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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (drug abuse); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Doctor=Funk Beat
Song title
Romaji: Dokutaa=Fankubiito
English: Doctor=Funk Beat
Original Upload Date
June 12, 2015
maimie, Shindou Gaku, Amaoto Junca, and Dashio (chorus)
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
1,800,000+ (NN), 5,300,000+ (YT), 87,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast

Alternate Versions

DrFunkBeat MikuCN
Chinese ver.
不幸癒醫=恐懼擊敗 (Bùxìng Yù Yī = Kǒngjù Jíbài)
Upload date: October 3, 2019
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): nyanyannya (music, lyrics), Yokanko (illustration)
DrFunkBeat Len
Len ver.
Upload date: October 31, 2020
Featuring: Kagamine Len
Producer(s): nyanyannya (music, lyrics), Yokanko (illustration)
Doctor=Funk Beat
Upload date: June 12, 2021
Featuring: nyanyannya

DrFunkBeat Meiko
MEIKO ver.
Upload date: August 6, 2022
Featuring: MEIKO
Producer(s): nyanyannya (music, lyrics), Yokanko (illustration)
Miku Symphony 2020 orchestral version
Upload date: February 3, 2021
Featuring: Hatsune Miku
Producer(s): Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra (instrumentalists)
Vivid BAD SQUAD x KAITO ver.
Upload date: July 6, 2022
Featuring: Aoyagi Touya, Shinonome Akito, and KAITO
YT (auto generated)
Cover song by the unit Vivid BAD SQUAD for the game Project Sekai.


Japanese Romaji English
お幸せにどうぞ oshiawase ni douzo May you find happiness

まだ青い鳥をお探しの方は Come on, now mada aoi tori o osagashi no kata wa Come on, now Those still searching for the bluebird; come on now
諦めきれない方は来世で Get a chance akirame kirenai kata wa raise de Get a chance Those who just can’t give it up; in the next life you’ll get a chance
もう青い鳥が見える貴女は It's too late mou aoi tori ga mieru anata wa It's too late And you who can see the bluebird; it’s too late
幻覚に被虐趣味(マゾヒズム)多幸症(ユーフォリア)…… genkaku ni mazohizumu ni yuuforia…… Euphoria from masochism in hallucinations…
妄想症 もうどうしよう mousoushou mou doushiyou Paranoia, Ah what shall I do
禁断症状 幸せが欲しい? Got it! kindanshoujou shiawase ga hoshii? Got it! Withdrawal symptoms, you want happiness? Got it!

マジク? not マジク! 種も仕掛けもメディカル majiku? not majiku! tane mo shikake mo medikaru Magic? not magic! all these tricks and devices are medical!
ココロもカラダも全部浸って頂戴 kokoro mo karada mo zenbu hitatte choudai The heart, the body, everything, immerse them please
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (Yes my doctor)
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (yes my doctor)
希代の鬼才の素敵なこの大・天・才! kitai no kisai no suteki na kono daitensai! This rare wizard wonderful Great-gen-ius!
Get on! Get on! Get on!

ドクター=ファンクビート 登場だ Ready! dokutaa fanku biito toujou da Ready! Doctor Funk beat! (Time for my) entrance, ready!
名俳優 そこは良心なんだ痛むわけないだろう? meihaiyuu soko wa ryoushin nanda itamu wakenai darou? A famous actor, that’s your conscience, there's no way it could hurt right?
ドクター=ファンクビート 御加減は Lady? dokutaa fanku biito go kagen wa Lady? Doctor Funk beat! How are you feeling, lady?
そのとおり現実は苦痛だらけ ホント逝っちゃって sono toori genjitsu wa kutsuu darake honto icchatte Indeed, reality is nothing but pain, really I'm about to drop dead
ハッピー&ハッピー お幸せにどうぞ happii happii oshiawase ni douzo Happy & happy may you find happiness

「世界中の不幸にはミダスの手を」 "sekaijuu no fukou ni wa midasu no te o" “(Put) Midas’s hand to all the unhappiness around the world”
そんな貴女にはおクスリを (Dumb down) sonna anata ni wa o kusuri o (Dumb down) To that kind of you I give some medicine (Dumb down)
イマこの瞬間も不幸が蔓延るなら ima kono shunkan mo fukou ga habikoru nara If even now unhappiness still runs rampant then
世界中の偽善者はいつ眠るんでしょうね? sekaijuu no gizensha wa itsu nemurun deshou ne? I wonder when the hypocrites in this world will finally rest hm?

