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Song title | |||
"ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス" Romaji: Haipaa Goa Musasabi Sutikku Disapiari Jiinyasu English: Hyper Gore Flying Squirrel Stick Disappear-y Genyas | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
May 2, 2016 | |||
Singer | |||
KAITO | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
870,000+ (NN), 1,000,000+ (YT), 8,300+ (BB) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast | |||
From the Namari Hime series. |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
(ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス) | (haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu) | Hyper Gore Flying Squirrel Stick disappear-y genyas[1] |
(ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリ大・天・才) | (haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari daitensai) | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y GREAT・GEN・IUS |
どうもようこそ呼んでもないが | doumo youkoso yonde mo nai ga | Hello! Welcome! I didn’t call you or anything but… |
我が才能を称える会へ | waga sainou o tataeru kai e | Welcome to the assembly for giving praise to my talents! |
おっと喋るなこのラボの | otto shaberu na kono rabo no | Uh oh, no, don’t you say a word! |
知能指数が駄々下がるから | chinoushisuu ga dada sagaru kara | The IQ in here (in this lab) will just plummet |
よく聞け いや見ろ この |
yoku kike iya miro kono makina | Now listen closely! No… Watch! This machine (Machina) |
不幸を切り裂く新機軸 | fukou o kirisaku shinkijiku | It’s my innovation in cleaving off sadness! |
本日のワタクシ 大・回・転 Let s get on! | honjitsu no watakushi daikaiten Let s get on! | Me today-- the great slalom LET’S GET ON |
tsumo ryanpin uuwan haku hatsu chun | [2]Winning on a self-drawn tile; Two dots, five cracks, white dragon, green dragon, red dragon | |
『大・三・元! 大・三・元!』 | "daisangen! daisangen!" | “IT’S THE BIG THREE DRAGONS! THE BIG THREE DRAGONS!” |
えーそうそう大体それくらい | ee sou sou daitai sore kurai | Hmm, yes. Indeed. That’s the gist of it. |
『大・雑・把? 大・雑・把?』 | "oozappa? oozappa?" | “ROUGH? ROUGH?” |
× 3.14159.... | kakeru san ten ichi yon ichi go kyuu.... | X 3.14159… |
『大・団・円! 大・団・円!』 | "daidanen! daidanen!" | “THE FINALE! THE FINALE!” |
Shut up! なんてこった 失敗作だが大発見! | Shut up! nante kotta shippaisaku da ga daihakken! | Shut up! My god, it was a complete failure, but I think I’ve made a breakthrough! |
どうやっても重過ぎる 魂は3/4オンス | dou yatte mo omosugiru tamashii wa shibunnosan onsu | Regardless of what one does, it’s just far too heavy! A soul weighs ¾ ounces |
1パーセントのひらめきは そうアイソトープ・グリードホープ・シンドローム…… | ichipaasento no hirameki wa sou aisotoopu guriidohoopu shindoroomu…… | The one percent of inspiration is yes, isotope greedhope syndrome… |
(ヤダ……わかんない)(もう……わかんない) | (yada…… wakannai) (mou…… wakannai) | (Oh no… you don’t understand?) (you don’t understand anymore?) |
OK! ハイここで喝・采! | OK! hai koko de kassai! | OK! Here’s where you CHEER |
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス | haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas |
単純 De 明快 N/A 六合一和のミステリーを | tanjun De meikai N/A rokugouichi wa no misuterii o | So very simply + clearly he {solves}, the cosmos most harmonious mysteries[3]… |
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス | haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas |
美しく解き明かす |
utsukushiku tokiakasu haikeihaisei sono na o yobe | So beautifully he expels doubts; When he barks the whole pack goes off[4], call his name |
ノン・ノン・ノン・ノン! Not 『ジーニアス?』 but 『ジーニャス!』 | non non non non! Not "jiiniasu?" but "jiinyasu!" | NON NON NON NON! It’s not ””Genius”” but... “GENYAS!” |
どうも失敬 まだいたとはな | doumo shikkei mada ita to wa na | Oh, pardon me… didn’t realize you were still here. |
しかし喋るな 理由は省略 | shikashi shaberu na riyuu wa shouryaku | But no, don’t speak, I’ll omit the reason this time. |
(何……)何 故 ? | (na….) na ze? | (Wh….) W H Y ? |
もしかすると |
moshika suruto dejabu ka nanika ka? ippun mae wa | My, perhaps… {was} that a hallucination (deja vu) or something like a minute ago? |
avesu kyaputo! nyaoreitou tori atamame | Aves caput ! Niǎo lèi tóu ! ... You bird brain | |
貴様が探していたものは? | kisama ga sagashite ita mono wa? | Now what was it you were searching for again? |
(大切……なもの) | (taisetsu…… na mono) | (something… important) |
ではそいつの正体分かるなら? | de wa soitsu no shoutai wakaru nara? | Well, what if you were able to ascertain the true form of that thing? |
『もう最高! もう最高!』 | "mou saikou! mou saikou!" | “God, {he’s} the best! {He’s} the best!” |
