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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Sing=Like a Magic
Song title
English: Sing=Like a Magic
Original Upload Date
April 20, 2015
Hatsune Miku
Nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (video)
Amaoto Junca (voice manipulator)
260,000+ (NN), 48,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
受け取った日を覚えているかい uketotta hi o oboete iru kai Do you remember the day you received
宛名の掠れた旧い(うた) atena no kasureta furui uta o That old song addressed to someone whose name had faded
暖かな()に祝福されて生まれたその(ことば) atataka na hi ni shukufuku sarete umareta sono kotoba o Those words that were born blessed by a warm light

錆びた『意思』は抵当に取られ sabita “ishi” wa teitou ni torare The rusted “intention” was taken as security
今日送る『想い』は料金不足 kyou okuru “omoi” wa ryoukin fusoku The “feelings” I send today have insufficient postage
もう咳のひどい『夢』も mou seki no hidoi “yume" mo The “dream” with a bad cough
脚の折れた『勇気』も ashi no oreta “yuuki” mo And the “courage” with a broken leg
病室の壁を見ている byoushitsu no kabe o mite iru Are staring at the wall of the hospital room

聞かせておくれよ kikasete okure yo Just let me hear it
あんまりじゃないか anmari ja nai ka It’s not too much to ask, is it?

生命(いのち)の名前に奏でた人生(メロディ) inochi no namae ni kanadeta merodi o The song played in the name of life

さぁ! saa! Come!

歌おう 歌おう 魔法のように utaou utaou mahou no you ni Let’s sing, let’s sing, like magic
しょぼくれた明日がはにかむくらい shobokureta ashita ga hanikamu kurai So much that the dejected tomorrow becomes shy
歌おう 涙で 砂糖のような utaou namida de satou no you na Let’s sing, so that the sweet, white hope
甘く白い『希望』 溶かさぬように amaku shiroi “kibou” tokasanu you ni Won’t dissolve like sugar in our tears

嗚呼 罪深き『愛』の調べ aa tsumibukaki “ai” no shirabe Ah, the sinful melody of “love”
求めるほど消えて逝く逃げ水 motomeru hodo kiete yuku nigemizu Disappears as you search for it, like a mirage

もう筆を折った絵描きも mou fude o otta ekaki mo The painter who has broken their brush
地図を焼いた旅人も chizu o yaita tabibito mo And the traveler who has burned their map
痛み止めは手放せない itamidome wa tebanasenai Won’t let go of their painkiller

傷に沁みるのは信じていたいから kizu ni shimiru no wa shinjite itai kara The reason their wounds ache is that they want to believe
自分の『価値』を 誰かを 世界の美しさを jibun no “kachi” o dareka o sekai no utsukushisa o In their own “value,” in someone, in the beauty of the world

さぁ!詩を saa! uta o Come! Let’s sing

歌おう 歌おう 魔法のように utaou utaou mahou no you ni Let’s sing a song, like magic
くたびれた『真心』 スウィングさせて kutabireta “magokoro” suwingu sasete Making the tired “sincerity” swing
歌おう イマの 炎が消えて utaou ima no honoo ga kiete Let’s sing; the flames of the moment vanish
ローソクみたいに固まる前に roosoku mitai ni katamaru mae ni Like candles, before they harden
歌って おくれよ そんな顔しないで utatte okure yo sonna kao shinai de Sing for me, don’t look so down
このふざけた セカイを 笑い飛ばそう kono fuzaketa sekai o waraitobasou Let’s laugh off this screwed-up world

行き交う知らない顔が口ずさむのは ikikau shiranai kao ga kuchizusamu no wa The unfamiliar faces that come and go are humming
一人じゃ心細いから hitori ja kokorobosoi kara Because it’s discouraging alone
二人じゃ寂しいから futari ja sabishii kara Because it’s lonely with just the two of us

その誰もが人生を謳っている sono dare mo ga jinsei o utatte iru Everyone is singing their life

Da-ta la-la-la la-la la-la-la la
Da-ta ta-la-la la-la du-la lu-la
ha-ah ah-ah ta-la-la-la-la
du-wa shu-wa chu-wa

English translation by bluepenguin


This song was featured on the following albums:

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