ラブ? near ラブ! もう少しだけケミカル rabu? near rabu! mou sukoshi dake kemikaru Love?[1] Near love! Just a little bit more chemical…
ココロもカラダも全部喰らって頂戴 kokoro mo karada mo zenbu kuratte choudai The heart, the body, everything, devour them please
幸せかい?(イエスマイドクター) shiawase kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) Are you happy! (Yes my doctor)
幸せかい!(イエスマイドクター) shiawase kai! (iesu mai dokutaa) Are you happy! (Yes my doctor)
奇跡の異才の素敵なこの大!大!大・天・才! kiseki no isai no suteki na kono dai! dai! daitensai! This miracle prodigy wonderful Great! Great! Great-gen-ius!
Get on! Get on! Get on!

ドクター=ファンクビート 回診だ Ready? dokutaa fanku biito kaishin da Ready? Doctor=funk beat, it’s the doctor’s rounds, Ready?
Oh!! 知能(インテリジェンス)の問題だ 治るわけないだろう Oh!! interijensu no mondai da naoru wakenai darou Oh!! It’s a problem of intelligence! There’s no way it will heal (then)
ドクターヘルプミー 急患は Rowdy! dokutaa herupu mii kyuukan wa Rowdy! Doctor help me, the emergency case is Rowdy!
幸福感足りないなら他人を叩き落して koufukukan tarinai nara tanin o tatakiotoshite If your euphoria isn't enough then knock some off from someone else
ハッピー&ハッピー 次の方どうぞ happii happii tsugi no kata douzo Happy & happy, next patient please~

マジク? not マジク!(マジク? not マジク!) majiku? not majiku! (majiku? not majiku!) Magic? Not magic! (Magic? Not magic!)
熱烈(ルーリエ)歓迎(ホワンイン)奶奶的(ナイナイダー)!(熱烈(ルーリエ)歓迎(ホワンイン)奶奶的(ナイナイダー)!) rèliè huānyíng? nǎinai de! (rèliè huānyíng? nǎinai de!) Warm welcome? Bull! (Warm welcome? Bull!)[2]
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (Yes my doctor)
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (Yes my doctor)
迂闊に今夜も極度に素敵なこれが大! ukatsu ni kon'ya mo kyokudo ni suteki na kore ga dai! Carelessly, even tonight maximumly wonderful, this great!
大!大!大!大・天・才! dai! dai! dai! daitensai! Great! Great! Great! Great genius!
Get on! Get on! Get on!

ドクター=ファンクビート 夢を見た dokutaa fanku biito yume o mita Doctor = Funk Beat! I had a dream...
誰もが幸せになるコドモ騙しの妄想SHOW dare mo ga shiawase ni naru kodomo damashi no mousou SHOW A delusion show[3] of childish tricks where everyone will be happy
誰もが不幸なのだ その巫山戯たディストピアの中では daremo ga fukou nano da sono fuzaketa disutopia no naka de wa Everyone is unhappy, within that messed up dystopia…

