Song title | |||
"ネイロクラフト" Romaji: Neiro Kurafuto English: Neirocraft | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 23, 2019 (album release date) | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
20,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT) | |||
Available the album KARENT presents Snow White Record feat. 初音ミク |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
進んでくストーリー | susundeku sutoorii | A continuing story |
君の理想だ | kimi no risou da | Is your ideal |
凍える陽の明かり | kogoeru hi no akari | The light of a freezing sun |
繰り返すけど | kurikaesu kedo | Even though this keeps repeating, |
すべて至って綺麗 | subete itatte kirei | All of it is so beautiful |
気にも留めない | ki ni mo tomenai | I don't care anymore |
駆け引きも出方次第だ | kakehiki mo dekata shidai da | My strategy is left to chance |
負荷に満ちて | fuka ni michite | Weighed down by heavy burdens |
終わってしまうのなんて | owatte shimau no nante | How could this end? |
There's no way | There's no way | There's no way |
Round and round | Round and round | Round and round |
その上を舞っていた思惑 | sono ue o matte ita omowaku | Thoughts dance around up there |
隠したままでいよう | kakushita mama de iyou | Let's keep them hidden |
優しさまで包み込んで | yasashisa made tsutsumikonde | I've been wrapped in your kindness til now |
消えることを恐れてたんだ | kieru koto o osoreteta nda | Afraid of disappearing |
Surrender | Surrender | Surrender |
もっと声をきかせて | motto koe o kikasete | Let me speak louder |
光を与えて | hikari o ataete | Give me light |
最上級な今日になる | saijoukyuu na kyou ni naru | Become the best today |
強がりなんだな | tsuyogari nanda na | Brazen, aren't you? |
空になってく時間も悪くない | kara ni natteku jikan mo warukunai | This empty time isn't so bad |
数え切れない想定内のパターン | kazoekirenai souteinai no pataan | Endless expected patterns |
いっそ全て忘れるのよ | isso subete wasureru no yo | I'd rather forget it all |
些細な幸いの為に | sasai na saiwai no tame ni | For a little bit of happiness |
輝きにまた打ち負かされそうだ | kagayaki ni mata uchi makasaresou da | I feel like I'll be defeated by the brilliance again |
You're beautiful to me | You're beautiful to me | You're beautiful to me |
Round and round | Round and round | Round and round |
想いを拗らせたよ | omoi o kojiraseta yo | Thoughts complicate |
失う勇気も無いのに | ushinau yuuki mo nai noni | Even though I don't have the courage to lose |
まやかしでもそれなりのルーティン | mayakashi demo sore nari no ruutin | Even though it's fake--it's routine |
軌道に乗っかるよ | kidou ni nokkaru yo | Get back on track |
Surrender | Surrender | Surrender |
もう一度笑ってみせて | mou ichido waratte misete | Let me smile again |
光を与えて | hikari o ataete | Give me light |
最上級な今日になる | saijoukyuu na kyou ni naru | Today will be the best day |
悲しいわけじゃないんだ | kanashii wake janai nda | It's not that I'm sad |
ありふれたメランコリー | arifureta merankorii | A mundane melancholy |
少しでも感じていたい | sukoshi demo kanjite itai | Even if it's just a little, I want to feel something |
耳を澄ますのさ | mimi o sumasu no sa | Listen closely |
Round and round | Round and round | Round and round |
その上を舞っていた思惑 | sono ue o matte ita omowaku | Thoughts dance around up there |
隠したままでいよう | kakushita mama de iyou | Let's keep them hidden |
優しさまで包み込んで | yasashisa made tsutsumikonde | I've been wrapped in your kindness til now |
消えることを恐れてたんだ | kieru koto o osoreteta nda | Afraid of disappearing |
Surrender | Surrender | Surrender |
もっと声をきかせて | motto koe o kikasete | Let me speak louder |
光を与えて | hikari o ataete | Give me light |
最上級な今日になる | saijoukyuu na kyou ni naru | Become the best today |
今日になる | kyou ni naru | Become it today |
English translation by altrvistic
This song was featured on the following albums:
External Links
- KARENT - Streaming