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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (Sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Second Kiss
Song title
Romaji: Sekando Kisu
English: Second Kiss
Original Upload Date
May 17, 2017
Megurine Luka
mikitoP (music, lyrics)
madamxx (engineer)
wataboku (illustration)
Otori (video)
190,000+ (NN), 220,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
I give you secret… All my heart…

戸惑い 隠せないのね tomadoi kakusenai no ne You can't avoid your confusion, right?
乱暴な手つきでわかる ranbou na tetsuki de wakaru I understand by your rough manner
それもそう 秘密のFRIDAY sore mo sou himitsu no FRIDAY Of course, because it's our secret friday
潜り込むシルクのSweet Bed mogurikomu shiruku no Sweet Bed We're crawling in a silk sweet bed

(今夜だけは)甘えて頂戴 (kon'ya dake wa) amaete choudai Tonight I'll pamper you
(子供のように)眠らせてあげる (kodomo no you ni) nemurasete ageru I'll make you sleep just like a kid
(この唇で)暴いたものは (kono kuchibiru de) abaita mono wa With this kiss, the thing that will be revealed
あの人も知らない あなたの本性 ano hito mo shiranai anata no honshou is your real nature that person doesn't even know

“君の全てが欲しい”と "kimi no subete ga hoshii" to By saying “I want all of you”
愛の言葉を聞かせて ai no kotoba o kikasete Let me listen to your love spell
(Close your eyes)リングをつけたまま (Close your eyes) ringu o tsuketa mama Close your eyes while you're still wearing that ring
(All my love“Tonight”)激しく抱いてほしい (All my love "Tonight") hageshiku daite hoshii All my love tonight, I'll embrace you intensely
この夜が明けるまで kono yoru ga akeru made Until this night is over
Just you are only mine

I give you secret… All my heart…

You got a chance 開いてあげる You got a chance hiraite ageru You got a chance, I'll open it for you
首輪についた錠前を kubiwa ni tsuita joumae o the locks of your collar
だからそう 外してお願い dakara sou hazushite onegai That's why, please remove
目障りなその腕時計 mezawari na sono udedokei That eye-soring wristwatch

(今夜だけは)甘えて頂戴 (kon'ya dake wa) amaete choudai Tonight I'll pamper you
(子供のように)眠らせてあげる (kodomo no you ni) nemurasete ageru I'll make you sleep just like a kid
(この唇で)暴けないのは (kono kuchibiru de) abakenai no wa With this kiss, the only thing that won't be revealed
穏やかな 明日のあなたの生活 odayaka na ashita no anata no seikatsu is your calm life tomorrow

“君の全てが欲しい”と "kimi no subete ga hoshii" to By saying “I want all of you”
愛の言葉を聞かせて ai no kotoba o kikasete Let me listen to your love spell
(Close your eyes)開けっ放しのシャワー (Close your eyes) akeppanashi no shawaa Close your eyes in this fresh shower
(All my love“Tonight”)止めずにキスをして (All my love "Tonight") tomezu ni kisu o shite All my life tonight, don't stop kissing me
この夜が明けるまで kono yoru ga akeru made until this night is over
Just you are only mine

目を合わせたフタリ me o awaseta futari When we open our eyes
二番目の口づけを交わす ni banme no kuchizuke o kawasu We exchange the second kiss
都合が良いのは tsugou ga ii no wa It will be conveniently
病みつきになるでしょう yamitsuki ni naru deshou make you addicted

あの人が恐れたあなたの本性 ano hito ga osoreta anata no honshou Your real nature that person is scared of

“君の全てが欲しい”と "kimi no subete ga hoshii" to By saying “I want all of you”
愛の言葉を聞かせて ai no kotoba o kikasete Let me listen to your love spell
(Secret… Secret…)涙が出るほど (Secret… Secret…) namida ga deru hodo This is a secret, until the tears come out
愛の悦びを交わす ai no yorokobi o kawasu We exchange the joy of love
(Close your eyes)リングをつけたまま (Close your eyes) ringu o tsuketa mama Close your eyes while you're still wearing that ring
(All my love“Tonight”)激しく抱いてほしい (All my love "Tonight") hageshiku daite hoshii All my love tonight, I want you to embrace me intensely
この夜が明けるまで kono yoru ga akeru made Until this night is over
その嘘が弾けるまで sono uso ga hajikeru made Until that lie is revealed
Just you are only mine

I give you secret… All my heart…

English translation by Anonymous


This song was featured on the following album:

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