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Song title | |||
"トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ" English: Tullulila Talila Tulula | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 21, 2011 | |||
Singer | |||
Kagamine Len Append Power | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
160,000+ | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast | |||
"Len-kyun hshs" |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ルーレット廻せば | Ruuretto mawaseba | If you spin the roulette wheel, |
全てが回りだすよ | subete ga mawari dasu yo | everything is gonna go ‘round. |
ナナイロにキラキラ | Nanairo ni kirakira | The rainbow will sparkle, |
twinkle&blink トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | twinkle & blink Tururira Tarira Turura | twinkle & blink Tululila Talila Tulula |
チカチカ光る | Chikachika hikaru | The flickering lights |
ネオンサインの | Neonsain no | of a neon sign. |
見慣れた景色を | minareta keshiki o | If you’re looking |
切り取ってみれば | kiritotte mireba | to break away |
『いつもとは違う』 | "itsumo to wa chigau" | From this familiar scenery, so that it’s “different from usual”, |
何を探してるの? | nani o sagashiteru no? | What is that you’re looking for? |
退屈は嫌い | taikutsu wa kirai | You don’t like boredom, |
干渉も嫌い | kanshou mo kirai | and you don’t like limitations. |
それで何がしたいの? | sore de nani ga shitai no? | So what do you wanna do about it? |
ワガママ並べた | Wagamama narabeta | The self-indulgence |
クローゼットの中 | Kurozetto no naka | that you packed away in a closet |
今日もため息つく | kyou mo tameiki tsuku | Is sighing today too. |
だれか | dareka | Someone! |
答えおしえてください | kotae oshiete kudasai | Please tell me the answer |
サカサマノセカイ | Sakasama no sekai | This upside-down world |
迷い込んで | mayoikonde | has gone astray |
出られなくなった | derarenakunatta | and won’t respond. |
泣きたくなったら | nakitaku nattara | If you want to cry, |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | Tululila Talila Tulula |
特別な魔法かけて | tokubetsuna mahou kakete | Cast that special magic, |
Trip&Trick 月の光とStep&Dance | trip & trick tsuki no hikari to step & dance | Trip&Trick In the moonlight, Step&Dance |
夜空見上げたら | yozora miagetara | If you look up at the night sky, |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | Tululila Talila Tulula |
流れ星に願いごとかけて | nagareboshi ni negaigoto kakete | Make a wish on a shooting star. |
きっと叶うtwinkle&wish | kitto kanau twinkle & wish | It’ll twinkle and your wish will surely come true. |
食べ飽きたお菓子 | tabe akita okashi | The sweets you’re tired of eating, |
聞き飽きた曲に | kiki akita kyoku ni | and the songs you’re tired of hearing. |
うんざりしながら | unzari shinagara | Though you’re bored of it all, |
それでもいつか | soredemo itsuka | There’ll be a day |
『特別ななにか』 | "tokubetsuna nanika" | when you’ll feel like finding |
見つかる気がしてる | mitsukaru ki ga shiteru | “something special”. |
ほしいのはなに? | hoshii no wa nani? | What do you want? |
いらないのはなに? | iranai no wa nani? | What don’t you need? |
答え見つからない | kotae mitsukaranai | You can’t find an answer to that. |
両手に抱えた | ryoute ni kakaeta | With both your hands |
荷物は重くて | nimotsu wa omokute | you hold a heavy burden |
投げ捨てたくなるよ | nagesutetaku naru yo | That you’re now wanting to throw away. |
ポップコーンが | Poppukoon ga | Like how |
はじけるみたいに | hajikeru mitai ni | popcorn splits, |
ココロの奥の爆弾 | Kokoro no oku no bakudan | The bomb |
もう | mou | inside your heart |
爆発しそう | bakuhatsushisou | is about to explode. |
夢ばっかでいいじゃない | yume bakka de ii janai | There’s nothing wrong with dreaming. |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | Tululila Talila Tulula |
泣いてばっかりじゃ | naite bakkari ja | But nothing comes of all this crying. |
なんにもこない | nanimo konai | If you burst, |
はじけちゃえば Hop&Jump | hajikechaeba Hop&Jump | then hop & jump |
リズムに乗ったら | Rizumu ni nottara | If you ride on the rhythm, |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | Tululila Talila Tulula |
クルクル回りながら | Kurukuru mawarinagara | Though we’re spinning ‘round and ‘round, |
踊ってみようか | odottemiyou ka | let’s try to dance. |
真夜中のsparkle&Trip | mayonaka no sparkle & trip | At midnight, sparkle&Trip |
コボレタナミダハ | Koboreta namida wa | Your fallen tears |
キラキラダイヤモンド | Kirakira daimondo | sparkled like a diamond. |
イツデモエガオ | Itsudemo egao | But don’t forget |
ワスレナイデ | Wasurenaide | to smile |
ネガエバカナウ Happy&Smile | Negaeba kanau Happy&Smile | whenever one of your wishes comes true. Happy&Smile |
ルーレット廻せば | Ruuretto mawaseba | If you spin the roulette wheel, |
全てが回りだすよ | subete ga mawari dasu yo | everything is gonna go ‘round |
ナナイロにキラキラ twinkle&blink | Nanairo ni kirakira | The rainbow will sparkle, twinkle & blink |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | tululila talila tulula |
夜空見上げたら | yozora miagetara | If you look up at the night sky, |
トゥルリラタリラトゥルラ | Tururira Tarira Turura | tululila talila tulula |
流れ星に願いごとかけて | nagareboshi ni negaigoto kakete | Make a wish on a shooting star. |
きっと叶うtwinkle&wish | kitto kanau twinkle&wish | It’ll twinkle and your wish will surely come true. |
English translation by wingarea