それが可能なすっごいドクターは? | sore ga kanou na suggoi dokutaa wa? | And the amaaaazing doctor who can do that is… |
『そうファンクビート! ファンクビート!』 | "sou fankubiito! fankubiito!" | “Yes! Funk Beat! Funk Beat!” |
Na Na Na...そのとおり | Na Na Na... sono toori | Na na na~ Precisely ! |
夢かまたは現実か 答えはもう |
yume ka mata wa genjitsu ka kotae wa mou shouyouyuu | Are we dreaming, or within reality? The answer’s already gone [5]divigating away |
実験結果が示すには | jikken kekka ga shimesu ni wa | Within showing the experimental results… it seems the world will be locked |
どうやら世界はロックされる こう思うたび…… | douyara sekai wa rokku sareru kou omou tabi…… | Every time I think this way... |
『全部欲しい 全部頂戴 もう一切合切叶えて天才』 | "zenbu hoshii zenbu choudai mou issaigassai kanaete tensai" | 『I want it all, give me it all. Ah, just grant {me} everything and anything-- GENIUS』 |
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス | haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas |
亜空間? 世界線? 無意味 |
akuukan? sekaisen? muimi somosan seppa no mondou da | Hyperspace? World line? Meaningless! {Just} somosan seppa like questions and answers.[6] |
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス | haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas |
とりあえず乗りたまえ 絶対安心 規格品? | toriaezu nori tamae zettai anshin kikakuhin? | Well, for starters, climb aboard, would you? {I ensure} absolute peace of mind… a standardized article? |
ノン・ノン・ノン・ノン! ではびっくりどっきりアトラクションタイム! | non non non non! de wa bikkuridokkiri atorakushon taimu! | NON NON NON NON! Well then, it’s time for our surprising, shocking attraction! |
思う通りに生きるがいい | omoudoori ni ikiru ga ii | ...You should just live, the way you think you should-- |
shiawase to no ma ni mujun nado wa nai | There are no contradictions while amidst happiness. | |
愛・金・信条・ |
ai kane shinjou ruuru tamashii made | Love, Cash, Belief, Rules, even Souls |
スペクトルに変えて自ら世界を描け | supekutoru ni kaete mizukara sekai o egake | Change them all into a spectrum, and paint the world for yourself !!! |
ハイパーゴアムササビスティックディサピアリジーニャス | haipaa goa musasabi sutikku disapiari jiinyasu | Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick disappear-y genyas |
さあ逝って 余さず 真実確かめたまえよ |
saa itte amasazu shinjitsu tashikameta mae yo damuzeru | Now, pass on, and leave not a trace, |
親切など世迷い言をまだ言うか では |
shinsetsu nado yomaigoto o mada iu ka de wa nande ka tte? | Ascertain the truth for yourself, dear Lead Princess (Damsel) “Kind?” are you still talking such nonsense? “Then why?” you ask? |
さも悲劇ぶってるその |
samo higeki butteru sono sukashita tsura ga ki ni kuwanai kara da | Because I simply can’t stomach that coaxing face of yours acting like a tragic {heroine} of couuuuurse |
(ジーニャス&ジーニアス) | (jiinyasu jiiniasu) | (Genyas and genius) |
(ジーニャス&ジーニアス) | (jiinyasu jiiniasu) | (Genyas and genius) |
English translation by Forgetfulsubs
Translation Notes
- ↑ He spells genius wrong in the Japanese, (See: ジーニアス✓ vs ジーニャスx) the misspelt -- genius has “nya” it, hence “geNYAs” (it’s… quite a bit smoother in Japanese) this also happens to be the name of Funk Beat's *flying squirrel* pet/hand puppet.
- ↑ The mahjong line shows a winning hand,
I used these: http://mahjong.wikidot.com/equipment:american-mahjong-set http://mahjong.wikidot.com/big-three-dragons+mahjong+guides and simplified things by using the American tile names - ↑ Referenced from here : https://kotobank.jp/word/一和-1054849
- ↑ “So beautifully he expels doubts; When he barks the whole pack goes off” Literally “his [haikeihaisei] that beautifully expels doubts” 吠形吠声 (はいけいはいせい / haikeihaisei) is an obscure expression meaning “when one person says something unbelievable the people around them will conform and start spreading it around as though it’s the truth” or in its more expression-y form “when one dog barks the dogs around them will also start barking” (referenced from here: http://yoji.jitenon.jp/yojij/4829.html)
- ↑ Referenced from here : https://kotobank.jp/word/《逍遥遊》-1340571
- ↑ Somosan seppa, is a kind of call used for zen questions and answers, it’s also the name of a game show, which touts not testing your general knowledge but logical thinking and creativity. https://www.italki.com/entry/338556?hl=de+/ http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/153097884926/i-got-interested+ / http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_13_04.html http://www.fujitv.co.jp/en/v_13_04.html
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- Pixiv - Illustration
- KarenT - Single Purchase
- Blomaga
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- VocaDB