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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.
People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised.
Sick Sick Sick
Song title
Romaji: Shikku Shikku Shikku
English: Sick Sick Sick
Original Upload Date
November 20, 2017
Hatsune Miku and PinocchioP
PinocchioP (music, lyrics, illustration)
Aono.Y (video)
1,000,000+ (NN), 3,200,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
全人類がみんな手を繋ぐ前に zenjinrui ga minna te o tsunagu mae ni Before the entirety of mankind can stand hand in hand,
感染症で先に繋がっている kansenshou de saki ni tsunagatte iru We’re all already connected by infectious diseases.
毎分毎秒 誰か咳する度に maifun maibyou dareka seki suru tabi ni Every minute, every second, every time someone coughs
共振した星が瞬いている kyoushin shita hoshi ga mabataite iru The resonating stars are sparkling above.

あ、身分証がない 保険対象外 a, mibunshou ga nai hoken taishougai Ah God, I don’t have my ID paper, this isn’t covered by insurance
頼む ドクター察しておくれ tanomu dokutaa sasshite okure Please, doctor, show me some sympathy
感受性がない 全部しょうもない kanjusei ga nai zenbu shoumonai There’s 0 sensitivity, it’s all good for nothing
この症状は一体なんだろう kono shoujou wa ittai nan darou What on earth is this condition of mine?

動脈硬化? ケーキを食べて笑った doumyaku kouka? keeki o tabete waratta Arteriosclerosis? I had laughed while eating cake
複雑骨折? 楽しくて飛び跳ねてた fukuzatsu kossetsu? tanoshikute tobihaneteta A compound fracture? I had so much fun I jumped up and down
眼瞼痙攣? 雨上がりの虹を見た 君と一緒に ganken keiren? ameagari no niji o mita kimi to issho ni Eyelid convulsions? I stared at the rainbow after the rain, together with you
神経衰弱? 片思いの恋をした shinkei suijaku? kataomoi no koi o shita A nervous breakdown? I had fallen into unrequited love
記憶喪失? 淡い気持ち覚えてた kioku soushitsu? awai kimochi oboeteta Amnesia? I remembered faint feelings…
睡眠障害? 昨日 そんな夢を見た気がしたよ suimin shougai? kinou sonna yume o mita ki ga shita yo A sleep disorder? I feel like yesterday I dreamt about such a thing.

世界に取っ散らかった シックシックシック sekai ni tocchirakatta shikku shikku shikku The sick, sick, sick{ness} scattered all around the world
ざらめの感傷ばっか チクチクチク zarame no kanshou bakka chiku chiku chiku Nothing but brown sugar sentimentality, prickle prickle prick[1]
ああ もうちょっと ああ もうちょっと aa mou chotto aa mou chotto Ah, if only, if only,
器用に生きれたらいいのにな kiyou ni ikiretara ii noni na I could live a little more skillfully.
お前ら 一切合財 シックシックシック omaera issai gassai shikku shikku shikku All of you guys, every single damn one of you are sick, sick, sick
あっちの言い分じゃ ぼくがシックシックシック acchi no iibun ja boku ga shikku shikku shikku But from your say, I’m the one who’s sick, sick, sick
ドキ ドキ もしかして恋かな doki doki moshikashite koi kana My heart thuds, perhaps this is love?
いや 病気だよ iya byouki da yo …Nah, it’s a sickness.

誹謗中傷に慣れていても hibou chuushou ni narete ite mo Even if I get used to the slander,
診断結果に怯えていたよ shindan kekka ni obiete ita yo I became afraid of the diagnosis’ results
反抗心がない 全部しょうがない hankoushin ga nai zenbu shouganai I don’t have the heart to fight, it’s all inevitable
その症状は よくあるやつだよ sono shoujou wa yoku aru yatsu da yo Apparently, those symptoms are pretty common.

心臓疾患? 胸の高鳴り覚えた shinzou shikkan? mune no takanari oboeta A heart disease? I remember having palpitations
扁桃腺炎? 声を枯らして叫んだ hentousenen? koe o karashite sakenda Tonsillitis? I had screamed, straining my voice
顎関節症? 夜通し喋り続けた 君と一緒に ago kansetsushou? yodoushi shaberi tsuzuketa kimi to issho ni Jaw joint disorder? All through the night I continued to talk, together with you
鼓膜裂傷? 誰かの声が聞こえた komaku resshou? dareka no koe ga kikoeta Ear lacerations? I had heard someone’s voice
精神疾患? 目が覚めて気づかされた seishin shikkan? me ga samete kizukasareta A mental disorder? I awoke, and was made to notice
三大疾病? 現実を閉じて蓋してたこと sandai shippei? genjitsu o tojite kedashiteta koto One of the three major diseases? The thing that I had closed reality and covered up.

