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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Distant Fields
Song title
Romaji: Sarishinohara
Official Chinese: 离去之原
Traditional Chinese: 離去之原
Pinyin: Líqù zhī Yuán
English: Distant Fields
Original Upload Date
October 4, 2012
Hatsune Miku Append Dark
mikitoP (music, lyrics)
TomoboP (mix, mastering)
CHRIS (illustration, video)
1,900,000+ (NN), 1,800,000+ (YT), 220,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)

Alternate Versions

Distant Fields
Rib version
Upload date: October 4, 2012
Featuring: Rib
Liqu zhi Yuan MikitoP
Chinese version
Upload date: August 8, 2022
Featuring: Feng Yi
Producer(s): mikitoP (music, lyrics supervision)
CHRIS (illustration, video)
Studio_U17 (lyrics, tuning, engineering)
OpenLabPlatform (subtitles)


Japanese Romaji English
大抵の事じゃ挫けない 僕は君と共にある taitei no koto ja kujike nai boku wa kimi to tomo ni aru You’re not disheartened by the ordinary things. You and I are the same way
週末改札の向こう 銀河一等星の輝き shuumatsu kaisatsu no mukou ginga ittousei no kagayaki On the weekend, beyond the ticket gate, in the brightness of a first-magnitude star in the Milky Way.

戯言なんて無視しなよ zare goto nante mushishi na yo Just ignore the rumours,
人はヒヨリミなんだ しょうがない hito wa hiyorimi nanda shouganai people are opportunists, it can’t be helped.
60兆の細胞×君の快感を roku-juu chou no saibou kakeru kimi no kaikan o 60 trillion cells multiplied by your joy,

見せてくれ misete kure Show them to me

新しいトビラの前で 独りで寂しくないかな atarashii tobira no mae de hitori de samishiku nai kana In front of a new door, I wonder if it isn’t lonely, all by yourself
いっそ 死にたいなんて 思ってるのかな isso shinitai nante omotteru no kana And if you’re thinking you’d rather die
それでも君が好きだよ どんなに汚れた未来でも soredemo kimi ga suki dayo donna ni yogoreta mirai demo Even so, I love you, no matter how dirtied your future,
隠したい過去があっても kakushitai kako ga attemo even if you have a past you’d like to hide

大抵の事じゃ砕けない 僕は君と共にあるし taitei no koto ja kudake nai boku wa kimi to tomo ni aru  You aren’t broken by the ordinary things, you and I are the same way
最前列で手をふるよ 都内一等星の笑顔に shi saizen retsu de te o furu yo tonai ittousei no egao ni I wave my hand in the front row. At the smile of the city’s first-magnitude star

ないものだって強請(ねだ)りなよ nai mono datte nedari nayo Ask for the impossible,
君は貪欲なんだ しょうがない kimi wa donyoku nanda shouganai you’re greedy, it can’t be helped.
60兆の細胞×君の危うさを roku-juu chou no saibou kakeru kimi no aya usa o 60 trillion cells multiplied by your dangerousness,

生かしてくれ ikashite kure Let them live

ネコミミつけてた君の フリルのエプロンドレス nekomimi tsuketeta kimi no furiru no epuron doresu Wearing cat ears, you and your frilly apron dress
嗚呼 恋のタメイキは 季節を越えて aa koi no tameiki wa kisetsu o koete Ah, a love sigh crosses through the seasons
どれだけ君を脱がせて 画面にキスしてみても doredake kimi o nuga sete gamen ni kisu shite mite mo However many times, I undress you, even if I try to kiss the screen,
ただ 交わらない 目と目 tada maji waranai me to me We still don’t meet eye to eye

思った以上に 君の目は omotta ijou ni kimi no me wa More than I thought,
獲物狩るような 鋭い眼つきだ emono karu you na surudoi me tsuki da your eyes are sharp, as if hunting prey.
思った以上に その肩は omotta ijou ni sono kata wa More than I thought, those shoulders are worked to the extreme for a girl,
裏も表も少女を極めてた ura mo omote mo shoujo o kiwame teta inside and out

やっと君に会えたのに yatto kimi ni aeta noni Even though I finally got to see you,
剥がされるまで時が100倍速だ haga sareru made toki ga hyaku-bai soku da time sped up 100 times, until we were torn apart.
触りたい 触りたいよ もう一度 sawaritai sawaritai yo mou ichido I want to touch you, I just want to touch them,
君の(やわ)い 手の平に kimi no yawai tenohira ni one more time, your soft palms

新しいトビラの前で 独りで寂しくないかな atarashii tobira no mae de hitori de samishiku nai kana In front of a new door, I wonder if it isn’t lonely, all by yourself
いっそ 死にたいなんて 思ってるのかな isso shinitai nante omotteru no kana And if you’re thinking you’d rather die
それでも君が好きだよ どんなに汚れた未来でも soredemo kimi ga suki dayo donna ni yogoreta mirai demo Even so, I love you, no matter how dirtied your future,
構わないから kamawanai kara I don’t mind.

