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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Turkish March - It's Over \(^o^)/
Song title
"トルコ行進曲 - オワタ\(^o^)/"
Romaji: Toruko Koushinkyoku - Owata \(^o^)/
English: Turkish March - It's Over \(^o^)/
Official English: Turkish March - FML \(^o^)/
Original Upload Date
April 12, 2008
Hatsune Miku
OwataP (lyrics, arrangement), W. A. Mozart (composer)
Y Oji (illustration)
2,000,000+ (NN), 4,200,000+ (YT), 51,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Super Turkish March - Owata
スーパートルコ行進曲 - オワタ (Super Toruko Koushinkyoku - Owata)
Super Turkish March - Owata
Upload date: July 31, 2008
Featuring: Camui Gackpo
Producer(s): OwataP (music, lyrics)
Clovia (illust)
NN / YT / BB
A spin-off with different lyrics.
Turkey Koushinkyoku - Tsumanne
トルコ行進曲 - ツマンネ\(^o^)/ (Turkey Koushinkyoku - Tsumanne \(^o^)/)
Turkish March - Tsumanne \(^o^)/
Upload date: April 12, 2009
Featuring: Yowane Haku and Akita Neru
Producer(s): OwataP (music, lyrics)
Clovia (illust)
YT / NN / BB
A spin-off with different lyrics, made as an answer song to the original.
Turkey Koushinkyoku Demo
Miku Append version
Upload date: December 4, 2009
Featuring: Hatsune Miku Append
Producer(s): OwataP
A demo version for Miku's Append voicebank.

Turkish March - Convenience store \(^o^)/
トルコ行進曲 - コンビニ\(^o^)/ (Toruko Koushinkyoku - Konbini\(^o^)/)
Turkish March - Convenience Store \(^o^)/
Upload date: September 7, 2011
Featuring: Akikoloid-chan
Producer(s): OwataP
A spin-off with different lyrics.
MAYU's version
Upload date: May 13, 2015 (album release date)
Featuring: MAYU
Producer(s): OwataP (music, lyrics)
YT (auto-gen)
OwataP - Toruko Koushinkyoku - Owata
Kiritan's version
Upload date: March 9, 2020
Featuring: Tohoku Kiritan
Producer(s): OwataP (music, lyrics)
96 Kitsune (illust)


Japanese Romaji English
朝起きた 寝坊した 急いで着替えて出かけなきゃ asa okita neboushita isoide kigaete dekakenakya I woke up in the morning and had overslept. Got to get dressed quickly and get going.
駅着いた 定期がない ついでに財布も見当たらない eki tsuita teiki ga nai tsuide ni saifu mo miataranai Got to the station. My season ticket's missing. While I'm at it, I can't find my wallet.

急いで家帰る 間違いなく遅刻 isoide ie kaeru machigainaku chikoku I rush back home. No doubt I'll be late.
友達に携帯で連絡取ろうと思ったら 電池が切れてて動かない tomodachi ni keitai de renraku torou to omottara denchi ga kiretete ugokanai When I thought of calling my friend with my phone, the battery's dead and cold.

オワタ\(^o^)/ 大切な約束なのに owata\(^o^)/ taisetsu na yakusoku nanoni Finished \(^o^)/ And it's an important appointment...
オワタ\(^o^)/ なんて言い訳をしよう owata\(^o^)/ nante iiwake o shiyou Finished \(^o^)/ What excuse will I give?
オワタ\(^o^)/ 扉が目の前で閉まった owata\(^o^)/ tobira ga me no mae de shimatta Finished \(^o^)/ The door shuts in front of my face.
オワタ\(^o^)/ 次の電車まで10分 owata\(^o^)/ tsugi no densha made jippun Finished \(^o^)/ 10 minutes till the next train.

とにかくなんとか急いで電話で連絡しないと友達帰る tonikaku nantoka isoide denwa de renraku shinai to tomodachi kaeru Anyways, I've got to make a phone call quick somehow. Or else my friend will leave.
公衆電話を探して見つけて財布を開くと小銭がない koushuu denwa o sagashite mitsukete saifu o hiraku to kozeni ga nai I searched for a public phone, found it, opened my wallet and found no change.
近くの売店向かってお札をくずして小銭をつくってきたのはいいけど chikaku no baiten mukatte osatsu o kuzushite kozeni o tsukutte kita no wa ii kedo I got my bill changed at a kiosk nearby, but...
携帯番号友達のなんか覚えてるはずがない keitai bangou tomodachi no nanka oboeteru hazu ga nai I don't think I'll remember my friend's phone number.

オワタ\(^o^)/ 大切な約束なのに owata\(^o^)/ taisetsu na yakusoku nanoni Finished \(^o^)/ And it's an important appointment...
オワタ\(^o^)/ なんて言い訳をしよう owata\(^o^)/ nante iiwake o shiyou Finished \(^o^)/ What excuse will I give?
オワタ\(^o^)/ 待ち合わせの時間になった owata\(^o^)/ machiawase no jikan ni natta Finished \(^o^)/ It's already time for our meeting.
オワタ\(^o^)/ とにかく行くしかないよ owata\(^o^)/ tonikaku iku shika nai yo Finished \(^o^)/ I'll just have to go anyway.

待ち合わせ場所着いた なんだか人であふれている machiawase basho tsuita nandaka hito de afurete iru Got to the meeting spot. It's kind of awash with people.
友達を探しても やっぱり見つかる気がしない tomodachi o sagashite mo yappari mitsukaru ki ga shinai Even if I look for my friend, I don't think I'll ever find him.

コンビニ立ち寄って 充電器を買った konbini tachiyotte juudenki o katta Stopped by a convenience store and bought the battery charger.
携帯に差し込んでメールを確認してみたら 「急用ができたので行けない」 keitai ni sashikonde meeru o kakunin shite mitara "kyuuyou ga dekita no de ikenai" I plug it into the cellphone and check my e-mail, then "Got urgent business. I can't make it."

オワタ\(^o^)/ なんのためにここまで来た owata\(^o^)/ nan no tame ni koko made kita Finished \(^o^)/ What did I come all here for?
オワタ\(^o^)/ やり場のないこの怒り owata\(^o^)/ yariba no nai kono ikari Finished \(^o^)/ This impotent rage!
オワタ\(^o^)/ なんのためにここまで来た owata\(^o^)/ nan no tame ni koko made kita Finished \(^o^)/ What did I come all here for?
オワタ\(^o^)/ 途方に暮れた昼過ぎ owata\(^o^)/ tohou ni kureta hirusugi Finished \(^o^)/ I'm at a loss in the afternoon.

る~る~ ひとつだけ学んだ ららららら ru~ ru~ hitotsu dake mananda rarararara Lu, lu, One thing I learned, lalalalala
る~る~ 充電ちゃんとしよ…… ららららら ru~ ru~ juuden chanto shiyo…… rarararara Lu, lu, I should charge my phone properly…… lalalalala

オワタ\(^o^)/ owata\(^o^)/ Finished \(^o^)/

English translation by soundares, updated by ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

A version featuring MAYU was featured on the following album:

External Links