そこでコイツだ『幸福の在り処(クラウドナイン)』 出し惜しみはナンセンス soko de koitsu da “kuraudo nain” dashi oshimi wa nansensu There, this[4] 『the whereabouts of happiness (cloud nine)』 being stingy is nonsense
さぁアナタもアナタもアナタもこれで逝きましょう saa anata mo anata mo anata mo kore de yukimashou Come now, you, and you, and you... let’s pass on with this…
囚われの鉛姫(ダムゼルインディストレス) ようやく貴女の順番だ Oh!! 申し遅れました damuzeru in disutoresu youyaku anata no junban da Oh!! moushiokuremashita Trapped princess (damsel in distress) it’s finally your turn, oh!! I should have said[5] earlier...
もしもし幸せになりたいなら誰もが称えるその名のところへ moshimoshi shiawase ni naritai nara daremo ga tataeru sono na no tokoro e Hello hello? If you want to become happy, then head to the name everyone gives praise to;
それがドクター=ファンクビート sore ga dokutaa fanku biito That is; “Doctor=funk beat”
大・天・才!(大・天・才!) daitensai! (daitensai!) A great genius! (A Great genius!)

お幸せにどうぞ oshiawase ni douzo May you find happiness

English translation by Forgetfulsubs, with edits by CoolMikeHatsune22 and Violet

Translation Notes

  1. Love/ラブ - can be both “love” or “lab(ratory)”
  2. This line is sung in Mandarin Chinese. 熱烈歓迎 means to give a warm/friendly welcome, while 奶奶的 is a curse word originating from the Northern region of China, equating to "damn it!" or "f****". In this context 奶奶的 is a response used to call out someone's bs.
  3. Delusion show - 妄想SHOW/MousouSHOW= probably 妄想症/mousoushou pun Mousou = delusion, mousoushou = paranoia
  4. There, This - コイツ literally means “there, this guy” I’ve… never seen it refer to a location like this before so “the whereabouts of happiness” might refer to something else/be a nickname for something but I’ve left it rough to be safe…
  5. Should have said earlier - is literally “I’m slow to say”

The following translation was made by CoolMikeHatsune22, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Chinese Pinyin English
请变得幸福吧 qǐng biàn dé xìngfú ba Become happy, all of you

还在追随青鸟的人 Come on,now hái zài zhuīsuí qīngniǎo de rén Come on,now Those of you still chasing after the blue bird, come on, now
无法放弃的各位就静等来世 Get a chance wúfǎ fàngqì de gèwèi jiù jìng děng láishì Get a chance Those with spirits that have yet to give up - just wait patiently ‘till the next life, get a chance
终于见到青鸟的小姐您 It's too late zhōngyú jiàn dào qīngniǎo de xiǎojiě nín It's too late And you, the missus finally coming upon the blue bird, sorry to say, it’s too late
幻觉与受虐狂【Masochism】与欣快症【Euphoria】 huànjué yǔ shòu nüè kuáng yǔ xīn kuài zhèng Hallucination and 【Masochism】and 【Euphoria】
妄想症 该怎么办呢 wàngxiǎng zhèng gāi zěnme bàn ne Paranoid delusion disorder, well now, what’s the best treatment here?
戒断症状 想变幸福吗? Got it jièduàn zhèngzhuàng xiǎng biàn xìngfú ma? Got it Withdrawal symptoms, do you want to become happy? Got it

Magic? Not magic! Magic? Not magic! Magic? Not magic!
不管我耍花招愚弄你都是医学 bùguǎn wǒ shuǎ huā​​zhāo yúnòng nǐ dōu shì yīxué Might I play a trick or pull the wool over your eyes, trust me, it’s all medical science!

心灵也好身体也好 请全部沉浸其中 xīnlíng yě hǎo shēntǐ yě hǎo qǐng quánbù chénjìn qízhōng Yes, all good in body and spirit, so calm down, and let yourself be submerged within
您在叫我吗?(Yes my doctor) nín zài jiào wǒ ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you calling me in? (Yes my doctor)
您在叫我吗?(Yes my doctor) nín zài jiào wǒ ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you calling me in? (Yes my doctor)
绝代的鬼才的极好的我这个大・天・才!Get on! juédài de guǐcái de jíhǎo de wǒ zhège dàtiāncái! Get on! Peerless, devilishly talented, superb - A! Great! Genius! Get on!

