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Song title | |||
"ジャスティン⇒ジャイブ⇒ジャスティファイ" Romaji: Jasutin ⇒ Jaibu ⇒ Jasutifai English: Justin ⇒ Jive ⇒ Justify | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
January 10, 2018 | |||
Singer | |||
Camui Gackpo MEIKO (chorus) | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
290,000+ (NN), 190,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
Singer | Gakupo | MEIKO | Chorus |
Japanese | Romaji | Official English | |
「チキータ、 |
"chikiita, ruuru wa seigi jaa nai. | “Chiquita[1], rules are not just. | |
みんな少しだけ言い訳したいのさ」 | minna sukoshi dake iiwake shitai no sa" | Everyone just wants to give little excuses.” | |
きょうび正義なんて振りかざすほど重くないようで | kyoubi seigi nante furikazasu hodo omokunai you de | Nowadays justice seems so unimportant that it’s never given | |
そう困ってる貴女に | sou komatteru anata ni | When that troubles you, | |
粋で |
iki de inasena jasutin jaibu | I give you the smart and dashing JUSTIN⇒JIVE! | |
簡単さ 叩いて CLAP! CLAP! | kantan sa tataite CLAP! CLAP! | It’s easy – clap! CLAP! CLAP! | |
冗談みたいに 弾んで POP! POP! | joudan mitai ni hazunde POP! POP! | Bounce like it’s a joke – POP! POP! | |
さぁダーリン ダーリン | saa daarin daarin | Now, darling, darling | |
POP&CLAP&SIDE&ROUND TURN 上々 | POP ando CLAP ando SIDE ando ROUND TURN joujou | POP & CLAP & SIDE & ROUND TURN – Excellent! | |
有罪? | yuuzai? | Guilty? | |
驚きの『白』で冤罪だ さぁ? 〔さぁ!〕 | odoroki no “shiro” de enzaida saa? (saa!) | So your paleness is surprise – A false accusation, right? (Right!) | |
真相なんてどうだっていい | shinsou nante dou datte ii | It doesn’t matter what the truth is | |
≪ |
≪peten rijun waru sashou mujitsu ≫ | ≪Fraud⇒Profit÷False evidence=Innocent≫ | |
≪粗暴⇒ |
≪sobou fubou kibou wakai≫ | ≪Violence⇒Slander×Trickery=Settled≫ | |
≪汚職⇒証拠不十分≫ | ≪oshoku shouko fujuubun≫ | ≪Corruption⇒Insufficient evidence≫ | |
あー I・KE・ZU! | aa I KE ZU! | Ah, it・won’t・do! | |
銃弾? 糾弾? 呷ってコール | juudan? kyuudan? aotte kooru | Bullets? Slander? Swallow it now | |
Gimme Gimme 吐いちまえよ | Gimme Gimme haichimae yo | Gimme Gimme Spit it out! | |
法は悪食さ |
hou wa akujiki sa Va Bene hora | The law is wrong, see? It’s okay! | |
貴女の全てを |
anata no subete o jasutifai | I’ll justify your everything | |
「PERFETTO! なかんずくよくジャスティンだ」 | "PERFETTO! nakanzuku yoku jasutin da" | “PERFETTO! Above all, a good Just in.” | |
「なかんずく?」 | "nakanzuku?" | “Above all?” | |
「世の中知らなくて良いことが多すぎる」 | "yo no naka shiranakute ii koto ga oosugiru" | “There’s too many things in this world you don’t have to know.” | |
「答えになってない」 | "kotae ni nattenai" | “That doesn’t answer my question.” | |
「さぁ笑って?」 | "saa waratte?" | “So smile?” | |
「人は法に平等か?」 | "hito wa hou ni byoudou ka?" | “Aren’t all people equal under the law?” | |
「若し君が説くならば」 | "moshi kimi ga toku naraba" | “If that’s what you want to think.” | |
「ではセカイに法は幾つある?」 | "de wa sekai ni hou wa ikutsu aru?" | “Then how many laws does the world have?” | |
「描く理想の数だけは」 | "egaku risou no kazu dake wa" | “Only as many as you have ideals.” | |
「吐き気催す |
"hakike moyousu daburu sutandaado" | “These double standards make me sick.” | |