頭上にもんどりうった シックシックシック zujou ni mondori utta shikku shikku shikku Up overhead I had turned somersaults, sick sick sick
日常を引っかくような 傷 傷 傷 nichijou o hikkaku you na kizu kizu kizu With wounds, wounds, wounds that scratch at my everyday
ああ もういっそ ああ もういっそ aa mou isso aa mou isso Ah, how nice it’d be, how nice it’d be
孤独が 薬ならいいのにな kodoku ga kusuri nara ii noni na If loneliness was just some kind of drug
この世は天網恢恢(てんもうかいかい) シックシックシック kono yo wa tenmo ukaikai shikku shikku shikku In this world nothing slips through heaven’s net, sick, sick, sick
知りすぎて 嫌になって シックシックシック shirisugite iya ni natte shikku shikku shikku Learning too much, I get real sick of it all… sick, sick, sick
シャイン シャイン もしかして奇跡かな shain shain moshikashite kiseki kana Shine, shine, maybe this is a miracle of some kind
いや 病気だよ iya byouki da yo ….Nah, it’s a sickness.

こんにちは 元気ですか konnichiwa genki desu ka Hello, are you doing well?
そうですか ぼくはそうでもないですが sou desu ka boku wa sou demo nai desu ga Is that so. I can’t quite say the same for myself…
ざんない本音を飲み込んだ zannai honne o nomikonda I choked back down my gory true feelings.
昨日の自分は泣いていたけど kinou no jibun wa naite ita kedo Though the myself of yesterday had been crying
明日の自分はどうですか ashita no jibun wa dou desu ka How will the myself of tomorrow be?
君は最近どうですか kimi wa saikin dou desu ka And how have you been lately?
だんだん眠たくなってきた dandan nemutaku nattekita I found myself slowly getting sleepier and sleepier.

洗いざらい araizarai Without missing a single point,
カルテに落書きしていた karute ni rakugaki shite ita I scrawled everything down on the medical record
震えを抑えるため furue o osaeru tame For the sake of stopping these shakes {that wrack my body}

世界に取っ散らかった シックシックシック sekai ni tocchirakatta shikku shikku shikku The sick, sick, sick{ness} scattered all around the world
ざらめの感傷ばっか チクチクチク zarame no kanshou bakka chiku chiku chiku Nothing but brown sugar sentimentality, prickle prickle prick
ああ もうちょっと ああ もうちょっと aa mou chotto aa mou chotto Ah, if only, if only,
器用に生きれたらいいのにな kiyou ni ikiretara ii noni na I could live a little more skillfully.

希望に こんがらがった シックシックシック kibou ni kongaragatta shikku shikku shikku Tangled amidst hopes: sick, sick, sick
過ちで負った傷が ジクジクジク ayamachi de otta kizu ga jiku jiku jiku The injuries made through mistakes, ooze and ooze,
ああ もうずっと ああ もうずっと aa mou zutto aa mou zutto I wonder, I wonder,
抱えたまま生きていくんだろうな kakaeta mama ikite ikun darou na If we’ve just gotta live on bearing them forever.
お前ら 一切合財 シックシックシック omaera issai gassai shikku shikku shikku All of you guys, every single damn one of you is sick, sick, sick
あっちの言い分じゃ ぼくがシックシックシック acchi no iibun ja boku ga shikku shikku shikku But from your say, I’m the one who’s sick, sick, sick
ドキ ドキ もしかして恋かな doki doki moshikashite koi kana My heart thuds, perhaps this is love?
ふら ふら いや それは病気だよ fura fura iya sore wa byouki da yo All dizzy … Nah, that’s a sickness.
いや それは病気だよ まともでも病気だよ iya sore wa byouki da yo matomo demo byouki da yo Nah, that’s a sickness. However put together you may be, that’s a sickness.
もう みんな病気だよ もう みんな病気だよ mou minna byouki da yo mou minna byouki da yo Everyone’s sick now, everyone’s sick now
もう みんな病気だよ もう みんな病気だよ mou minna byouki da yo mou minna byouki da yo everyone’s sick now, everyone’s sick now.

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. onomatopoeia for prickling pain, like pins and needles


This song was featured on the following album:

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