Doctor=Funk Beat 登场已经 Ready! Doctor=Funk Beat dēngchǎng yǐjīng Ready! Doctor Funk Beat, all ready to debut on stage!
著名演员 那就是良心为什么在痛的原因? zhùmíng yǎnyuán nà jiùshì liángxīn wèishénme zài tòng de yuányīn? A famous performer? That’s just your conscience talking, now tell me, why is it that you are hurting?
Doctor=Funk Beat 怎么样? Lady Doctor=Funk Beat zěnme yàng? Lady Doctor Funk Beat, how are you feeling? Lady
没错这个世界现实充满痛苦 真的死掉啦 méi cuò zhège shìjiè xiànshí chōngmǎn tòngkǔ zhēn de sǐ diào la Indeed, this world’s reality is brimming with pain, it’s enough to make you drop dead
Happy&Happy 请变得幸福吧 Happy&Happy qǐng biàn dé xìngfú ba Happy & Happy, become happy, all of you

Midas的手是世界上不幸的根源 Midas de shǒu shì shìjiè shàng bùxìng de gēnyuán Midas’ Hand is the source of the world’s unhappiness
那就是小姐您的特效药(Dumb down!) nà jiùshì xiǎojiě nín de tèxiào yào (Dumb down!) Now missus, that is your dose of special medicine (Dumb down!)
如果在这个瞬间不幸蔓延开来了的话 Rúguǒ zài zhège shùnjiān bùxìng mànyán kāi lái le de huà If, in this exact moment, unhappiness were to suddenly run rampant,
全世界的伪善者什么时候入眠呢? quán shìjiè de wèishànzhě shénme shíhòu rùmián ne? Then when would it be when all the world’s hypocrites finally fall asleep?

Love?Near love!只是多了一些化学成分 Love? Near love! zhǐshì duō le yīxiē huàxué chéngfèn Love? Near love! Though it seems I need to cut back on a certain chemical composition
心灵也是身体也是 请全部啃食殆尽 xīnlíng yěshì shēntǐ yěshì qǐng quánbù kěn shí dài jǐn In body and spirit too, let them all be consumed and devoured
幸福了吗?(Yes my doctor) xìngfú le ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you happy now? (Yes my doctor)
幸福了吗?(Yes my doctor) xìngfú le ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you happy now? (Yes my doctor)
奇迹的异才的绝妙的我这个大!大!大・天・才! Get on! qíjī de yìcái de juémiào de wǒ zhège dà! dà! dàtiāncái! Get on! Miracle-worker, extraordinarily talented, ingenious - A! Great! Great! Great! Genius! Get on!

Doctor=Funk Beat 复诊已经 Ready! Doctor=Funk Beat fùzhěn yǐjīng Ready! Doctor Funk Beat, a further diagnosis is all Ready!
Oh!智力【Intelligence】的问题 不一定能治好吧 Oh! zhìlì de wèntí bù yīdìng néng zhì hǎo ba Oh! It’s a problem of 【Intelligence】, a cure is not in certainty
Doctor help me 急诊患者 Rowdy Doctor help me jízhěn huànzhě Rowdy Doctor help me, the ER patient is Rowdy
如果幸福感不够就对别人落井下石! rúguǒ xìngfúgǎn bùgòu jiù duì biérén luòjǐngxiàshí! If what you’re lacking in is happiness, then your best cure is to kick someone else when they’re down!
Happy&Happy 有请下一位 Happy&Happy yǒu qǐng xià yī wèi Happy & Happy, next patient please

(哈哈哈!大天才--Doctor funk beat 登场!) (hāhā hā! dàtiāncái--Doctor funk beat dēngchǎng!) (Hahaha! The great genius – Doctor Funk Beat enters the stage)
(让我们在bilibili动画中也展现出无愧于大天才之名的活跃风采吧!) (ràng wǒmen zài bilibili dònghuà zhōng yě zhǎnxiàn chū wúkuì yú dàtiāncái zhī míng de huóyuè fēngcǎi ba!) (Let us all here at Bilibili Donghua show our lively elegance not undeserving of the name of the great genius!)

