなら おやすみ 星降る夜はオリオンピンク sayonara oyasumi hoshi furu yoru wa orion pinku Farewell, good night. The night when a star falls is Orion pink.
さよなら 今日は おやすみ 明日も 旗振る 少年のフォーゲット・ミー・ノット sayonara kyō wa oyasumi ashita mo hata furu shōnen no foogetto mii notto Farewell today good night tomorrow too. The forget-me-not from a boy who waves a flag.
ありがとう ありがとう おやすみ arigatō arigatō oyasumi Thank you, thank you. Good night.

それはグラデーション sore wa guradeeshon That's a gradation.
託され生まれ託し還る takusare umare takushi kaeru It's entrusted it's born I entrust it I return (or it returns).
人生やみたいだね jinsei ya yume mitai da ne It's like life and dreams, yeah?

独りきりで往く【勇気】が hitorikiri de iku «yūki» ga The «courage» to go all alone is
オルゴールと愛とトランペットと価値で orugōru to ai to toranpetto to kachi de a music box and love and a trumpet and value.
【生命】を天使みたいにお祝いするから «inochi» o tenshi mitai ni oiwai suru kara We celebrate «life» like angels,
今だけは 泣かないで ima dake wa nakanai de so at least for now don't cry.

呼ぼうよこの色は「終わり」じゃなくて yobō yo kono iro wa "owari" ja nakute I'll call this colour—it's not "the end"—
「ハジマリ」と―― "hajimari" to … "the beginning" …

English translation by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following album:

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