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Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick Disappearing Genius
Song title
Romaji: Haipaa Goa Musasabi Sutikku Disapiari Jiinyasu
English: Hyper Gore Flying Squirrel Stick Disappear-y Genyas
Original Upload Date
May 2, 2016
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Lunachu (guitar)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
870,000+ (NN), 1,000,000+ (YT), 8,300+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
(ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス) (haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu) Hyper Gore Flying Squirrel Stick disappear-y genyas[1]
(ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリ大・天・才) (haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari daitensai) Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y GREAT・GEN・IUS

どうもようこそ呼んでもないが doumo youkoso yonde mo nai ga Hello! Welcome! I didn’t call you or anything but…
我が才能を称える会へ waga sainou o tataeru kai e Welcome to the assembly for giving praise to my talents!
おっと喋るなこのラボの otto shaberu na kono rabo no Uh oh, no, don’t you say a word!
知能指数が駄々下がるから chinoushisuu ga dada sagaru kara The IQ in here (in this lab) will just plummet

よく聞け いや見ろ この機械(マキナ) yoku kike iya miro kono makina Now listen closely! No… Watch! This machine (Machina)
不幸を切り裂く新機軸 fukou o kirisaku shinkijiku It’s my innovation in cleaving off sadness!
本日のワタクシ 大・回・転 Let s get on! honjitsu no watakushi daikaiten Let s get on! Me today-- the great slalom LET’S GET ON

自摸(ツモ)二筒二筒五萬五萬五萬白白白發(リャンピンウーワンハクハツチュン) tsumo ryanpin uuwan haku hatsu chun [2]Winning on a self-drawn tile; Two dots, five cracks, white dragon, green dragon, red dragon
『大・三・元! 大・三・元!』 "daisangen! daisangen!" “IT’S THE BIG THREE DRAGONS! THE BIG THREE DRAGONS!”
えーそうそう大体それくらい ee sou sou daitai sore kurai Hmm, yes. Indeed. That’s the gist of it.
『大・雑・把? 大・雑・把?』 "oozappa? oozappa?" “ROUGH? ROUGH?”
× 3.14159.... kakeru san ten ichi yon ichi go kyuu.... X 3.14159…
『大・団・円! 大・団・円!』 "daidanen! daidanen!" “THE FINALE! THE FINALE!”
Shut up! なんてこった 失敗作だが大発見! Shut up! nante kotta shippaisaku da ga daihakken! Shut up! My god, it was a complete failure, but I think I’ve made a breakthrough!

どうやっても重過ぎる 魂は3/4オンス dou yatte mo omosugiru tamashii wa shibunnosan onsu Regardless of what one does, it’s just far too heavy! A soul weighs ¾ ounces
1パーセントのひらめきは そうアイソトープ・グリードホープ・シンドローム…… ichipaasento no hirameki wa sou aisotoopu guriidohoopu shindoroomu…… The one percent of inspiration is yes, isotope greedhope syndrome…

(ヤダ……わかんない)(もう……わかんない) (yada…… wakannai) (mou…… wakannai) (Oh no… you don’t understand?) (you don’t understand anymore?)

OK! ハイここで喝・采! OK! hai koko de kassai! OK! Here’s where you CHEER

ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas
単純 De 明快 N/A 六合一和のミステリーを tanjun De meikai N/A rokugouichi wa no misuterii o So very simply + clearly he {solves}, the cosmos most harmonious mysteries[3]
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas
美しく解き明かす 吠形吠声(はいけいはいせい)その名を呼べ utsukushiku tokiakasu haikeihaisei sono na o yobe So beautifully he expels doubts; When he barks the whole pack goes off[4], call his name
ノン・ノン・ノン・ノン! Not 『ジーニアス?』 but 『ジーニャス!』 non non non non! Not "jiiniasu?" but "jiinyasu!" NON NON NON NON! It’s not ””Genius”” but... “GENYAS!”

どうも失敬 まだいたとはな doumo shikkei mada ita to wa na Oh, pardon me… didn’t realize you were still here.
しかし喋るな 理由は省略 shikashi shaberu na riyuu wa shouryaku But no, don’t speak, I’ll omit the reason this time.
(何……)何 故 ? (na….) na ze? (Wh….) W H Y ?
もしかすると幻覚(デジャブ)か何かか? 一分前は moshika suruto dejabu ka nanika ka? ippun mae wa My, perhaps… {was} that a hallucination (deja vu) or something like a minute ago?