Magic? Not magic!(Magic? Not magic!) Magic? Not magic! (Magic? Not magic!) Magic? Not magic! (Magic? Not magic!)
热烈欢迎?奶奶的!(热烈欢迎奶奶的) rèliè huānyíng? nǎinai de! (rèliè huānyíng nǎinai de) Warm welcome? Bull! (Warm welcome bull)

您在叫我吗?(Yes my doctor) nín zài jiào wǒ ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you calling me in? (Yes my doctor)
您在叫我吗?(Yes my doctor) nín zài jiào wǒ ma? (Yes my doctor) Are you calling me in? (Yes my doctor)
不经意的胡乱的今晚极度绝佳的我这个大!大!大!大!大・天・才! bùjīngyì de húluàn de jīn wǎn jídù juéjiā de wǒ zhège dà! dà! dà! dà! dàtiāncái! In this chaotic night, in peak form, I am such a great! Great! Great! Great! Great Genius!
Get on! Get on! Get on!

Doctor=Funk Beat 做了一个梦 Doctor=Funk Beat zuò le yī gè mèng Doctor Funk Beat is having a dream
骗小孩的 所有人都是幸福的妄想show piàn xiǎohái de suǒyǒu rén dōu shì xìngfú de wàngxiǎng show Pulling the wool over small children's eyes, a delusional show wherein everyone’s happy
任谁都是不幸的 那恶作剧的反乌托邦中 rèn shéi dōu shì bùxìng de nà èzuòjù de fǎn wūtuōbāng zhōng In that tricks-playing dystopia where everyone’s unhappy

那是那家伙的『幸福之处』【九霄云外】 nà shì nà jiāhuo de “xìngfú zhī chù” You'll find that guy’s “place of happiness” 【above cloud nine】
舍不得付出就是无稽之谈 shěbudé fùchū jiùshì wújīzhītán To be unwilling to pay the price, now that’s just nonsense

那么您也您也您也这样离开吧 nàme nín yě nín yě nín yě zhèyàng líkāi ba Well then, you too, you too, you too, it is time to leave like so

被囚禁的铅姬【不幸的少女】 bèi qiújìn de qiān jī The imprisoned lead princess 【the unlucky young girl】
终于轮到小姐您了 Oh!!抱歉 我迟到了 zhōngyú lún dào xiǎojiě nín le Oh!! bàoqiàn wǒ chídào le I see it’s come to your turn now, missus, oh!! Much apologies, I was too late
想要 想要得到幸福的话 xiǎng yào xiǎng yào dédào xìngfú de huà If what you want, if what you want is to find happiness
就去大家都知道名字的地方吧 jiù qù dàjiā dōu zhīdào míngzì de dìfāng ba Then you should go to that place that everybody knows

那就是Doctor=Funk Beat nà jiùshì Doctor=Funk Beat That would be, Doctor Funk Beat
大・天・才!(大・天・才!) dàtiāncái! (dàtiāncái!) The Great Genius! (The Great Genius!)

请变得幸福吧 qǐng biàn dé xìngfú ba Become happy, all of you
English translation by CoolMikeHatsune22

Japanese Romaji English
ハーッハッハッハァ haa hahahaa Hahaha!
遠からん者は音に聞け tookaran mono wa oto ni kike Ye who are afar, listen closely!
大・天・才! Daitensai! The great genius!
ドクター=ファンクビート! 登場ダァ dokutaa fanku biito doujou daa Doctor Funk Beat! Time for my entraaance!
(ドクター=ファンクビート) dokutaa fanku biito (Doctor Funk Beat)
(ドクター=ファンクビート) dokutaa fanku biito (Doctor Funk Beat)

