Song title | |||
"ステラ" Romaji: Sutera Official English: Stella | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
July 31, 2015 (album release date) February 4, 2025 (MV) | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
90,000+ (YT) 21,000+ (YT, autogen) | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated) | |||
Official image song for "Snow Miku Sky Town." |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
もっとずっと笑えるように 流星にお願いしたら | motto zutto waraeru you ni ryuusei ni onegai shitara | If you wish on a shooting star to always be able to smile more, |
街が煌めくこんな情景を ただ胸に抱きしめて | machi ga kirameku konna joukei o tada mune ni dakishimete | Just hold this spectacle of a twinkling town close to your heart. |
とびっきりの笑顔で眠る君を起こして | tobikkiri no egao de nemuru kimi o okoshite | I'm waking you from slumber with an unequaled smile |
「いつもよりも遠くまで連れて行って!」 | "itsumo yori mo tooku made tsurete itte!" | And asking you to take me even further than usual! |
お気に入りのこのマフラー 今年流行りのコート | okiniiri no kono mafuraa kotoshi hayari no kooto | I'll be wearing my favorite scarf and a coat that's popular this year. |
合わせ鏡の前に立って くるり回って大変身! | awase kagami no mae ni tatte kururi mawatte daihenshin! | Standing between two facing mirrors, I give a twirl for my total makeover! |
ドアを開けて飛び出して 3歩目で転ぶ | doa o akete tobidashite sanpome de korobu | I leap through the open door and fall down at the third step. |
また苦笑いする君 | mata nigawarai suru kimi | You wryly smile again. |
過ぎていった季節に少しだけキュンってするけど | sugite itta kisetsu ni sukoshi dake kyun tte suru kedo | Through I'm just a bit choked up at the passing of autumn, |
次の日々に出会えるかな | tsugi no hibi ni deaeru kana | I wonder if I can meet up with you in the days to come. |
いつかずっと遠い未来で今日の日を思い出しても | itsuka zutto tooi mirai de kyou no hi o omoidashite mo | Even though I'll remember today someday for a long time, all the way to the distant future, |
きっと見上げた星空が君と僕を繋ぐように | kitto miageta hoshizora ga kimi to boku o tsunagu you ni | May the starry sky we gazed at connect us for certain. |
そしてもっと遠い未来でも君と笑いたいんだから | soshite motto tooi mirai demo kimi to waraitai ndakara | And then, because I'll want to laugh with you even in the distant future, |
今ちらついた想いはまだ胸にしまってた | ima chiratsuita omoi wa mada mune ni shimatteta | I just shut away these glimmering feelings in my heart for now. |
いつも通りの私で いつも通りの隣で | itsumodoori no watashi de itsumodoori no tonari de | I want to find what's different from usual |
いつも通りと違うこと見つけたいんだ | itsumodoori to chigau koto mitsuketai nda | About the usual me and the usual place at my side. |
歩き慣れたこの街に 少し早めの雪が | arukinareta kono machi ni sukoshi hayame no yuki ga | Snow's come to these streets I'm used to walking down a little earlier than usual, |
お化粧みたいに降って 時計台も大変身 | okeshou mitai ni futte tokeidai mo daihenshin | And it falls like a decoration, giving even the clock tower a total makeover. |
「今日は冷えるね」なんて言って自然と手を繋ぐ | "kyou wa hieru ne" nante itte shizen to te o tsunagu | You say something like "today's chilly, huh" and smoothly take my hand, |
まだ照れくさそうな君 | mada terekusasou na kimi | But you still seem embarrassed. |
今日のこの気持ちを思い出にしたくないけど | kyou no kono kimochi o omoide ni shitakunai kedo | I don't want to make these feelings of today into mere memories, |
明日もまた出会えるかな | ashita mo mata deaeru kana | But I wonder if we can meet up again tomorrow too. |
いつかずっと離れた街で今日の日を思い出したら | itsuka zutto hanareta machi de kyou no hi o omoidashitara | When I remember today in a distant town someday for a long time, |
きっと見慣れた横顔も大切だと思えるから | kitto minareta yokogao mo taisetsu da to omoeru kara | Surely this familiar side view of you will seem precious, |
だからもっと遠い未来まで君の隣がいいんだから | dakara motto tooi mirai made kimi no tonari ga ii ndakara | And so, because I'd be happy to stay by your side even more, into the distant future, |
まだ言い出せない想いがただ胸に積もってた | mada iidasenai omoi ga tada mune ni tsumotteta | These feelings I still can't express just piled up in my heart. |
そっと抱えてた | sotto kakaeteta | I'll learn even the things |
きっと知らないことも知っていくけど | kitto shiranai koto mo shitte iku kedo | I surely don't know but that I've carried gently, |
願いを届けたいよ この星空の向こうまで | negai o todoketai yo kono hoshizora no mukou made | Yet I want to send my wishes all the way beyond this starry sky. |
いつかずっと遠い未来で今日の日を思い出しても | itsuka zutto tooi mirai de kyou no hi o omoidashite mo | Even though I'll remember today someday for a long time, all the way to the distant future, |
きっと見上げた星空が君と僕を繋ぐように | kitto miageta hoshizora ga kimi to boku o tsunagu you ni | May the starry sky we gazed at connect us for certain. |
そしてもっと遠い未来でも君と笑いたいんだから | soshite motto tooi mirai demo kimi to waraitai ndakara | And then, because I'll want to laugh with you even in the distant future, |
またちらついた想いが今言葉になってた | mata chiratsuita omoi ga ima kotoba ni natteta | These glimmering feelings once again become words just now. |
English translation by MeaningfulUsername
This song was featured on the following albums: