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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Aru Choumiryou - セルリアンブルー錯視症
Song title
Romaji: Serurian Buruu Sakushishou
English: Cerulean Blue Heteroptics
Original Upload Date
June 6, 2015
Matsudappoiyo and Amaga Elu
tyoumiryou_A (music, lyrics)
Shiogama (tuning)
Yuneo (illustration)
Karasuda (video)
270,000+ (NN), 120,000+ (YT), 2,200+ (PP)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / piapro Broadcast


The following translation was made by Tackmyn Y., and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
空見てたの sora miteta no I was watching the sky.

まだ夢を見てたから mada yume o miteta kara Because I was still in a dream,
喉を掴む声 nodo o tsukamu koe I didn’t notice
気づかなくて kizuka nakute The voice grabbing my throat—
それだけでさ sore dake de sa That’s all there is to it.

ふと空を見たの  (正しい言葉とアンチパシーから) futo sora o mita no (tadashii kotoba to anchipashii kara) All of a sudden, I looked up at the sky. (The right words and antipathy)
今思ったこと ima omotta koto What came to my mind just now
君の色のこと  (正しい心は生まれるでしょう) kimi no iro no koto (tadashii kokoro wa umareru deshou) Is about your color. (Will give birth to the right heart.)
……ひとりぼっち。 ……hitoribocchi. ……I’m all alone.

遠い記憶 tooi kioku My memory is distant,
綴じた目蓋 tojita mabuta To which I’ve bound my eyelids.[1]

みんな大体未納のサッカンタイト minna daitai minou no sakkantaito Most of us all haven’t yet paid Succuntite.[2]
手をかざすだけ無駄かもね te o kazasu dake muda kamo ne Maybe there’s no point in shading it with your hands.
だけど ともすれば造語 僕の世界 dakedo tomosureba zougo boku no sekai However, it’s liable to be a coined word; my world.
怪物と錯視症 kaibutsu to sakushishou A monster and heteroptics.
だから大体守れないネードレマルト dakara daitai mamorenai needoremaruto Therefore, we cannot protect most of Nedremalt.[3]
後ろに延びる影を確かめて ushiro ni nobiru kage o tashikamete I see my shadow casting backwards,
たぶん そうすれば希望 君の視界(せかい) tabun sou sureba kibou kimi no sekai For I hope your hope and sight (world)[4]
溶けちゃえばいいのにな tokechaeba ii noni na Will melt away by my doing so.

今まで数えた言葉の意味  ("I"はまた埋め立てたそうだ) ima made kazoeta kotoba no imi ("I" wa mata umetateta sou da) I don’t suppose anybody can (I heard that “I” was reclaimed again.)
誰にもおそらく  (君の話) dare ni mo osoraku (kimi no hanashi) Understand what the words (This is your story.)
わからないでしょう?  (また嘘ばかりを) wakaranai deshou? (mata uso bakari o) I’ve ever counted up mean? (Again, you ate up…)
食んで消えた hande kieta Nothing but lies and disappeared—

どこかの僕は dokoka no boku wa The me of somewhere
いつの僕だ? itsu no boku da? Is me of when?

だから 手持ちの過去を突き刺すの dakara temochi no kako o tsukisasu no Therefore, I’ll stab the past at hand
僕の明日を守るため boku no ashita o mamoru tame In order to protect my tomorrow.
「笑え!」 イシツをカシツは葬れば "warae!" ishitsu o kashitsu wa houmureba “Laugh!” Once peculiarity and negligence are buried,
あとは空の色 ato wa sora no iro All that’s left is the color of the sky.
今日も抜けるような空 アダマンタイト kyou mo nukeru you na sora adamantaito Today too, the sky looks as if I’m passing through it. Adamantite.
僕の心はそれぐらい boku no kokoro wa sore gurai My heart contains only that much.
かくれんぼの鬼は バイバイまた明日 kakurenbo no oni wa baibai mata ashita Regarding the “it” of hide-and-seek, goodbye, see you tomorrow.
馬鹿みたいな視界でさ baka mitai na shikai de sa With this stupid sight—

そして歪みない日々の真ん中に soshite yugami nai hibi no mannaka ni And then, in the middle of these distortion-free days,
ねじれを抱えた僕ひとり nejire o kakaeta boku hitori I, with distortion, am left alone.
錆の浮ききった目は sabi no ukikitta me wa My eyes, covered with rust,
きらきらと星を散らすだけ kirakira to hoshi o chirasu dake Are merely scattering twinkling stars.
みんな大概飛べないようなポンコツで minna taigai tobenai you na ponkotsu de We’re all good-for-nothings who can’t possibly fly,
夢を見るだけ無駄かもね yume o miru dake muda kamo ne So maybe there’s no point in having a dream.
「落としたページはいつか戻るさ」と "otoshita peeji wa itsuka modoru sa" to “The pages you’ve dropped will come back to you someday,”
怪物は笑うのさ kaibutsu wa warau no sa Says and sneers the monster.

ああ 夢見てたそうさ aa yumemiteta sou sa Ah, I was dreaming, indeed,
空見てた君と sora miteta kimi to Together with you who were watching the sky.

English translation by Tackmyn Y.

Translation Notes

  1. A wordplay. 閉じる (to shut) and 綴じる (to bind, to file); for both read “tojiru.”
  2. Means unclear. The most prevailing interpretation is that サッカン comes from 錯簡 (error in binding a book) and タイト is “-ite,” a suffix used to form nouns denoting rocks or minerals (such as “graphite” or “magnetite”).
  3. Means unclear.
  4. 世界 (sekai; world) is written while 視界 (shikai; sight) is sung.


This song was featured on the following albums:

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