! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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Song title | |||
"チームメイト" Romaji: Chiimumeito English: Teammate | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
June 28, 2023 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku NT | |||
Producer(s) | |||
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics, arrangement)
Nakanishi (guitar) Sato (bass) Keiki Uto (piano) Yuki Leon (drums) Noren (illustration) えるいー (video) | |||
Views | |||
80,000+ (NN), 1,100,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Commissioned song for the unit MORE MORE JUMP! for the game Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! feat. Hatsune Miku. |
Alternate Versions
MORE MORE JUMP! × Kagamine Len ver. |
Upload date: June 28, 2023 |
Featuring: MORE MORE JUMP! and Kagamine Len |
Producer(s): HoneyWorks (music, lyrics) 左 (illustration) omu (video) |
YT |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
挑みたい 叶えたい | idomitai kanaetai | I want to try, I want to make it real |
不安すら楽しもう | fuan sura tanoshimou | Let’s enjoy it all, even our worries |
大丈夫 離さない | daijoubu hanasanai | It’s alright, I won't let you go |
僕らの結び目は | bokura no musubime wa | The knot between us will never |
ほどけない | hodokenai | come undone |
あの時ああしていれば | ano toki aa shite ireba | “If only I had done that at that time” |
あの時こうしていれば | ano toki kou shite ireba | “If only I had done this at that time” |
きっとこの先も後悔はあって | kitto kon osaki mo koukai wa atte | Surely we’ll regret something in the future too |
それでも僕らは決める | soredemo bokura wa kimeru | But even so, we have decided |
悩みながら生きていく | nayami nagara ikite iku | to live on while having these worries |
でもね傷つくことには慣れないね | demo ne kizutsuku koto ni wa narenai ne | But you see, we'll never get used to getting hurt |
一人きりじゃ笑えていない | hitorikiri ja waraete inai | I can't smile when I’m all alone |
喜びさえも分かち合えない | yorokobi sae mo wakachiaenai | I can’t even share my joys |
君といたい 初めてだった | kimi to itai hajimete datta | For the first time, I wanted to be with you |
痛みさえも分かち合いたいなんて | itami sae mo wakachiaitai nante | and to share even the pain |
歌いたい 踊りたい | utaitai odoritai | I want to sing, I want to dance |
明日すら待てない | ashita sura matenai | I can’t even wait for tomorrow |
“好き”だけじゃ伝わらない | “suki” dake ja tsutawaranai | “I like you” is not enough to convey them |
この想いは何? | kono omoi wa nani? | What are these feelings? |
挑みたい 叶えたい | idomitai kanaetai | I want to try, I want to make it real |
不安すら楽しめ | fuan sura tanoshime | Enjoying it all, even my worries |
大丈夫 離さない | daijoubu hanasanai | It’s alright, I won't let you go |
僕らの結び目は | bokura no musubime wa | The knot between us will never |
ほどけない | hodokenai | come undone |
ああするべきなんだとか | aa surubeki nanda toka | “I should’ve done that” or |
こうするべきなんだとか | kou surubeki nanda toka | “I should’ve done this” |
ずっと人目ばかり | zutto hitome bakari | I've only kept worrying about |
気にしちゃってて | ki ni shichattete | the eyes of others all this time |
誰のための我慢なの? | dare no tame no gaman nano? | For whose sake am I keeping this up? |
答えは出ているくせに | kotae wa dete iru kuse ni | The answer comes to mind immediately |
でもねその一歩が | demo ne sono ippo ga | But you see, I'm afraid to |
怖いんだよね | kowai nda yo ne | take that first step |
一人きりじゃ進めていない | hitorikiri ja susumete inai | I won’t move forward if I’m all alone |
躓き転び また立てるのは | tsumazuki korobi mata tateru no wa | I can stand up again after stumbling down |
君が 君がいるからなんだ | kimi ga kimi ga iru kara nanda | Because you, because you are here with me |
今の僕ら怖いものなんてない | ima no bokura kowai mono nante nai | There’s nothing we’re scared of right now |
届けたい 揺らしたい | todoketai yurashitai | I want to deliver it, I want to shake it |
明日すら待てない | ashita sura matenai | I can’t even wait for tomorrow |
幸せにしたいとか | shiawase ni shitai toka | Even if “I want to make you happy” |
おこがましくたって | okogamashikutatte | sounds so ridiculous |
支えたい 守りたい | sasaetai mamoritai | I want to support you, to protect you |
決して悲しませない | kesshite kanashimasenai | I’ll never let you be sad |
大丈夫 手を取って | daijoubu te o totte | It’s alright, take my hand |
冒険の続きを楽しもう | bouken no tsuzuki o tanoshimou | Let’s enjoy our adventure ahead |
たとえ今日がいい日じゃなくても | tatoe kyou ga ii hi janakute mo | Even if, for example, today's not a good day |
明日はいい日になるかもしれない | ashita wa ii hi ni naru kamo shirenai | Maybe tomorrow will be one |
そう思えるよう僕らは歌う | sou omoeru you bokura wa utau | So that we'll feel that way, we sing |
歌い続ける | utaitsuzukeru | and continue to sing |
楽な道は選びたくない | raku na michi wa erabitakunai | I don’t want to choose the easy road |
理想を求め生き続けたい | risou o motome ikitsuzuketai | I want to continue to live while pursuing my ideals |
胸をはって”アイドル”したい | mune o hatte ”aidoru” shitai | I want to be an “idol” full of confidence |
見ててほしい僕らのステージを | mitete hoshii bokura no suteeji o | I want you to watch the stage that we’re on |
歌いたい 踊りたい | utaitai odoritai | I want to sing, I want to dance |
明日すら待てない | ashita sura matenai | I can’t even wait for tomorrow |
“好き”だけじゃ伝わらない | “suki” dake ja tsutawaranai | “I like you” is not enough to convey them |
この想いは何? | kono omoi wa nani? | What are these feelings? |
挑みたい 叶えたい | idomitai kanaetai | I want to try, I want to make it real |
不安すら楽しめ | fuan sura tanoshime | Enjoying it all, even my worries |
大丈夫 離さない | daijoubu hanasanai | It’s alright, I won't let you go |
僕らの結び目は | bokura no musubime wa | The knot between us will never |
ほどけない | hodokenai | come undone |
English translation by Hiraethie, with edits by Violet
External Links
- YouTube - Off-vocal (from Honeywork's 2nd Channel)