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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Chikuri to
Song title
Romaji: Chikuri to
English: Stung Me
Original Upload Date
October 20, 2010
KitekiP (music, lyrics)
Nemutagari (illustration)
44,000+ (NN), 1,500+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / piapro Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint)


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
少し暖かい風が吹く頃 sukoshi atatakai kaze ga fuku koro When a somewhat warm wind was blowing,
日常の中で君を見かけた nichijou no naka de kimi o mikaketa I found you in my everyday life.
胸の奥でトクンと鳴った mune no oku de tokun to natta My heart thumped in the depths of my chest.
その音が僕達の始まり sono oto ga bokutachi no hajimari That sound was what marked our beginning.

二人乗りをして走ったこの小路や futari nori o shite hashitta kono komichi ya This narrow street we took while riding double,
朝日見たあの川べりも asahi mita ano kawaberi mo That riverbank where we saw the sunrise—
とても大切な思い出の1ページ totemo taisetsu na omoide no ichi peeji Each of them makes up one page of my precious memory.
今でも不意にめくってしまう ima demo fui ni mekutte shimau Even now, I sometimes turn over the pages on impulse.

君と見たあの景色あの世界 kimi to mita ano keshiki ano sekai We watched that scenery and that world together.
今の僕を形づくってくれた ima no boku o katachizukutte kureta They made me what I am today.
君の笑顔 君の涙 kimi no egao kimi no namida Your smile, your tears—
もう僕に向けられないこと mou boku ni mukerarenai koto But you’ll never give them to me now.
わかっているよ wakatte iru yo I’m well aware of that.

あれからいくつも年月が過ぎ are kara ikutsu mo toshizuki ga sugi Many years passed ever since then.
前を見すえて歩きだした頃 mae o misuete aruki dashita koro When I looked beyond and started walking,

僕の目に入る君の今の生活 boku no me ni hairu kimi no ima no seikatsu Your current life came into my view.
幸せそうなあの笑顔 shiawase sou na ano egao You smiled so happily just like back then;
それを見たときに不思議と安心した sore o mita toki ni fushigi to anshin shita I don’t know why, but the sight of it reassured me so much.
笑顔の先に僕がいなくても egao no saki ni boku ga inakute mo I was glad to know that your smile didn’t have to be addressed to me.

君と見たあの景色あの世界 kimi to mita ano keshiki ano sekai We watched that scenery and that world together.
二人肩を並べ見れないとしても futari kata o narabe mirenai to shite mo Although we couldn’t watch them side by side anymore,
君が笑顔でいてくれるその事実が kimi ga egao de ite kureru sono jijitsu ga The fact that you were smiling
何よりも嬉しく思えた nani yori mo ureshiku omoeta Made me happier than anything else.

これからもその笑顔 絶やすことはなく korekara mo sono egao tayasu koto wa naku Please, always keep that smile on your face,
幸せへと続くその道歩いて shiawase e to tsuzuku sono michi aruite And walk along that road leading to happiness.
僕じゃ開けなかったその道だったけど boku ja hirakenakatta sono michi datta kedo Though I wasn’t the one to pave the way,
君が見つけた 大切な その人なら… kimi ga mitsuketa taisetsu na sono hito nara... I’m sure that the person you found will be…

振り返る僕の胸の奥で furikaeru boku no mune no oku de As I turned back, deep within my chest,
チクリと一つ音が響いた chikuri to hitotsu oto ga hibiita A sound resonated and stung me.

君と見たあの景色あの世界 kimi to mita ano keshiki ano sekai We watched that scenery and that world together.
今の僕を形づくってくれた ima no boku o katachizukutte kureta They made me what I am today.
そんな僕が今君にできること sonna boku ga ima kimi ni dekiru koto The only thing I can do for you now
君の幸せを願うこと kimi no shiawase o negau koto Is to wish you happiness.
振り返る僕の瞳に映る景色 furikaeru boku no hitomi ni utsuru keshiki As I turn back, my eyes reflect a new scene;
清々しく澄み渡ってる青い空 sugasugashiku sumiwatatteru aoi sora It’s a refreshingly clear, blue sky.
滲む景色 胸に焼きつけ nijimu keshiki mune ni yakitsuke Imprinting the blurred view in my memory,
今僕は目の前の道歩き出す ima boku wa me no mae no michi aruki dasu I will now set foot on this road up ahead.

背中越しにさよなら告げて senaka goshi ni sayonara tsugete I bid you farewell from behind.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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