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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (mild suicidal ideation); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice.
Song title
Romaji: Tetorisu
Official English: Tetoris[1]
Original Upload Date
November 8, 2024
Kasane Teto
Hiiragi Magnetite (music, lyrics, video)
Sena Yuuta (illustration)
1,800,000+ (NN), 24,000,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
どうしてすぐ知ってしまうの doushite sugu shitte shimau no How do they find out so quickly?
共振で苦しんでし罵倒 kyoushin de kurushinde shi batou Berated with threats like, "suffer the resonance!"
Q.更新で降る隕石抹消可? koushin de furu inseki masshouka? Q. Is updating to delete the meteor shower permitted?
悪くない warukunai Well, it's not wrong

興味ねえ救い派手感動 kyoumi nee sukui hade kandou To hell with salvation, that skin-deep melodrama
常備ねえ薬食べBAD joubi nee kusuri tabe BAD I take my orphan drugs[2]―they're BAD
Q.超酷えフル見た目暗号化? chou hidee furu mitame angouka? Q. Could you fully encrypt the god-awful look?
金による kane ni yoru For a price

常識ねえ狂いっぱで乱闘 joushiki nee kuruippa de rantou Forget common sense―let the brawl run amok
放置ゲーする陰キャでバンド houchi gee suru inkya de bando A band of loners playing idle games
Q.送信で苦しいダメCancelは? soushin de kurushii dame Cancel wa? Q. Sending it is too painful―can I cancel?
草生える kusa haeru Don't make me laugh[3]

どうしてすぐ見てしまうの doushite sugu mite shimau no How do they see it so quickly?
どうしてすぐ言ってしまうの doushite sugu itte shimau no Why do they speak so frankly?
どうしてすぐ壊れちゃうかな doushite sugu kowarechau kana Why do I fall apart so easily, I wonder
(パパラパラパラ) (papara para para) (Papara para para)

近未来しか勝たん kinmirai shika katan Nothing tops the near future
ショッピンモールの現代コンピュー shoppin mooru no gendai konpyuu Today's shopping malls are online
小窓(ショーウィンドウ) タヒか加担 shoo windou shi ka katan It's complicity or death in the display window
モンティホールの経費でピンボール monti hooru no keihi de pinbooru Playing pinball with Monty Hall's expenses

オイルマッサージ100分コース足湯付き oiru massaaji hyappun koosu ashiyutsuki A 100 minute oil massage, footbath included
柚子を添えて yuzu o soete Garnish with yuzu

テテテテトテト テテテテトリス te te te teto teto te te te tetorisu Te te te Teto Teto te te te Tet-o-ris
どうしてこんな目に に に doushite konna me ni ni ni Why is this happening to me, me, me?

興味がないこと本気じゃないもの全部後回しで kyoumi ga nai koto honki janai mono zenbu atomawashi de Putting off everything I'm neither interested in nor serious about,
知ってることは知らんぷり 私は終わってる shitteru koto wa shiranpuri watashi wa owatteru I, feigning ignorance of what I know, am hopeless

恥ずかしい過去知ってるやつらの記憶消させて hazukashii kako shitteru yatsura no kioku kesasete Let me erase the memories of those who know my embarrassing past
迷惑かけてごめんってば ねえ誰か助けて meiwaku kakete gomen tteba nee dareka tasukete I've already apologized for causing trouble, okay? Please, someone save me

妄信で すぐ惹かれちゃうの moushin de sugu hikarechau no Are they so easily swayed by blind belief?
狂信で すぐ引かれちゃうの kyoushin de sugu hikarechau no Are they so easily drawn to blind devotion?
知りたくない 知りたくない 知りたくない shiritakunai shiritakunai shiritakunai I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
(タタラタラタラ) (ta tara tara tara) (Tatara tara tara)

もう見ねえ すぐ引かれSAD mou minee sugu hikare SAD I won't even look! I'm drawn in so easily―it's SAD
常勤で狂いたてMAD joukin de kuruitate MAD I've gone insane full-time―it's MAD
行きたくない 行きたくない 生きたくない ikitakunai ikitakunai ikitakunai I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go on living
ばーいばい baai bai Buh-bye!

