Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Netoge Haijin Sprechchor
Original Upload Date
October 15, 2010
Hatsune Miku
Satsuki Ga Tenkomori (music, lyrics)
Maclo (illustration)
y0c1e (video)
3,400,000+ (NN), 1,700,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Version

NetogeHaijinSprechchor patchedver
2.0.22 patched version
Upload date: August 16, 2022
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Satsuki Ga Tenkomori (music, lyrics)
Konta-kun (illustration)
Kumashirotarm (video)


Japanese Romaji English
ネットゲーム世界は今日も nettogeemu sekai wa kyou mo The online game world is, again today
隔離 哀れ 蔓延る効率厨、々 kakuri aware habikoru kouritsu chuu, chuu Isolated, pitiful, rife with efficiency nerds
リアルの世界は明日も riaru no sekai wa asu mo The real world, again tomorrow,
僕抜きで機能して回る boku nuki de kinou shite mawaru will function and run without me

ネットゲーム世界はずっと nettogeemu sekai wa zutto The online game world is always
孤立 晒し 貪るレベリング koritsu sarashi musaboru reberingu alone, doxxing, greedy for leveling
薄暗い部屋の「ああああ(きみ)」は usugurai heya no kimi wa You 'AAAA' in a dimly lit room
閉めきった窓なんてもう覚えてない shime kitta mado nante mou oboete nai no longer remember the closed window

ドロップ重視=ドロップアウト人生 doroppu juushi = doroppu auto jinsei Emphasis on dropped item = Dropping out of your life
文化的ライフ崩壊前提 bunka teki raifu houkai zentei Assuming the cultural life is collapsing
守れ要塞プライド一切合切 mamore yousai puraido issai gassai Protect the fortress, your pride, and everything
うんこみてぇなスキーム unko mitee na sukiimu A shitty scheme

飽きても次のステージへ akite mo tsugi no suteeji e Hit the next stage even if you're getting tired

(RMT... tt... RMT...)

人生を堕落に全部極振り jinsei o daraku ni zenbu kyokufuri Minmax it all, casting all of your life into depravity to the max
見せしめタブーをルールへ miseshime tabuu o ruuru e Take the taboo that stood as a warning and turn it into a rule

(mm... MPK... mm...PK)

延久に紛う様な時間を eikyuu ni magou you na jikan o In the time that could be mistaken for an eternity

ネットゲーム世界は今日も nettogeemu sekai wa kyou mo The online game world is, again today
隔離 哀れ 蔓延る効率厨、々 kakuri aware habikoru kouritsu chuu, chuu isolated, pitiful, rife with efficiency nerds
リアルの世界は明日も riaru no sekai wa asu mo The real world, again tomorrow,
僕抜きで機能して回る boku nuki de kinou shite mawaru will function and run without me

ネットゲーム世界はずっと nettogeemu sekai wa zutto The online game world is always
孤立 晒し 貪るレベリング koritsu sarashi musaboru reberingu alone, doxxing, greedy for leveling
薄暗い部屋の「ああああ(きみ)」は usugurai heya no kimi wa You 'AAAA' in a dimly lit room are
吐き捨てる様に日々を重ねてる haki suteru you ni hibi o kasaneteru spending many days as if spitting them out

ちょっとした丘陵さえ無い chotto shita kyuuryou sae nai The today without even a bit of a hill
昨日からDUPEされた今日は kino kara DUPE sareta kyou wa that was DUPEd from yesterday is
外に怯えてるスレイブ向け soto ni obieteru sureibu muke for the terrified slaves outside
腐り切ったスキーム kusari kitta sukiimu A completely rotten scheme

飽きても次のステージへ akite mo tsugi no suteji e Hit the next stage even if you're getting tired

(RMT... tt... RMT...)

人生を堕落に全部極振り jinsei o daraku ni zenbu kyoku furi Cast all of the life into depravity to the max
見せしめタブーをルールへ miseshime tabuu o ruuru e Take the taboo that stood as a warning and turn it into a rule

(mm... MPK... mm...PK)

延久に紛う様な時間を eikyu ni magou yo na jikan o In the time that could be mistaken for eternity

ネットゲーム世界は今日も nettogeemu sekai wa kyou mo The online game world is, again today
隔離 哀れ 蔓延る効率厨、々 kakuri aware habikoru kouritsu chuu, chuu isolated, pitiful, rife with efficiency nerds
リアルの世界は明日も riaru no sekai wa asu mo The real world, again tomorrow,
僕抜きで機能して回る boku nuki de kinou shite mawaru will function and run without me

ネットゲーム世界はずっと nettogeemu sekai wa zutto The online game world is always
孤立 晒し 貪るレベリング koritsu sarashi musaboru reberingu alone, doxxing, greedy for leveling
薄暗い部屋の「ああああ(きみ)」は usugurai heya no kimi wa You 'AAAA' in a dimly lit room are
キーの印字と同期して磨り減ってく kii no inji to douki shite surihetteku being worn down along with the letters on your keyboard

ネットゲーム世界は今日も nettogeemu sekai wa kyou mo The online game world is, again today
隔離 哀れ 蔓延る効率厨、々 kakuri aware habikoru kouritsu chuu, chuu Isolated, pitiful, rife with efficiency nerds
リアルの世界は明日も riaru no sekai wa asu mo The real world, again tomorrow,
僕抜きで機能して回る boku nuki de kinou shite mawaru will function and run without me

ネットゲーム世界はずっと nettogeemu sekai wa zutto The online game world is always
孤立 晒し 貪るレベリング koritsu sarashi musaboru reberingu alone, doxxing, greedy for leveling
薄暗い部屋の「ああああ(きみ)」は usugurai heya no kimi wa You 'AAAA' in a dimly lit room are
無邪気な目ですがってる 嗚呼 mujaki na me de sugatteru aa clinging to it with innocent eyes, ahh

ネットゲーム世界は今日も nettogeemu sekai wa kyou mo The online game world is, again today
隔離 哀れ 蔓延る効率厨、々 kakuri aware habikoru kouritsu chuu, chuu isolated, pitiful, rife with efficiency nerds
リアルの世界は明日も riaru no sekai wa asu mo The real world, again tomorrow,
僕抜きで機能して回る boku nuki de kinou shite mawaru will function and run without me

増えていくのは形無い fuete yuku no wa katachi nai What's increasing is shapeless
数字 ナルシズム それに気づけないで suji narushizumu sore ni kizuke nai de such as the digits, narcissism. You can't notice it
薄暗い部屋の「ああああ(きみ)」は usugurai heya no kimi wa you 'AAAA' in a dimly lit room are
ギルド1番の誇り高き戦士 girudo ichi ban no hokori takaki senshi the best warrior with a great pride in a guild

English translation by ikuy398


This song was featured on the following albums:

A cover of this song for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku was featured on the following albums:

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