Aves caput(アヴェスキャプト)!(=鳥頭)鸟类头(ニャオレイトウ)(=鳥頭) 鳥頭め avesu kyaputo! nyaoreitou tori atamame Aves caput ! Niǎo lèi tóu ! ... You bird brain

貴様が探していたものは? kisama ga sagashite ita mono wa? Now what was it you were searching for again?
(大切……なもの) (taisetsu…… na mono) (something… important)
ではそいつの正体分かるなら? de wa soitsu no shoutai wakaru nara? Well, what if you were able to ascertain the true form of that thing?
『もう最高! もう最高!』 "mou saikou! mou saikou!" “God, {he’s} the best! {He’s} the best!”
それが可能なすっごいドクターは? sore ga kanou na suggoi dokutaa wa? And the amaaaazing doctor who can do that is…
『そうファンクビート! ファンクビート!』 "sou fankubiito! fankubiito!" “Yes! Funk Beat! Funk Beat!”
Na Na Na...そのとおり Na Na Na... sono toori Na na na~ Precisely !

夢かまたは現実か 答えはもう逍遥遊(しょうようゆう) yume ka mata wa genjitsu ka kotae wa mou shouyouyuu Are we dreaming, or within reality? The answer’s already gone [5]divigating away
実験結果が示すには jikken kekka ga shimesu ni wa Within showing the experimental results… it seems the world will be locked
どうやら世界はロックされる こう思うたび…… douyara sekai wa rokku sareru kou omou tabi…… Every time I think this way...
『全部欲しい 全部頂戴 もう一切合切叶えて天才』 "zenbu hoshii zenbu choudai mou issaigassai kanaete tensai" 『I want it all, give me it all. Ah, just grant {me} everything and anything-- GENIUS』

ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas
亜空間? 世界線? 無意味 作麼生(そもさん)説破(せっぱ)の問答だ akuukan? sekaisen? muimi somosan seppa no mondou da Hyperspace? World line? Meaningless! {Just} somosan seppa like questions and answers.[6]
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas
とりあえず乗りたまえ 絶対安心 規格品? toriaezu nori tamae zettai anshin kikakuhin? Well, for starters, climb aboard, would you? {I ensure} absolute peace of mind… a standardized article?
ノン・ノン・ノン・ノン! ではびっくりどっきりアトラクションタイム! non non non non! de wa bikkuridokkiri atorakushon taimu! NON NON NON NON! Well then, it’s time for our surprising, shocking attraction!

思う通りに生きるがいい omoudoori ni ikiru ga ii ...You should just live, the way you think you should--
幸福(しあわせ)との間に矛盾などはない shiawase to no ma ni mujun nado wa nai There are no contradictions while amidst happiness.
信条規則(ルール)・魂まで ai kane shinjou ruuru tamashii made Love, Cash, Belief, Rules, even Souls
スペクトルに変えて自ら世界を描け supekutoru ni kaete mizukara sekai o egake Change them all into a spectrum, and paint the world for yourself !!!

ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas
さあ逝って 余さず 真実確かめたまえよ鉛姫(ダムゼル) saa itte amasazu shinjitsu tashikameta mae yo damuzeru Now, pass on, and leave not a trace,
親切など世迷い言をまだ言うか では何故(なんで)かって? shinsetsu nado yomaigoto o mada iu ka de wa nande ka tte? Ascertain the truth for yourself, dear Lead Princess (Damsel) “Kind?” are you still talking such nonsense? “Then why?” you ask?
さも悲劇ぶってるその(すか)した(ツラ)が気に喰わないからだ samo higeki butteru sono sukashita tsura ga ki ni kuwanai kara da Because I simply can’t stomach that coaxing face of yours acting like a tragic {heroine} of couuuuurse

(ジーニャス&ジーニアス) (jiinyasu jiiniasu) (Genyas and genius)
(ジーニャス&ジーニアス) (jiinyasu jiiniasu) (Genyas and genius)

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. He spells genius wrong in the Japanese, (See: ジーニアス✓ vs ジーニャスx) the misspelt -- genius has “nya” it, hence “geNYAs” (it’s… quite a bit smoother in Japanese) this also happens to be the name of Funk Beat's *flying squirrel* pet/hand puppet.
  2. The mahjong line shows a winning hand,
    I used these: http://mahjong.wikidot.com/equipment:american-mahjong-set http://mahjong.wikidot.com/big-three-dragons+mahjong+guides and simplified things by using the American tile names
  3. Referenced from here : https://kotobank.jp/word/一和-1054849
  4. “So beautifully he expels doubts; When he barks the whole pack goes off” Literally “his [haikeihaisei] that beautifully expels doubts” 吠形吠声 (はいけいはいせい / haikeihaisei) is an obscure expression meaning “when one person says something unbelievable the people around them will conform and start spreading it around as though it’s the truth” or in its more expression-y form “when one dog barks the dogs around them will also start barking” (referenced from here: http://yoji.jitenon.jp/yojij/4829.html)
  5. Referenced from here : https://kotobank.jp/word/《逍遥遊》-1340571
  6. Somosan seppa, is a kind of call used for zen questions and answers, it’s also the name of a game show, which touts not testing your general knowledge but logical thinking and creativity. https://www.italki.com/entry/338556?hl=de+/ http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/153097884926/i-got-interested+ / http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_13_04.html http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_13_04.html


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