臨時休業 洗濯ボール rinji kyuugyou sentaku booru Extra holidays, laundry balls
ナイチンゲールの配信ゲーム naichingeeru no haishin geemu Nightingale's let's play
名刺交換の名シーン meishi koukan no mei shiin That famous business card exchange scene
借金ボウルでチンチロハイボール shakkin bouru de chinchiro haibooru Playing Cee-lo highball[4] in a bowl of debt

温泉旅行3泊4日食事付き onsen ryokou sanpaku yokka shokujitsuki A hot-spring spree, 4 days and 3 nights, meals included
早く行きてえ hayaku ikitee I wanna go ASAP

テテテテトテト te te te teto teto Te te te Teto Teto
テテテテトリス te te te tetorisu Te te te Tet-o-ris
共感性羞恥 恥 恥 kyoukansei shuuchi chi chi I can't help but cringe, cringe, cringe

鬱とか躁とか忙しくて眠れないわ今日も utsu toka sou toka isogashikute nemurenai wa kyou mo Today, too, I'm too overwhelmed by depression and mania to sleep
誰か早く殴って気絶させてくれよ dareka hayaku nagutte kizetsu sasete kure yo Someone, please, knock me unconcious STAT

人生キャンセルキャンセル界隈 jinsei kyanseru kyanseru kaiwai Cancel my life―I'll be in the "canceled" club
ぼんやりとした不安 bon'yari to shita fuan I feel a vague sense of dread
私のせい 私が悪いよそうだよ watashi no sei watashi ga warui yo sou da yo It's my fault! I was wrong! I get it!

興味が出ても本気でやっても全部空回りで kyoumi ga dete mo honki de yatte mo zenbu karamawari de No matter how much I care or how serious I am, it's all in vain,
知らないくせに嘘つき 私は終わってる shiranai kuse ni usotsuki watashi wa owatteru and even when I truly don't know, I'm called a liar! I'm finished

恥ずかしい過去知ってるやつらの記憶消させて hazukashii kako shitteru yatsura no kioku kesasete Let me erase the memories of those who know my embarrassing past
迷惑かけてごめんってば meiwaku kakete gomen tteba I've already apologized for causing trouble, okay?
ねえ誰か助けて nee dareka tasukete Please, someone save me

迷惑かけてごめんってば meiwaku kakete gomen tteba I've already apologized for causing trouble! Okay?!
ねえ誰か許して nee dareka yurushite Please, someone, forgive me!

English translation by Bedrose

Translation Notes

  1. The title of the song and the melody of its chorus are references to the game Tetris. The title is also a play on Teto's name, as the Japanese spelling of Tetris is テトリス (tetorisu).
  2. 常備ねえ薬 is a play on 常備薬, which refers to household medicine. "Orphan drug" is a term for any medication that is indicated for rare diseases, so I thought it was fairly appropriate here.
  3. 草生える literally means "grass grows," but is a common slang expression used to refer to something being funny, as a string of w's (which is commonly used to signify laughter in Japanese) resembles grass.
  4. Cee-lo highball (チンチロリンハイボール) seems to refer to a drinking variant of the game Cee-lo played in izayakas. In the game, a player throws a pair of dice in a bowl, and the resulting roll determines the cost and amount of their highball.

Notable Derivatives

Pmaru-sama Tetoris
Pmaru-sama's cover
Featuring: Pmaru-sama
Producer(s): D_MIX(ディーミックス) (mix)
Yasai31 Tetoris cover
yasai31's cover feat. Kasane Teto (UTAU)
Featuring: Kasane Teto
Producer(s): yasai31 (tuning, artstyle imitation)

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