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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Suki Kirai
Song title
Romaji: Suki Kirai
English: Like, Dislike
Official English: Love-Hate
Original Upload Date
January 20, 2011
Kagamine Rin Act2 and Kagamine Len Power Append
FernandoP (lyrics)
Gom (music, arrangement)
Yamako (illustration)
ziro (video)
Bravo Yamada (special thanks)
1,600,000+ (NN), 4,600,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Singer Kagamine Rin Kagamine Len Both
Japanese Romaji Official English
スキヨキライ ワカンナイ キライ suki yo kirai wakannai kirai I love you, I hate you, I dunno... I hate you!
スキダ イガイ アリエナイ スキダ! suki da igai arienai suki da! I love you, I can't believe how much I love you!
スキトキライ ワカンナイ 止まれない suki to kirai wakannai tomarenai Love and hate, I'm not sure... I can't stop it
スキキライ suki kirai Love-Hate

もう! あいつのコクハクってやつ mou! aitsu no kokuhaku tte yatsu Grr! He just came out and said it!
頭の中グルグルと回る atama no naka guruguru to mawaru I can't get it out of my head
スキ キライ 真ん中はあるの? suki kirai mannaka wa aru no? Love, hate, is there a middle ground?
迫られる二択 semarareru nitaku I'm pinned between the two choices

もう返事は決まってるはずさ mou henji wa kimatteru hazu sa You already know what your answer will be
「Wedding」 そうヴィジョンは完璧! "Wedding" sou bijon wa kanpeki! Our wedding! I've got the perfect plan!
そうだ、住むのは松涛あたりがいいな♪ sou da, sumu no wa shoutou atari ga ii na♪ We'll live in Shoto, Tokyo
子供は3人かなぁ(^ω^ ) kodomo wa sannin kanaa(^ω^ ) And have...three kids, or so (^ω^ )

だって待って 何で? datte matte nande? Hang on, wait. What?
だって14歳ですー! …ですよ? datte juuyonsai desuu! ... desu yo? I'm only fourteen! ...Hello?!
「付き合うとか…」 「好きだ」 「話聞いてバカ!」 "tsukiau toka ..." "suki da" "hanashi kiite baka!" "Going steady..." "I love you!" Listen to me, dummy!
ノーガードだぜ スキが多いの noogaado da ze suki ga ooi no You're leaving yourself wide open

恋してみたいわ ふわふわと koishite mitai wa fuwafuwa to I want to try love, all warm and fuzzy
校長 のスピーチにスマイル hage no supiichi ni sumairu Smiling during our bald principal's speech
ミルクとパンダはシロクマで miruku to panda wa shirokuma de Mix milk with pandas and you get polar bears
世界がはずむの♪ sekai ga hazumu no♪ And the world goes round ♪

スキト キライ ワカンナイ suki to kirai wakannai Love and hate, I dunno...
キライ でも スキ? kirai demo suki? I hate you, but I love you?

「ホイ!!」 「エッ!?」 "hoi!!" "ee!?" "Hey!" "Huh?!"

レインボークォーツ 帰り道欲しがってたやつ reinboo kuootsu kaerimichi hoshigatteta yatsu It's that rainbow quartz! The one you wanted on the way home
眺める君を僕は視ていた nagameru kimi o boku wa mite ita I saw you staring at it
通学路 反対だけど それは気にしないで tsuugakuro hantai dakedo sore wa ki ni shinaide Even though...I live in the other direction. But don't worry about that!

てゆーか! あんまりスキじゃないタイプ te yuu ka! anmari suki ja nai taipu You know, he's not really my type...
ゆえに 反動でしょうか yue ni handou deshou ka Maybe that's why...there's some sort of reaction.
そっか、急に優しくなんてされたから グラついて動揺 sokka, kyuu ni yasashiku nante sareta kara guratsuite douyou It's just, he was just so nice to me! Out of nowhere, my heart did a pitter-patter

タって グって ソっと ヌいて  賢者(れいせい)になってみても tatte gutte sotto nuite reisei ni natte mite mo Stand, embrace, softly, pull away. Even if I become a wise man,
間違いなく! いなくぅ? 理屈ヌキでスキ machigai naku! inakuu? rikutsu nuki de suki I couldn't rationally explain this love, never ever!
ノープロブレム 僕を信じて noopuroburemu boku o shinjite No problem, trust me

君に火を点けた ゆらゆらと kimi ni hi o tsuketa yurayurato I'm a pyromaniac who loves lighting your fire
萌えてHighになるパイロマニア moete High ni naru pairomania Burning me to ash,[1] smoke rising to the clouds
「愛しているんだ!」 よく分からないけど "aishite iru nda!" yoku wakaranai kedo "I love you!" I'm not totally sure...
おそらく正解 osoraku seikai But I think I'm right!

やだな 染められそう ya da na someraresou Oh no, I think I may be falling in love
知ってシマタ優しさ(´・ω・`) shitte shimata yasashisa(´・ω・`) Now that I know how nice you are (´・ω・`)
時にヘンタイでもスキにソメラレテク… toki ni hentai demo suki ni somerareteku ... You're such a weirdo sometimes, but I'm still falling for you...

恋してみたいわ ギラギラと koishite mitai wa giragira to I want to try love, all sparkling bright
パンダが寝てちゃツマラナイ panda ga netecha tsumaranai A panda that just sleeps all day is no fun
愛して出して水をあげて初めて育つの aishite dashite mizu o agete hajimete sodatsu no Love it, walk it, give it water, nurture it

ぶつかる二人と同時のスキ 絡み合うフロマージュ butsukaru futari to douji no suki karamiau furomaaju Butting heads and holding hands, intertwined fromage
キライさえ裏表 僕ら今 コイシテル kirai sae uraomote bokura ima koishiteru Hate may be a coinflip away, but for now we're in love

スキヨキライ ワカッテル スキヨ suki yo kirai wakatteru suki yo I love you, I hate you... I know I know! ...I love you!
スキダ イガイ アリエナイ スキダ suki da igai arienai suki da I love you, I can't believe how much I love you!
スキトキライ オワラナイ suki to kirai owaranai Love and hate, it never ends
スキキライ suki kirai Love-Hate

English translation from Project DIVA F 2nd

Translation Notes

  1. 萌えてHighになる ("having a crush and gaining extreme pleasure from it") is most likely a pun on 燃えて灰になる ("burning and turning to ash").


This song was featured on the following albums:

A remix version of this song by Giga-P was featured on the following albums:

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