まだ青い鳥をお探しの方は Come on, now mada aoi tori o osagashi no kata wa Come on, now Those still searching for the bluebird; come on now
諦めきれないアナタもここで Get a chance akirame kirenai anata mo koko de Get a chance And to you who just can’t give it up; right here you’ll get a chance
もう青い鳥が見える? mou aoi tori ga mieru? You can see the bluebird?
寝言は寝て言え It's too late negoto wa nete ie It's too late Don't be ridiculous! It's too late
妄想 空想 幻想 吐き出してこうぜ mousou kuusou gensou hakidashitekou ze Delusions, imagination, illusions, spit it all out
Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah!
(妄想症 もうどうしよう ) アビス? not アビス!カゲもカタチもラディカル (mousoushou mou doushiyou) abisu? not abisu! kage mo katachi mo radikaru (Paranoia. Ah, what shall I do?) Abyss? Not an abyss! It's radical in way, shape and form.
(禁断症状) 心も身体も熱烈歓迎奶奶的 (kindanshoujou) kokoro mo karada mo rèliè huānyíng nǎinai de (Withdrawal symptoms) The heart, the body -- A warm welcome? Bull!
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (Yes my doctor)
御呼びかい?(イエスマイドクター) oyobi kai? (iesu mai dokutaa) A call for me? (yes my doctor)
希代の鬼才の素敵なこの大・天・才! kitai no kisai no suteki na kono daitensai! This rare talented wonderful Great-gen-ius!
Get on! Get on! Get on!

ドクター=ファンクビート 登場だ Ready! dokutaa fanku biito toujou da Ready! Doctor Funk beat! Time for my entrance, ready!
名俳優 そこは良心なんだ痛むわけないだろう? meihaiyuu soko wa ryoushin nanda itamu wakenai darou? A famous actor, that’s your conscience, there's no way it could hurt right?
ドクター=ファンクビート 御加減は Lady? dokutaa fanku biito go kagen wa Lady? Doctor Funk beat! How are you feeling, lady?
そのとおり→なるほど→ふむふむ→喧しい! sono toori naru hodo fumu fumu yagamashii! Indeed→I see→Huh-uh→You sure are noisy!

そこでコイツだ『幸福の在り処(クラウドナイン)』 出し惜しみはナンセンス soko de koitsu da “kuraudo nain” dashi oshimi wa nansensu There, this 『the whereabouts of happiness (cloud nine)』 being stingy is nonsense
さぁアナタもアナタもアナタもこれで生きましょう saa anata mo anata mo anata mo kore de ikimashou Come now, you, and you, and you too, let’s live with this
下界凡人(異世界の凡人よ) xiàjiè fánrén Mediocre people from another world
…………そう貴様だ貴様! sou kisama da kisama! ... Yeah, you, I'm talking about you!
Oh!! 何度も言わせるな Oh!! nandomo iwaseruna Oh! Don't make me say it over and over again!
もしもし幸せになりたいなら誰もが称えるその名のところへ moshimoshi shiawase ni naritai nara daremo ga tataeru sono na no tokoro e Hello hello? If you want to become happy, then head to the name everyone gives praise to;
それがドクター=ファンクビート sore ga dokutaa fanku biito That is; “Doctor=funk beat”
大・天・才!(大・天・才!) daitensai! (daitensai!) A great genius! (A Great genius!)

Say!(大・天・才!) Say! (daitensai!) Say it! (A Great genius!)
ハーッハッハッハァ haa hahahaa Hahaha!
ハーッハッハッハァ haa hahahaa Hahaha!
おクスリは効いたかな? okusuri wa kiita ka na? Did the medicine work?
う~ん結構 では…… uun kekkou de ha... Hmm, I guess it's fine. Well then...
お幸せにどうぞ oshiawase ni douzo May you find happiness
English translation by Forgetfulsubs and Aruo

Notable Derivatives

Chogakusei's cover
Featuring: Chogakusei
Leos Vincent's cover
Featuring: Leos Vincent


This song was featured on the following albums:

A cover of this song was featured on the following album:

The orchestral version of this song was featured in the following albums:

External Links

  • Pixiv - Illustration
  • Pixiv - Chinese version illustration
  • Pixiv - Kagamine Len version illustration
  • YouTube - Off-vocal

