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Song title
English: Decide!
Original Upload Date
July 21, 2015
Kagamine Rin
maimie (chorus)
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
120,000+ (NN), 18,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
「傘を差しなさい――」 "kasa o sashinasai――" "Take an umbrella"
――正しくありなさい ――tadashiku arinasai Live properly;
――幸せになりなさい ――shiawase ni narinasai Become happy;
――人を信じなさい ――hito o shinjinasai Believe others:

もううんざり 歩き方はこうとか mou unzari arukikata wa kou toka I'm so tired of that. How to walk,
次がどの足かくらいわかってる! tsugi ga dono ashi ka kurai wakatteru! and which foot to put in front of the other. I understand that much!

一番大切なモノを決める心はここにあるの ichiban taisetsu na mono o kimeru kokoro wa koko ni aru no The heart that decides the most important thing is right here.
"何処か"の"何か"じゃなくて "dokoka" no "nanika" ja nakute It's not "something" from "somewhere".

悔む雨の日もお陽さまはこの瞳の中にいて kuyamu ame no hi mo o hisama wa kono hitomi no naka ni ite Even on gloomy, rainy days, the sun in my eyes,
ずぶ濡れの私を暖めてくれる zubunure no watashi o atatamete kureru Warming me up no matter how soaked through I am

嘘吐きのパレヱドも usotsuki no pareedo mo A lying parade
踊り狂うピンクの象も odorikuruu pinku no zou mo Pink elephants dancing like mad
傷心の本棚も shoushin no hondana mo And bookshelves of heartbreak
なんだかヘンテコ でも大好き nandaka henteko demo daisuki are all a bit weird
私が選んだもの watashi ga eranda mono They're things I chose,

可笑しい? okashii? Are they odd?
可笑しければ笑おうよ okashikereba waraou yo If they're odd, then let's laugh,
歌にのせて uta ni nosete Turning it into a song!

一番大切なコトをできる ichiban taisetsu na koto o dekiru I'm the one who can do the most improtant thing,
私はここにいるの watashi wa koko ni iru no and I'm right here.
"何か"は"誰か"に任せて "nanika" wa "dareka" ni makasete Leave the "something" to "someone".

違いに磨り減って耳塞いでも chigai ni surihette mimi fusaide mo Even if it's stripped away and I cover my ears,
歌は強いることなく uta wa shiiru koto naku Songs aren't that strong.
変わらない詞で満たしてくれる kawaranai kotoba de mitashite kureru Fill me up with unchanging words.

それに気付くまでは sore ni kizuku made wa And, until I noticed,

嵐が往くのを待っていた arashi ga yuku no o matte ita I was waiting for the storm to come.
何もせずに待っていた nani mo sezu ni matte ita Not doing anything: just waiting.
知らないフリしたけど分かっていた shiranai furi shita kedo wakatte ita I acted as if i didn't know but, I actually understood.
虹の橋の向こうへ niji no hashi no mukou e Beyond the rainbow bridge,
"なやみごと"をのっけた馬車を "nayamigoto" o nokketa basha o the wagon I placed all of my "worries" on left,
見送るに人生は短すぎることを miokuru ni jinsei wa mijikasugiru koto o I see it off, and, All of the things too short for life...

困ってもそれが"選択(チョイス)" komatte mo sore ga "choisu" Even if they trouble me, that was my "choice"
独りで立つ"責任(ライアビリティー)" hitori de tatsu "raiabiritii" I can stand on my own - "reliability".
開けた(ドア)は間違いばかり aketa doa wa machigai bakari I always choose the wrong door to open.

ねぇどうしたいの? nee dou shitai no? Hey, what do you want to do?

――正しくありたい ――masashiku aritai I want to live properly
――幸せになりたい ――shiawase ni naritai I want to become happy
――信じたい ――shinjitai I want to believe

どれも綺麗どれも鮮やか dore mo kirei dore mo azayaka They're all beautiful, they're all vivid,

「でも自分で決めたいの!」 "demo jibun de kimetai no!" "But I want to choose for myself!"

一番大切なモノを決める ichiban taisetsu na mono o kimeru The heart that decides the most important thing
心がここにあるの kokoro ga koko ni aru no is right here.
"誰か"の"何か"でいいの? "dareka" no "nanika" de ii no? Is "someone's" "something" okay?

「いいえ!」 "iie!" "No!"

この雨の向こうに素敵な kono ame no mukou ni suteki na Beyond this rain,
色が広がっている iro ga hirogatte iru fabulus colours spread out
けれど答えは他の誰にもない keredo kotae wa hoka no dare ni mo nai But the answer isn't anyone else.
どんな色より誇らしい私の意思(カラー) donna iro yori hokorashii watashi no karaa More proud than any other. My colour.

English translation by Anonymous, verified by Damesukekun


This song was featured on the following album:

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