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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
Song title
Romaji: Terekakushi Shishunki
English: Embarrassment-Hiding Adolescence
Original Upload Date
October 26, 2013
Kagamine Len
KAITO (Alternative game ver)
shito (music, lyrics, bass)
Gom (lyrics)
Oji (guitar)
Yamako (illustration., video)
Other Artists:
Pasta (piano)
1,000,000+ (NN), 13,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
化粧してる?ガキのくせに keshou shiteru? gaki no kuseni Putting on make-up though you're just a kid?
色気づいちゃってちょっと違和感 irokezuichatte chotto iwakan You getting to that age feels kind of wrong …
彼氏でもできたのか? kareshi demo dekita no ka? Could she actually have a boyfriend?
そんな妄想 Sunday sonna mousou Sunday It's that kind of "what-if" Sunday.

お気に入りのパーカー okiniiri no paakaa Thank you for using
それ部屋着にしちゃってくれてますが sore heyagi ni shichatte kuretemasu ga my favorite parka around the house—
お下がりにも慣れっ子になっちゃってんだ osagari nimo narekko ni natchatte nda but then you're used to hand-me-downs.

「使用、許可だ」って甘やかしてさ “shiyou, kyoka da” tte amayakashite sa "Permission to use, granted," I spoil you,
イタズラ笑顔に負けて itazura egao ni makete losing to your mischievous smile.
交じりっけ無し思春期 majirikke nashi shishunki In adolescence we don't act like friends.
知らん顔で僕を惑わす shirankao de boku o madowasu You trip me with an innocent face.

変わらないね泣き顔 kawaranai ne nakigao Your crying face never changes, does it?
余裕で負けちゃうよ yoyuu de makechau yo I lose by a long shot.
嘘じゃないってマジ顔 uso ja nai tte majigao To say "it's for real" out loud
言葉にするのは恥ずかしいんだ kotoba ni suru no wa hazukashii nda with a straight face would be embarassing.

「ついてくんな」遠ざけてた “tsuite kunna” toozaketeta "Don't follow us," I said, keeping my distance
真似してフード深く被って mane shite fuudo fukaku kabutte when you copy me and pull up your hood,
幼かった二つの手繋いで歩けなくて osanakatta futatsu no te tsunaide arukenakute since when we were young, no way I'd take you by the hand.

お気に入りのおもちゃもだね okiniiri no omocha mo da ne Then there was my favourite toy.
壊され三日口も利かずに kowasare mikka kuchi mo kikazu ni You kept quiet about breaking it for three whole days
怒られても意地っ張りなっちゃっていた okorarete mo ijippari natchatte ita and were obstinate even after I got mad at you.

「しょうがないな」って今なら言える? "shouganai na" tte ima nara ieru? Now at last am I able to say, "It can't be helped"?
素直な言葉に変えて sunao na kotoba ni kaete Saying it frankly,
照れ隠し反抗期 terekakushi hankouki it's a rebellious phase where you hide your embarrassment,
知らん顔で無邪気に笑う shirankao de mujaki ni warau and you smile sweetly with an innocent face.

変わらないね明日も kawaranai ne ashita mo We won't change, right? Tomorrow,
未来も当てちゃうよ mirai mo atechau yo in the future, still at each other.
嘘じゃないってマジ顔 uso ja nai tte majigao A serious face that says I'm not kidding.
ずっとね隣でいつも見てた zutto ne tonari de itsumo miteta I've always been watching you by your side.

オトナだってフリしたり otona datte furi shitari Kids acting grown-up,
コドモだってフリしたり kodomo datte furi shitari grown-up and acting like kids.
変わらないで泣き顔 kawaranai de nakigao Don't ever change; your crying face
たまには悪くない tamani wa waruku nai isn't so bad once in a while.

さあ言葉にするから saa kotoba ni suru kara Alright, I'll say it out loud,
「大切だよ」これからも "taisetsu da yo" kore kara mo "You mean a lot to me."
変わらないね明日も kawaranai ne ashita mo We'll always be like this, won't we? Tomorrow
ずっとね隣でいつも見てる zutto ne tonari de itsumo miteru and onwards I'll keep watching you by your side.

English translation by Renna and ElectricRaichu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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