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Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
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Yugica Celestrast
Song title
Romaji: Seresutorasuto
Official English: Celestrast
Original Upload Date
September 27, 2022
Meika Hime and Meika Mikoto
Yugica (music, lyrics)
Kuroume (video)
29,000+ (NN), 62,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Singer Hime Mikoto Both
Japanese Romaji English
何故?何故?何故?何故? 知らなかった? naze? naze? naze? naze? shiranakatta? Why? Why? Why? Why? Didn’t you know that?
当たり前じゃない偽善の証明 atarimae janai gizen no shoumei A proof of hypocrisy that’s not ordinary.
まだまだまだまだ未完成 madamada madamada mikansei It’s still, still, still, still incomplete,
けど正も我もただ ここにある kedo sei mo ga mo tada koko ni aru But yet righteousness and ego are simply here.

まるで世界が自分を廻る気がした marude sekai ga jibun o mawaru ki ga shita I felt as if the world had revolved around me.
不確かなリズムで狂わされ futashika na rizumu de kuruwasare The uncertain rhythm has driven me crazy.
君が愛だと言うなら正解は変わる kimi ga ai da to iu nara seikai wa kawaru If you say it’s love, the correct answer will change.
不均衡独裁目隠し世界 fukinkou dokusai mekakushi sekai An unequal, dictatorial, blindfold world.

La ta ta 事実だ正解かカラカラ渇くわ La ta ta jijitsu da seikai ka karakara kawaku wa La ta ta, it’s the fact. Is it correct? I’m parched with thirst.
自身か他人か右だ左かで? jishin ka tanin ka migi da hidari ka de? Myself or others, right or left, eh?
逆さまに落ちてくキラキラ世界で sakasama ni ochiteku kirakira sekai de In this dazzling world where we’re falling upside-down,
エゴを証明しよう ego o shoumei shiyou Let’s prove our egos.

だだだ誰?誰?誰?誰? 君の正義 dadada dare? dare? dare? dare? kimi no seigi W-w-w-who? Who? Who? Who? You had your justice,
優柔不断なまま浮かべ捨てた yuujuufudan na mama ukabesuteta Which was set afloat and cast away, as indecisive as ever.
何処何処何処何処探したって doko doko doko doko sagashita tte Wherever, wherever, wherever, wherever I search,
何にもどうにも見出だせないわからない nan ni mo dounimo midashidasenai wakaranai I can’t possibly figure anything out. I don’t understand.

何故?何故?何故?何故? 知らなかった? naze? naze? naze? naze? shiranakatta? Why? Why? Why? Why? Didn’t you know that?
当たり前じゃない偽善の証明 atarimae janai gizen no shoumei A proof of hypocrisy that’s not ordinary.
まだまだまだまだ未完成 madamada madamada mikansei It’s still, still, still, still incomplete,
けど正も我もただ ここにある kedo sei mo ga mo tada koko ni aru But yet righteousness and ego are simply here.

I know you know 全ては必然 I know you know subete wa hitsuzen I know, you know. Everything’s inevitable.
違うI know you know 当然蓋然 chigau I know you know touzen gaizen That’s not true! I know, you know. Naturally possible.
何処が正解か 誰が不正解か doko ga seikai ka dare ga fuseikai ka Where is correct? Who is incorrect?
わからないから 探す未完成 wakaranai kara sagasu mikansei I have no idea, so I grope for incompleteness.

誰が正解と知ってる dare ga seikai to shitteru Who would know that it’s right?
それは誰が想像して決定 sore wa dare ga souzou shite kettei I mean, who imagines and decides it?
例え理想と酷く違っても denial tatoe risou to hidoku chigatte mo denial Even if it was far from the ideal, I’d make a denial.
嘘で生きることは出来ない uso de ikiru koto wa dekinai I won’t live a life covered with lies.
私だ 私が 自分だ 違うんじゃない? watashi da watashi ga jibun da chigau njanai? It’s me. I am myself. I don’t think that’s true?
私"達"が正解 でしょ watashi"tachi" ga seikai desho It’s gotta be “we” plural, no?

だだだ誰?誰?誰?誰? 嘘の正義 dadada dare? dare? dare? dare? uso no seigi W-w-w-who? Who? Who? Who? A fake justice.
記憶もいらない君がいれば kioku mo iranai kimi ga ireba I need no memory, as long as you’re there.
何処何処探しは必要ないよ doko doko sagashi wa hitsuyou nai yo No-no need to search anywhere.
信じれる君なら shinjireru kimi nara I can believe you.

わぱぱ 何故?何故?何故?何故? 正しかった wapapa naze? naze? naze? naze? tadashikatta Wah-pah-pah, why? Why? Why? Why? It turned out correct.
信じるまま動け天人冥合正善 shinjiru mama ugoke tenjin mei gou sei zen Take action with that belief; angels, coalescence, goodness.
まだまだ未完成ego specter madamada mikansei ego specter It’s still incomplete; an ego specter.
正も我もただ ここにある sei mo ga mo tada koko ni aru Righteousness and ego are simply here.
さあ奪い取れ 未来も 愛さえ 解は無い saa ubaitore mirai mo ai sae kai wa nai Here, take it away! The future—even love—has no solution.
反正 hansei Recovery.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

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