ねえ 僕はここだよ どんなに小さな存在でも nee boku wa koko dayo donna ni chiisana sonzai demo Hey, I’m right here, no matter how small my existence,
君が犯した過ちに 刺し殺されてしまっても kimi ga okashita ayamachi ni sashi korosarete shimatte mo even if the mistakes you’ve made end up stabbing me to death,

ここにいるからね koko ni iru kara ne I’m right here for you
English translation by OccasionalSubs

Chinese Pinyin English
不会将一句流言挂在耳边 我陪在你身边 愿和你并肩 bùhuì jiāng yījù liúyán guà zài ěrbiān wǒ péi zài nǐ shēnbiān yuàn hé nǐ bìngjiān (I) won't hang a rumor in my ear, I’ll stay by your side, wishing to stand beside you
车站前人潮来往渐远 你站在人海中央如此耀眼 chēzhàn qián réncháo láiwǎng jiān yuǎn nǐ zhàn zài rénhǎi zhōngyāng rúcǐ yàoyǎn The crowd in front of the station grows distant, you stand in the center of the sea of people, so radiant

就无视那玩笑话当过眼云烟 人心像随风摆动的苇草如此善变 jiù wúshì nà wánxiàohuà dāng guòyǎnyúnyān rénxīn xiàng suífēng bǎidòng de wěicǎo rúcǐ shànbiàn Just disregard the jokes as fleeting clouds, the human heart is like reeds swaying in the wind, so changeable
鼓动起全身执着的火焰 带动起每一寸的细胞翩跹 gǔdòng qǐ quánshēn zhízhuó de huǒyàn dàidòng qǐ měiyī cùn de xìbāo piānxiān Igniting the flame of persistence throughout (my) body, making every cell (of mine) dance

照进我双眼 zhào jìn wǒ shuāngyǎn Shining into my eyes

迈入陌生华丽大门的那天 是否有过一瞬的停滞不前 màirù mòshēng huálì dàmén de nàtiān shìfǒu yǒu guò yīshùn de tíngzhìbùqián On the day (I) step into the unfamiliar, magnificent gate, did (I) ever hesitate for a moment, unsure?
也许心中思绪缠结 妄想着生命终结 yěxǔ xīnzhōng sīxù chánjié wàngxiǎngzhe shēngmìng zhōngjié Perhaps (my) thoughts tangled inside, delusively imagining the end of life
我的心中仍接受你的一切 不论你是否还愿站在我面前 wǒ de xīnzhōng réng jiēshòu nǐ de yīqiè bùlùn nǐ shìfǒu huányuàn zhàn zài wǒ miànqián But my heart still embraces everything about you, whether you wish to stand before me or not
抛下过去与未来所有欺骗 pāoxià guòqù yǔ wèilái suǒyǒu qīpiàn Letting go of all the lies from the past and future

不会轻易将放弃挂在嘴边 我会在你身边 望着你的脸 bùhuì qīngyì jiāng fàngqì guàzàizuǐbiān wǒ huì zài nǐ shēnbiān wàng zhe nǐ de liǎn (I) won’t easily speak of giving up, I will be by your side, looking at your face
向最前排招手回应笑靥 你如同北极星般光彩倾泻 xiàng zuì qiánpái zhāoshǒu huíyìng xiàoyè nǐ rútóng běijíxīng bān guāngcǎi qīngxiè Waving to the front rows, responding (your) smile, you shine like the North Star, your brilliance pouring out

向世间许下不现实的心愿 为你那美丽的贪心增加几分执念 xiàng shìjiān xǔxià bù xiànshí de xīnyuàn wèi nǐ nà měilì de tānxīn zēngjiā jǐfēn zhíniàn Making unrealistic wishes to the world, adding a little more obsession to your beautiful greed
呼唤起流淌全身的危险 舞动起每一场的精彩盛宴 hūhuàn qǐ liútǎng quánshēn de wēixiǎn wǔdòng qǐ měiyīchǎng de jīngcǎi shèngyàn Calling upon the danger that flows through (my) veins, dancing in every grand feast

