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Kadwanalka Garoscope
Song title
English: Selene Tide
Original Upload Date
February 12, 2019
KAITO and Camui Gackpo
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)


The following translation was made by Bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
感度上々 ちゃっと状況報告 kando joujou chatto joukyouhoukoku With the greatest sensitivity, a quick situation report
大変才の新発明 見た目(えーっと)ナンセンス taihensai no shinhatsumei mita me (eetto) nansensu The new invention of an incredible talent, when looked at from the outside, seems like (uhhhh) nonsense

残る故伝統 勝利こそ正統 nokoru yue dentou shouri koso seitou Victory is our tradition because it has remained
聴けよ諸君掲げた旗を誇れ kike yo shokun kakageta hata o hokore Listen, all of you, take pride in the flag you march under

(да сэр, Сержа́нт) (da ser, Serzhant) (Yes sir, Sergeant!)

風を切って正義誠実規律遵守 kaze o kitte seigi seijitsu kiritsu junshu Stride on for justice and sincerity and discipline and compliance
それがセレーネ 歴史上も…… sore ga sereene rekishijou mo… That is Selene! Even historically…
ちょっと話 長くねぇ? chotto hanashi nagakunee? Isn’t that kind of a long story?

状況開始 joukyou kaishi Situation start[1]
十六夜読め ケデット izayoi yome kedetto Read the waning moon, cadet[2]
群雲纏え スタイリッシュ murakumo matoe sutairisshu Clothe yourself in clouds, stylishly
衝動 弓を引き絞り shoudou yumi o hikishibori Draw back your bow on impulse
атака! атака! атака! ataka! ataka! ataka! Attack! Attack! Attack!
怯まずかかれ (да сэр) hirumazu kakare (da ser) Set forth without flinching (Yes sir!)

叩きのめせ ウィケッド 極彩色のチープ・シック tatakinomese uikeddo gokusaishiki no chiipu shikku Beat them to a pulp–wicked! It’s richly colored cheap chic[3]
番えたその魂放て 満たされていくセレーネタイド tsugaeta sono tamashii hanate mitasarete iku sereene taido Let fly the soul you nocked in your bow; the Selene Tide is swelling

開幕状況優勢 潮流断然セレーネ kaimaku joukyou yuusei chouryuu danzen sereene At the rise of the curtain, our situation is superior; the tide is absolutely Selene
曳光弾が綺麗ねって へーそう案外ロマンチスト eikoudan ga kirei ne tte hee sou angai romanchisuto “Those tracer bullets are pretty, don’t you think?” Wow, you’re more of a romantic than I thought

営倉行きたいかジャスティン eisou ikitai ka jasutin Do you want to go to the detention barracks, Justin?
笑って待ってCalmati! 戦々恐々戦線情報 waratte matte Calmati! sensenkyoukyou sensen jouhou Smile, wait, calm yourself! Trembling with fear, some news from the front
先生! 風雲急を告げる報せ 鐘の音 sensei! fuuunkyuu o tsugeru shirase kane no oto Sir! The bells that tell us the situation has become critical
止まらない tomaranai Won’t stop ringing

状況開始 joukyou kaishi Situation start
夜さりに聴け ケデット 風鳴りと踊れ スタイリッシュ yosari ni kike kedetto kazenari to odore sutairisshu Listen to the nightfall, cadet–dance to the roar of the wind, stylishly
堂々 響くリズムで doudou hibiku rizumu de And to that boldly resounding rhythm
атака! атака! атака! ataka! ataka! ataka! Attack! Attack! Attack!
休まずかかれ (да сэр) yasumazu kakare (da ser) Set forth without resting (Yes sir!)

炙り出せ ウィケッド aburidase uikeddo Bring it to light–wicked!
オシャ帽子はチープ・シック osha boushi wa chiipu shikku This fashionable hat is cheap chic
番えたその魂放て 満たされていくセレーネタイド tsugaeta sono tamashii hanate mitasarete iku sereene taido Let fly the soul you nocked in your bow; the Selene Tide is swelling

苦しみも 恐怖も 己の弱さ kurushimi mo kyoufu mo onore no yowasa Suffering and fear and your own weakness–
そりゃまーねってなるか! sorya maa ne tte naru ka! Are those things you’ve gotten complacent about?
足りないものは足りない 腹は勝手に膨らまない tarinai mono wa tarinai hara wa katte ni fukuramanai What’s not good enough is not good enough; your stomach won’t fill up by itself
けど何とかしなきゃなんないんだろう kedo nantoka shinakya nannain darou You’ve gotta do something

暁を視ろ ジャスティン 赤光に謳え ノエル akatsuki o miro jasutin shakkou ni utae noeru Look at the dawn, Justin! Praise the red light, Noel!
衝動 弓を引き絞り shoudou yumi o hikishibori Draw back your bow on impulse
атака! атака! атака! ataka! ataka! ataka! Attack! Attack! Attack!

怯まずかかれ (да сэр) hirumazu kakare (da ser) Set forth without flinching (Yes sir!)

叩きのめせ ウィケッド 極彩色のチープ・シック hikinomese uikeddo gokusaishiki no chiipu shikku Beat them to a pulp–wicked! It’s richly colored cheap chic
番えたその魂放て 満たされていくセレーネスタイル&タイド tsugaeta sono tamashii hanate mitasarete iku sereene sutairu ando taido Let fly the soul you nocked in your bow; the Selene Style & Tide is swelling

襟を正せ正義誠実規律遵守 eri o tadase seigi seijitsu kiritsu junshu Straighten your collar for justice and sincerity and discipline and compliance
それがセレーネ 書類上も―― sore ga sereene shoruijou mo– That is Selene; even in official documents–
ちょっと話…… chotto hanashi… Isn’t that kind of…

English translation by bluepenguin

Translation Notes[]

  1. “Joukyou kaishi” is a phrase used in the Japanese Self-Defense Force to mark the start of a training scenario. However, it is widely misused in fiction as something said at the beginning of an actual mission. (Some discussion of this here if you can read Japanese.)
  2. Both here and in the other stanza where the lyrics say “cadet” and “stylish,” they’re actually saying something else, but it goes by so fast (and Vocaloid pronunciation is so indistinct) that I can’t really tell what it is except that both words end in “i”. (My first guess would be that they’re saying the same word in a different language, but it’s definitely not Italian or Russian, because “cadet” is “cadetto” in the former and “kadet” in the latter, so I don’t know what else it would be. And it could be a different word entirely.)
  3. Cheap chic” was a fashion philosophy from the 1970s.


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links[]
