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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Noel de Figaro
Song title
Romaji: Noeru de Figaro
English: Noel de Figaro
Original Upload Date
May 15, 2019
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
34,000+ (NN), 130,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
さぁ可愛い唇を閉じて 美しい髪を saa kawaii kuchibiru o tojite utsukushii kami o Now, close your sweet lips and let down your beautiful hair.
売らんかな俗媚びたその声と本性で汚す前に uran kana zoku kobita sono koe to honshou de kegasu mae ni It must be sold before it’s corrupted by your vulgar flattery and true nature.

どうぞこの席へ douzo kono seki e Welcome. Take this seat, please.
本日はフィガロへようこそ honjitsu wa figaro e youkoso Today, I welcome you to Figaro.

"切れ者"の我が友と "kiremono" no waga tomo to I welcome you before my “sharp” friend
"知りたがり"の前にお迎え "shiritagari" no mae ni omukae and the one who wants to know you.
君は 美貌が望みか 復讐を求めてか kimi wa bibou ga nozomi ka fukushuu o motomete ka Do you wish for beauty, or do you seek revenge?
いずれ≪映しだされる≫ izure "utsushidasareru" Sooner or later, it will appear.

この世は見て呉れ (しょう)は見せ掛け kono yo wa mitekure shou wa misekake This world is all for show. This voice is a sham.
フィガロが今日求めるものはたったひとつだけ 誠実 figaro ga kyou motomeru mono wa tatta hitotsu dake seijitsu Figaro aims for only one thing today—honesty.
情動沸く心に在るのが不実なら joudou waku kokoro ni aru no ga fujitsu nara If insincerity dwells in your heart, boiling with emotion,
別れを(シルク)の髪に述べ給え wakare o shiruku no kami ni nobe tamae Express our parting in your silken hair.

さぁ我が友よ手袋を取ってはくれないか? saa waga tomo yo tebukuro o totte wa kurenai ka? Now, my friend, will you not take off your gloves
醜態を晒す前に shuutai o sarasu mae ni before shameful behaviour is brought to light?

おやおや どうぞこの席へ oya oya douzo kono seki e Oh my! Take this seat, please.
本日はフィガロへようこそ honjitsu wa figaro e youkoso Today, I welcome you to Figaro.

ラナ=パフェットは虚言癖(うそつき) rana pafetto wa usotsuki Lana Pafette is a liar.
カタリナ=ルイーズは悪擦れ katarina ruiizu wa waruzure Catalina Louise is cunning.[1]
君は? 望もうと拒もうと伸びゆくその黒に kimi wa? nozomou to kobamou to nobiyuku sono kuro ni And you? Though you long for it, though you reject it, the darkness stretches out.
刻まれ≪映しだされる≫ kizamare "utsushidasareru" Your faults will appear carved there.

魂は自堕落 (しょう)は醜悪 tamashii wa jidaraku shou wa shuuaku Your soul is slovenly. Your nature is repulsive.
フィガロが今日与えるものはたったひとつだけ 真実 figaro ga kyou ataeru mono wa tatta hitotsu dake shinjitsu Today, Figaro will grant only one thing: the truth.
瞳を背け己を哀れむだけなら me o somuke onore o awaremu dake nara If you’re just going to look away and pity yourself,
今すぐ踵を返し首を吊れ ima sugu kibisu o kaeshi kubi o tsure turn back and be hanged by your own hands!

旋律 信頼 価値はない senritsu shinrai kachi wa nai Melodies and faith are worthless.
幸い 金塊 価値はない saiwai kinkai kachi wa nai Fortune and golden ingots are worthless.
さぁおいでここにいるのは誰も皆拒まれて saa oide koko ni iru no wa dare mo minna kobamarete Now, come. Everyone here has been rejected.
≪生まれてきた魂≫ "umarete kita tamashii" “A soul, brought to life.”

代償厭わず言葉にも依らず愚かなほど daishou itowazu kotoba ni mo yorazu oroka na hodo Foolishly, with willing compensation and without words,
行いだけで示されてきた 誠実 okonai dake de shimesarete kita seijitsu Sincerity was shown through deeds alone.
美しく欠けることなくこれこそ求めてたもの utsukushiku kakeru koto naku kore koso motometeta mono This flawless thing of beauty is what I wanted all along.

ふさわしく与うべきは安息 fusawashiku azukaubeki wa ansoku Rest must be granted as deemed fit.
さぁそのミモザの甘髪を切らせてくれ saa sono mimoza no ama kami o kirasete kure Now, cut that sweet mimosa-coloured hair for me.
この手はノエル・デ・フィガロ 座し給え kono te wa noeru de figaro zashi tamae My hands are Noel de Figaro. Be seated.

English translation by Releska

Translation Notes

  1. The translation of the two names (ラナ=パフェット) and (カタリナ=ルイーズ) is not official.


This song was featured on the following albums:

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