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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Dennou Kanjou
Song title
Romaji: Dennou Kanjou
English: Cyber Emotions
Original Upload Date
December 22, 2022
Sebon (music, lyrics)
Katorea (illustration)
16,000+ (NN), 3,100+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
優しすぎる なんて言わないでね yasashi sugiru nante iwanaide ne Don’t tell me that I’m too kind.
嫌われないための精一杯 そんな勘定 kirawarenai tame no seiippai sonna kanjou I’m doing my best not to be hated. That’s what I calculate.
「電脳生活はイイ」騙り "dennou seikatsu wa ii" katari “Cyber life rules!” That’s a lie.
現状 静観が良いみたい あんな惨状 genjou seikan ga ii mitai anna sanjou As for the status quo, it looks like I should just sit on the fence. What a plight.

軽く見てたね 私のブレイン karuku miteta ne watashi no burein You underestimated my brain, right?
眠そうなフリで絡んで 一年グッバイ nemusou na furi de karande ichinen gubbai I pretend to be sleepy, get close to you, and that’ll be a goodbye for one year.

「何だっけな?」 "nandakke na?" “What was that?”

可能性は残しておくの kanousei wa nokoshite oku no I’m leaving the door open.
仮に苦しみ隣なら踏みましょドリフティング karini kurushimi tonari nara fumimasho dorifutingu If we’re neighbors for our pain, let’s step on the pedal for drifting!
誘う仮想世界以外なおざりに izanau kasou sekai igai naozari ni You’re invited to a virtual world; ignore everything else.

そこを空けてよ! soko o akete yo! Make room for me there!
言えなかった私の傘 裏だけ可憐 ienakatta watashi no kasa ura dake karen I couldn’t say it. Only the undersite of my umbrella is pretty.

優しすぎる なんて言わないでね yasashi sugiru nante iwanaide ne Don’t tell me that I’m too kind.
嫌われないための精一杯 そんな勘定 kirawarenai tame no seiippai sonna kanjou I’m doing my best not to be hated. That’s what I calculate.
「電脳生活はイイ」騙り "dennou seikatsu wa ii" katari “Cyber life rules!” That’s a lie.
現状 静観が良いみたい あんな惨状 genjou seikan ga ii mitai anna sanjou As for the status quo, it looks like I should just sit on the fence. What a plight.

甘く見てたね 悲しいよメイト amaku miteta ne kanashii yo meito You took my lightly, right? That makes me sad, mate.
バツが降りかかって一番下 batsu ga ori kakatte ichibanshita The punishment has fallen upon you, dragging you to the bottom.
あーね aa ne Ah, okay.
加速してったね 裸足のレース kasoku shite tta ne hadashi no reesu You accelerated in the barefoot race, right?
傷が塞がったって 果てない時間 kizu ga fusagattatte hatenai jikan Even after the wounds close up, time is endless.

「願ってない!」 "negatte nai!" “I am not wishing!”

可能性は残しておくの kanousei wa nokoshite oku no I’m leaving the door open.
仮に苦しみ隣なら踏みましょドリフティング karini kurushimi tonari nara fumimasho dorifutingu If we’re neighbors for our pain, let’s step on the pedal for drifting!
誘う仮想世界以外なおざりに izanau kasou sekai igai naozari ni You’re invited to a virtual world; ignore everything else.

どこまででも連れていけるよ私を doko made demo tsurete ikeru yo watashi o You can take me anywhere you want!
ねぇ、耳貸してよ nee, mimi kashite yo Hey, lend me your ears.

可哀そうに なんて言わないでね kawaisou ni nante iwanaide ne Don’t tell me that you feel sorry for me.
従わないための精一杯 そんな感情 shitagawanai tame no seiippai sonna kanjou I’m doing my best not to obey them. That’s what I feel.

優しすぎる なんて言わないでね yasashi sugiru nante iwanaide ne Don’t tell me that I’m too kind.
嫌われないための精一杯 そんな勘定 kirawarenai tame no seiippai sonna kanjou I’m doing my best not to be hated. That’s what I calculate.
迷走顛末を弾き騙り meisou tenmatsu o hiki katari Going astray, I’m singing about the circumstances with an instrument.
現状 静観が良いみたい あんな灰情 genjou seikan ga ii mitai anna haijou As for the status quo, it looks like I should just sit on the fence. What an ashen emotion.

ta ta ta ta ta...

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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