「なんなら |
"nannara toripuru mezasou ka" | “If that’s so, should we aim for a triple?” | |
Sì? 斬新かい? No | Sì? zanshinkai? No | Sì? Original, right? No | |
danshinguraizu | Dancing lies | ||
もう大体 |
mou daitai ruuru ga kou da to ka | The idea is if the rules are like this, | |
全体倫理がそうだとか | zentai rinri ga sou da to ka | And if morals are all like that, | |
都合なんざどうだっていい | tsugou nan zadou datte ii | Then the circumstances don’t matter | |
≪ |
≪peten rijunwaru sashou mujitsu≫ | ≪Fraud⇒Profit÷False evidence=Innocent≫ | |
≪粗暴⇒ |
≪sobou fubou kibou wakai≫ | ≪Violence⇒Slander×Trickery=Settled≫ | |
≪汚職⇒証拠不十分≫ | ≪oshoku shouko fujuubun≫ | ≪Corruption⇒Insufficient evidence≫ | |
さぁ O・I・DE! | saa O I DE! | Now, come・here! | |
法より順番 守って? こう | hou yori junban mamotte? kou | Follow order rather than rules? Like this | |
ダメダメ リゴリズムに乗って | damedame rigorizumu ni notte | It’s no good, no good! Under the rigorism | |
タブー刻めば |
tabuu kizameba Va Bene hora | It’s okay to shred up taboo, see? | |
amaneku subete o jasutifai | I’ll justify anything and everything | ||
〔ジャスティン×ジャイブ=ジャスティス〕 | (jasutin jaibu jasutisu) | (JUSTIN×JIVE=JUSTICE) | |
ステップ イン | suteppu in | Isn’t the step in | |
ピッチ上々かい? | picchi joujoukai? | pitch the best? | |
ほんのり本気見せようか | honnori honki miseyou ka | Shall I show you just a little truth? | |
愛があれば | ai ga areba | It’s fine if there is love or | |
規則があれば 許される | kisoku ga areba yurusareru | if there are rules | |
だから声も影もなく | dakara koe mo kage mo naku | So that you can softly sleep snuggled up | |
そっと真実に寄り添って眠れるなんて | sotto shinjitsu ni yorisotte nemureru nante | to this reality with no voice or shadows | |
嘘さ | uso sa | Is a lie! | |
不安 不穏 不当 持って来い | fuan fuon futou mottekoi | Anxiety, restlessness, injustice, bring them here | |
がらんどう埋めた叡智で眠れぬ夜を照らせ | garandou umeta eichi de nemurenu yoru o terase | Light up the sleepless nights with wisdom to fill the void | |
貴女が全てを—— | anata ga subete o—— | Everything you—— | |
さぁ裁いて | saa sabaite | Now, judge – | |
正義ブン回せ |
seigi bun mawase ooditaa | an auditor who twists justice around | |
それを |
sore o chotto otetsudai suru no ga iki de inasena | What helps a little with that is the smart and dashing | |
ジャスティン⇒ジャイブ⇒ジャスティファイ | jasutin jaibu jasutifai | JUSTIN⇒ JIVE⇒ JUSTIFY | |
「Grazie! Grazie di cuore! | "Grazie! Grazie di cuore! | “Grazie! Grazie di cuore! | |
わかってもらえたかな? | wakatte moraeta kana? | Do you understand now? | |
わからない? | wakaranai? | You don’t understand? | |
どうでもいい | dou demo ii | It doesn’t matter – | |
A buon intenditor poche parole. | A buon intenditor poche parole. | A buon intenditor poche parole. | |
一つだけ言えるのは決めるのは誰かじゃない。 | hitotsu dake ieru no wa kimeru no wa dareka ja nai. | The one thing I can say is that nobody can decide for you. | |
いつだって——」 | itsu datte——" | Any time—” | |
- ↑ "Chiquita" refers to the Fräulein's real name, not the word for petite.
This song was featured on the following album:
External Links
- Patreon - Karaoke, Lyrics
- Pixiv - Official illustration
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki