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Song title | |||
"シュレディンガイガーのこねこ" Romaji: Shuredingaigaa no Koneko English: Schrödinger's Kitten | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
August 21, 2011 Kagamine and Luka covers: Nov.17.2017 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku Kagamine cover: Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len Luka cover: Megurine Luka | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Daniwell (music, lyrics, video)
| |||
Views | |||
Miku version: 230,000+ (NN), 80,000+ (YT), 12,000+ (YT) Kagamine cover: 7,100+ (NN), 17,000+ (YT) Luka cover: 6,500+ (NN), 12,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YouTube) Kagamine cover: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast Luka cover: Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
"It's a cat thing." |
Japanese | Romaji | English |
目覚まし時計のベルで覚めた 朝の日差しがいつも眩しくて | Mezamashi dokei no beru de sameta asa no hizashi ga itsumo mabushikute | Waking up with the alarm, the morning sun is dazzling as always |
夢見心地も吹き飛ぶ アツアツの珈琲淹れたら | Yumemi gokochi mo fukitobu atsu atsu no koohii iretara | That dreamy state of mind fades away, while making some piping hot coffee |
猫舌の私フーフー ささやかな努力しちゃう | Nekojita no watashi fuu fuu sasayaka na doryoku shichau | My sensitive "kitty" tongue can't take it, so I go "fuufuu" making a modest effort |
隣でまるくオヤスミしてる 子猫の名前はポチだけど | Tonari de maruku oyasumi shiteru koneko no namae wa pochi dakedo | Next to me curled up sleeping is a kitten named Pochi however... |
いつだってそういう曖昧なことも 忘れちゃうくらいには | Itsudatte sou iu aimai na koto mo wasurechau kurai ni wa | Always in that ambiguous way you seemingly forget it all |
迷路螺旋状の迷宮 宇宙の信号なんて無視して | Meiro rasen jou no meikyuu uchuu no shingou nante mushi shite | Things like spiraling labyrinths, signals from outer space, ignoring them |
横断歩道を横断している 子猫こねこに見惚れた視線は | Oudan hodou o oudan shite iru koneko koneko ni mihoreta shisen wa | My gaze is mesmerized by the kitty-kitty crossing the street, |
真夏の太陽溶けてくアイスの 落ちる速度は加速度運動 | Manatsu no taiyou toketeku aisu no ochiru sokudo wa kasokudo undou | Such that the speed of my ice-cream melting and falling in the sun accelerates |
空中ブランコで蹴飛ばした 靴が描く放物線の | Kuuchuu buranko de ketobashita kutsu ga egaku houbutsusen no | There is a parabola traced by shoes kicked off swinging from the trapeze |
真下で逆上がりして 変わってくひと夏の魔法 | Mashita de saka agari shite kawatteku hito natsu no mahou | Beneath is someone flipping forward and gradually changing, the magic of summer |
待ち合わせ場所の交差点で 行き交う人の軌跡を辿って | Machiawase basho no kousaten de ikikau hito no kiseki o tadotte | At the meeting place, I followed the traces of people coming and going |
探し当てたキミの横顔 眩しく照らすネオン | Sagashiateta kimi no yokogao mabushiku terasu neon | I glimpsed your profile, a neon glow |
猫目のキミは瞬きばかりしてる それがかわいくて | Nekome no kimi wa mabataki bakari shiteru sore ga kawaikute | You blink your cat eyes at me, so cute |
駆け寄る隣に座る 子猫の名前はミケだから | Kakeyoru tonari ni suwaru koneko no namae wa mike dakara | The kitty I run over and squat next to is named Miike afterall |
いつだってそういう適当なことも 忘れちゃうくらいには | Itsudatte sou iu tekitou na koto mo wasurechau kurai ni wa | Always forgetting all those seemingly proper things like that |
論理理論的思考でも 地球の重力なんて無視して | Ronri rironteki shikou demo chikyuu no juuryoku nante mushi shite | Though logical and theoretical, you even ignore earth's gravity! |
遊覧飛行で空中散歩の 子猫こねこの行き着く視線は | Yuuran hikou de kuuchuu sanpo no koneko koneko no ikitsuku shisen wa | The gaze of the kitty-kitty on a sightseeing stroll through the sky, |
木星金星宇宙の神秘も 吹っ飛ぶくらいの弾道軌道で | Mokusei kinsei uchuu no shinpi mo futtobu kurai no dandou kidou de | On a trajectory brushing off the mysteries of Jupiter, Venus, and the Universe, |
机の上に置いた地球儀を グルグル回して七回転半 | Tsukue no ue ni oita chikyuugi o guruguru mawashite nana kaiten-han | Spinning the globe on the desk round n' round, 7.5 rotations |
光速移動で廻る銀河系 真夜中の魔法 | Kousoku idou de meguru gingakei mayonaka no mahou | The galaxy going around at the speed of light, it's the magic of night |
天体観測夜空に飛び立つ 子猫こねこの見つめる視線が | Tentai kansoku yozora ni tobitatsu koneko koneko no mitsumeru shisen ga | As for the gaze of the kitty-kitty who lept into the sky for astronomical observation, |
電力オーバー停電寸前 タイムカプセルで時間遡行する | Denryoku oobaa teiden sunzen taimu kapuseru de jikan sokou suru | A power surge on the verge of a black out, turning time backwards with a time capsule |
目覚まし時計のベルを止めて 二度寝三度寝なんてしちゃえば | Mezamashi dokei no beru o tomete nidome sandome nante shichaeba | Stopping the alarm clock, if I were to fall back asleep a second or third time... |
気になる夢の続きの続きで キミと歩いてく魔法 | Ki ni naru yume no tsuzuki no tsuzuki de kimi to aruiteku mahou | Letting my dream go on and on, the magic of walking together with you |
English translation by descentsubs
External Links
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- AIDN - Official lyrics, mp3 downloads and off-vocal downloads