Song title | |||
"シング=ライカマジク" English: Sing=Like a Magic | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
April 20, 2015 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
260,000+ (NN), 48,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"If your name is the lyrics, surely life is the melody." Character song of Laika from the Namari Hime series. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
受け取った日を覚えているかい | uketotta hi o oboete iru kai | Do you remember the day you received |
宛名の掠れた旧い |
atena no kasureta furui uta o | That old song addressed to someone whose name had faded |
暖かな |
atataka na hi ni shukufuku sarete umareta sono kotoba o | Those words that were born blessed by a warm light |
錆びた『意思』は抵当に取られ | sabita “ishi” wa teitou ni torare | The rusted “intention” was taken as security |
今日送る『想い』は料金不足 | kyou okuru “omoi” wa ryoukin fusoku | The “feelings” I send today have insufficient postage |
もう咳のひどい『夢』も | mou seki no hidoi “yume" mo | The “dream” with a bad cough |
脚の折れた『勇気』も | ashi no oreta “yuuki” mo | And the “courage” with a broken leg |
病室の壁を見ている | byoushitsu no kabe o mite iru | Are staring at the wall of the hospital room |
聞かせておくれよ | kikasete okure yo | Just let me hear it |
あんまりじゃないか | anmari ja nai ka | It’s not too much to ask, is it? |
inochi no namae ni kanadeta merodi o | The song played in the name of life | |
さぁ! | saa! | Come! |
歌おう 歌おう 魔法のように | utaou utaou mahou no you ni | Let’s sing, let’s sing, like magic |
しょぼくれた明日がはにかむくらい | shobokureta ashita ga hanikamu kurai | So much that the dejected tomorrow becomes shy |
歌おう 涙で 砂糖のような | utaou namida de satou no you na | Let’s sing, so that the sweet, white hope |
甘く白い『希望』 溶かさぬように | amaku shiroi “kibou” tokasanu you ni | Won’t dissolve like sugar in our tears |
嗚呼 罪深き『愛』の調べ | aa tsumibukaki “ai” no shirabe | Ah, the sinful melody of “love” |
求めるほど消えて逝く逃げ水 | motomeru hodo kiete yuku nigemizu | Disappears as you search for it, like a mirage |
もう筆を折った絵描きも | mou fude o otta ekaki mo | The painter who has broken their brush |
地図を焼いた旅人も | chizu o yaita tabibito mo | And the traveler who has burned their map |
痛み止めは手放せない | itamidome wa tebanasenai | Won’t let go of their painkiller |
傷に沁みるのは信じていたいから | kizu ni shimiru no wa shinjite itai kara | The reason their wounds ache is that they want to believe |
自分の『価値』を 誰かを 世界の美しさを | jibun no “kachi” o dareka o sekai no utsukushisa o | In their own “value,” in someone, in the beauty of the world |
さぁ!詩を | saa! uta o | Come! Let’s sing |
歌おう 歌おう 魔法のように | utaou utaou mahou no you ni | Let’s sing a song, like magic |
くたびれた『真心』 スウィングさせて | kutabireta “magokoro” suwingu sasete | Making the tired “sincerity” swing |
歌おう イマの 炎が消えて | utaou ima no honoo ga kiete | Let’s sing; the flames of the moment vanish |
ローソクみたいに固まる前に | roosoku mitai ni katamaru mae ni | Like candles, before they harden |
歌って おくれよ そんな顔しないで | utatte okure yo sonna kao shinai de | Sing for me, don’t look so down |
このふざけた セカイを 笑い飛ばそう | kono fuzaketa sekai o waraitobasou | Let’s laugh off this screwed-up world |
行き交う知らない顔が口ずさむのは | ikikau shiranai kao ga kuchizusamu no wa | The unfamiliar faces that come and go are humming |
一人じゃ心細いから | hitori ja kokorobosoi kara | Because it’s discouraging alone |
二人じゃ寂しいから | futari ja sabishii kara | Because it’s lonely with just the two of us |
その誰もが人生を謳っている | sono dare mo ga jinsei o utatte iru | Everyone is singing their life |
Da-ta la-la-la la-la la-la-la la |
English translation by bluepenguin
This song was featured on the following albums:
- 一五式未確定性音盤
- カドワナルカ=サーガ
- カドワナルカ=シアノタイプ (Kadoh-anna-ruk-a=Cyanotype)