如无畏的利剑 rú wúwèi de lìjiàn Like a fearless sword

白色的猫耳映衬着你的容颜 蕾丝围裙伴随你飘摇纤纤 báisè de māo'ěr yìngchèn zhe nǐ de róngyán lěisī wéiqún bànsuí nǐ piāoyáo xiānxiān The white cat ears accentuate your face, the lace apron sways as you move, delicate and slender
啊啊 恋爱的感慨万千 已越过数个季节 ā ā liàn'ài de gǎnkǎiwànqiān yǐ yuèguò shǔ gè jìjié Ah, the many feelings of love, having passed through several seasons
我的心仍不顾距离的遥远 亲吻者虚假却又迷人的画面 wǒ de xīn réng bùgù jùlí de yáoyuǎn qīnwěn zhě xūjiǎ què yòu mírén de huàmiàn My heart still disregards the distance, kissing the false yet captivating images
就算目光是无法相汇的线 jiùsuàn mùguāng shì wúfǎ xiāng huì de xiàn Even if (our) gazes cannot meet

你那眼神锐利如离弦之箭 以超乎想象之速径直飞向猎物心间 nǐ nà yǎnshén ruìlì rú lí xián zhījiàn yǐ chāohū xiǎngxiàng zhī sù jìngzhí fēi xiàng lièwù xīnjiān Your gaze is sharp like an arrow released from the bow, flying straight to the heart of its prey at an unimaginable speed
你那柔弱少女的姿态尽显 内心与容貌皆如皎白月色纯洁无邪 nǐ nà róuruò shàonǚ de zītài jìn xiǎn nèixīn yǔ róngmào jiē rú jiǎobái yuèsè chúnjié wúxié Your delicate, fragile maidenlike form is fully displayed, your heart and appearance as pure and innocent as the bright moonlight

终于越过阻碍与你相见 百倍速时光流动下 恍然间我们被迫分别 zhōngyú yuèguò zǔ'ài yǔ nǐ xiāngjiàn bǎibèi sù shíguāng liúdòng xià huǎngrán jiān wǒmen bèipò fēnbié Finally, (I'm) overcoming the obstacles to meet you, then time flowing a hundred times faster, in the blink of an eye, we are forced to part
无法忘却(无法忘却) 想再次回到那一瞬间(那一瞬间) wúfǎ wàngquè (wúfǎ wàngquè) xiǎng zàicì huídào nà yīshùnjiān (nà yīshùnjiān) Unable to forget (unable to forget) Wishing to return to that moment (that moment)
掌心交叠 温度在你我间蔓延 zhǎngxīn jiāodié wēndù zài nǐwǒ jiān mànyán (Our) palms intertwined, the warmth spreading between us

迈入陌生华丽大门的那天 是否有过一瞬的停滞不前 màirù mòshēng huálì dàmén de nàtiān shìfǒu yǒu guò yīshùn de tíngzhìbùqián On the day (I) step into the unfamiliar, magnificent gate, did (I) ever hesitate for a moment, unsure?
也许心中思绪缠结 妄想着生命终结 yěxǔ xīnzhōng sīxù chánjié wàngxiǎngzhe shēngmìng zhōngjié Perhaps (my) thoughts tangled inside, delusively imagining the end of life
即使如此我的心与你相连 不论你未来又如何不堪入眼 jíshǐrúcǐ wǒ de xīn yǔ nǐ xiānglián bùlùn nǐ wèilái yòu rúhé bùkān rùyǎn Even so, my heart is connected to you, no matter how unbearable your future may seem
我会一同堕入深渊 wǒ huì yītóng duòrù shēnyuān I will fall into the abyss (with you) together

我愿等候在原点 就算如尘埃般随风消失不见 wǒ yuàn děnghòu zài yuándiǎn jiùsuàn rú chén'āi bān suífēng xiāoshī bùjiàn I am willing to wait at the origin, even if (I) disappear like dust in the wind
即使你会伤害我 也不会退却 jíshǐ nǐ huì shānghài wǒ yě bùhuì tuìquè Even if you hurt me, (I) won’t retreat
即使你会杀死我 也不 改变 jíshǐ nǐ huì shāsǐ wǒ yěbù gǎibiàn Even if you kill me, (I) won’t change

我会永远呆在原点 wǒ huì yǒngyuǎn dāi zài yuándiǎn I will forever remain at the origin
English translation by yxlxy007


This song was featured on the following albums:

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