! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (sexual themes); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"スーツ" Romaji: Suutsu Official English: Suit | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 2, 2025 | |||
Singer | |||
Kasane Teto and Hatsune Miku Kanzaki Iori (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Kanzaki Iori (music, lyrics)
Harada (illustration) suien (video) Oshima Ken (guitar) HAO (bass) Inoue Ken'ichi (drums) Shouji Jun (recording, mix) LEVIN (drum tech) lab.L (recording studio) | |||
Views | |||
22,000+ (NN), 180,000+ (YT) 1,200+ (YT, autogen) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (autogenerated by YT) | |||
"Let's quit being human." |
Alternate Versions[]
Kanzaki Iori version |
Upload date: December 25, 2024 |
Featuring: Kanzaki Iori |
Producer(s): Kanzaki Iori (music, lyrics) |
YT (auto-gen) |
The original version.
Japanese | Romaji | English |
そうだ | sou da | That's right, |
人間を辞めよう | ningen o yameyou | Let's quit being human. |
ネクタイ一つ僕を括れない | nekutai hitotsu boku o kukurenai | I can't hang myself with a single necktie. |
安いグリースみたいなプライドなど | yasui guriisu mitai na puraido nado | Just scrape off all that pride |
全部削ぎ落とせ | zenbu sogiotose | Like it's cheap grease. |
知識なんて脱ぎ捨てて | chishiki nante nugisutete | Kick off your knowledge as though it were a pair of shoes. |
コーヒーをぶちまけよう | koohii o buchimakeyou | Let's dump out all the coffee. |
おばあちゃんを助けよう | obaa-chan o tasukeyou | Let's help out some old ladies. |
階段で転ぼう | kaidan de korobou | Let's tumble down the stairs. |
向かい風に負けよう | mukaikaze ni makeyou | Let's lose to the headwind. |
価値とか地位とか言う癖に | kachi toka chii toka iu kuse ni | In spite of all their talk about value and status, |
泣きたい夜あるなら正直に | nakitai yoru aru nara shoujiki ni | If there are nights when you honestly want to cry, |
ねえ今すぐ踊って引き返せ | nee ima sugu odottte hikikaese | Hey, just go and dance your way back! |
しゃしゃり出てるおへそに嚙みついて | shashari deteru oheso ni kamitsuite | Cry over spilled milk that stuck its nose where it shouldn't have. |
犬みたいに吠える夏 | inu mitai ni hoeru natsu | If in summer, when you howled like a dog, |
はしたないのそんな腹見せて | hashitanai no sonna hara misete | You shamefully showed your belly |
ベルトを外したなら | beruto o hazushita nara | And took off your belt, |
もう今日は蝉時雨に抱かれて | mou kyou wa semishigure ni dakarete | Be embraced today by the cicada chorus. |
ボカロ曲でもどうでしょう? | bokaro kyoku demo dou deshou? | How about a vocal synth song? |
歌詞ができない? | kashi ga dekinai? | Can't write lyrics? |
フレーズが湧かない? | fureezu ga wakanai? | Phrases failing to burst forth? |
いいからDAWは開いとけ | ii kara DAW wa hiraitoke | That's okay, just open up your DAW! |
それほど空っぽじゃない癖に怠惰な日々脳の使い捨て | sore hodo karappo ja nai kuse ni taida na hibi nou no tsukaisute | These slothful days are disposables for your brain, even though they're not that empty! |
思春期だからしょうがないね | shishunki dakara shou ga nai ne | You're a teen, it can't be helped. |
二十三十で子どもみたいね | nijuu sanjuu de kodomo mitai ne | In your twenties and thirties, you're like a kid. |
じゃ今日も意味なくシコっとけ | ja kyou mo imi naku shikottoke | Well, meaninglessly wank off today too! |
で明日頑張ればええやん | de ashita ganbareba ee yan | Then, you oughta do your best tomorrow! |
価値とか地位とかいいからさ | kachi toka chii toka ii kara sa | Never mind what they say about value and status. |
泣きたい夜隠して行かないで | nakitai yoru kakushite ikanaide | Don't go hiding the nights you want to cry. |
ねえ今すぐ心に訊いてみて | nee ima sugu kokoro ni kiite mite | Hey, just try listening to your heart! |
触れ合って無敵なフリしないで | fureatte muteki na furi shinaide | Don't pretend you're invincible when touching each other. |
傷なくして僕らは出会えない | kizu nakushite bokura wa deaenai | We can't meet up once we've lost our scars. |
寂しいのは時代のせいにして | sabishii no wa jidai no sei ni shite | Blame your loneliness on the times. |
言いたいことあるなら言うとくれ | iitai koto aru nara iu to kure | Say what you want to say; |
溜め込んでるそれもうバレてるぜ | tamekonderu sore mou bareteru ze | Everything you've stashed away is already leaking out! |
神様を気取るなよ | kamisama o kidoru na yo | Quit playing God. |
どこまでも厚い面の皮 | doko made mo atsui tsura no kawa | You're shameless to the bitter end. |
生き恥を晒してる | ikihaji o sarashiteru | Baring the dishonor you earned |
あんたのほうが性欲が滾る | anta no hou ga seiyoku ga tagiru | During your life, you're the one who's seething with lust. |
だから | dakara | So |
人間を辞めよう | ningen o yameyou | Let's quit being human. |
正論一つここじゃただの文字 | seiron hitotsu koko ja tada no moji | A sound argument is just words here. |
おい | oi | Oi, |
黙秘すんな | mokuhi sun na | Don't keep it bottled up! |
命はさセールのスーツでは飾れない | inochi wa sa seeru no suutsu de wa kazarenai | You can't dress up life with a suit you got on sale. |
今すぐハグして | ima sugu hagu shite | Just hurry up and hug me; |
匂いを嗅がせて | nioi o kagasete | Let me smell you. |
愛とか恋とかいいからさ | ai toka koi toka ii kara sa | Never mind what they say about love and romance. |
ほら今すぐ裸でキスをして | hora ima sugu hadaka de kisu o shite | Look, just kiss me in the nude! |
また安全なとこでイっちゃって | mata anzen na toko de icchatte | If you come again in a safe place |
傷ついたら泣いたらいいじゃんか | kizutsuitara naitara ii jan ka | And get your feelings so hurt you cry, I don't mind. |
なあ | naa | Well, |
よくあるジョークで濁してさ | yoku aru jooku de nigoshite sa | Beat around the bush with popular jokes, |
ほら | hora | And look, |
エイトのビートで腰振れよ | eito no biito de koshi fure yo | Thrust your hips to the 8-count! |
もう | mou | Now, |
愛とか恋とか言う前に | ai toka koi toka iu mae ni | Before you talk about love and romance, |
生きたいと気づけよ | ikitai to kizuke yo | Figure out that you want to live. |
English translation by MeaningfulUsername
External Links[]
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