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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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A0229877712 10
Song title
Romaji: Sakura no Goya
English: Cherry Blossoms of the Night
Official English: Cherry Blossoms Before Dawn
Original Upload Date
March 26, 2013 (album release date)
Hatsune Miku
Kikuo (music, lyrics)
si_ku (album illustration)
HAL Studio (mix)
YouTube Broadcast (auto-generated by YT)


Japanese Romaji English
大人になったら助けに行くよ otona ni nattara tasuke ni iku yo "Once I become an adult, I'll come and save you"  
あの場所で待ってておくれ なんて ano basho de mattete okure nante You said as you left me to wait there
むかしむかしの勝手な約束で mukashi mukashi no katte na yakusoku de A selfish promise from once upon a time
サクラノ前夜に君はいない sakura no zen'ya ni kimi wa inai You weren't at the sakura tree tonight

それでも僕は待ちつづけたよ soredemo boku wa machitsuzuketa yo Even so, I continued to wait
僕がいるよと微笑むときの boku ga iru yo to hohoemu toki no To watch your smiling face
君の笑顔を見ながら kimi no egao o minagara Light up when you saw me
満開の桜を眺めたかったから mankai no sakura o nagametakatta kara I wanted to gaze at the sakura blossoms with you
月明かり降り注ぐ 満開の tsukiakari furisosogu mankai no And under God's Sakura Tree, in full bloom
かみさまの樹の桜の下で kamisama no ki no sakura no shita de Illuminated by the moonlight
息をきらせてやってきた君は iki o kirasete yatte kita kimi wa You came to me, breath ragged
傷だらけ 傷だらけ 傷だらけ 傷だらけ kizu-darake kizu-darake kizu-darake kizu-darake Covered in wounds, wounds, wounds, wounds
傷だらけ kizu-darake Covered in wounds
なんと なんと なんということ nanto nanto nanto iu koto How, how, how can this be?
僕はいままで boku wa ima made It's as though
ホントの君を見たことがなかった ようだ honto no kimi o mita koto ga nakatta you da Up until now, I'd never seen the real you
瞬く星 散りゆく桜 血と涙と生傷が煌めく matataku hoshi chiri yuku sakura chi to namida to namakizu ga kirameku The cherry petals glisten, along with your blood, tears, and fresh wounds
キレイな君の 醜い姿に kirei na kimi no minikui sugata ni You, oh so beautiful, reached out to me
助けを求める 儚い表情に tasuke o motomeru hakanai kao ni With your grotesque appearance and pleaded for help-
僕はひと目で 恋に落ちた boku wa hitome de koi ni ochita I fell in love with that fleeting expression at first sight
嗚呼 好き 好き 好き 好き 好き 好きだよ aa suki suki suki suki suki suki da yo Ahh, I love, love, love, love, love, love it![1]
美しい君が 傷だらけの姿が utsukushii kimi ga kizu-darake no sugata ga The sight of you, oh so beautiful, covered in wounds
嗚呼 好き 好き 好き 好き 好き 好きだよ aa suki suki suki suki suki suki da yo Ahh, I love, love, love, love, love, love it!
微笑みながら 血まみれの手で涙を拭って hohoeminagara chimamire no te de namida o nugutte With a smile, I wipe away your tears with my bloodied hands
心も身体も生傷まみれ kokoro mo karada mo namakizu-mamire Heart and soul battered with fresh wounds
フラフラの後ろ姿見ながら furafura no ushirosugata minagara Looking at your back as you stumble away
僕は 記憶の中の君の笑顔より boku wa kioku no naka no kimi no egao yori It seems as if I've found something more beautiful
美しいものを見つけたようだ ようだ utsukushii mono o mitsuketa you da you da Than the memory of your smile I have
嗚呼 aa Ahh

走る 走る 君に逢わずに hashiru hashiru kimi ni awazu ni I run, I run, but not to meet you
僕は走るよ 君の家まで 君より早く先回る boku wa hashiru yo kimi no uchi made kimi yori hayaku saki mawaru I run and make it to your home ahead of you
君と僕と ふたりの世界で kimi to boku to futari no sekai de In our own little world
誰にも見えない閉じた世界で dare ni mo mienai tojita sekai de Our closed-off little world where nobody can see
いまの僕にはなんでもできる ima no boku ni wa nan demo dekiru I feel like I can do anything right now
騒ぐ大人を黙らせることも sawagu otona o damaraseru koto mo Even shut up those raucous adults
できる できるよ 閉じた世界で dekiru dekiru yo tojita sekai de I can do it, I can Within our closed-off world
僕がもっと 君を美しく できるよ boku ga motto kimi o utsukushiku dekiru yo I can make you even more beautiful

嗚呼 好き 好き 好き 好き 好き aa suki suki suki suki suki Ahh, I love, love, love, love, love  
好きだよ suki da yo I love it!
美しい君が 傷だらけの姿が utsukushii kimi ga kizu-darake no sugata ga The sight of you, oh so beautiful, covered in wounds
嗚呼 好き 好き 好き 好き 好き aa suki suki suki suki suki Ahh, I love, love, love, love, love  
好きだよ suki da yo I love it!  
僕ならもっと 君を美しく傷つけられる boku nara motto kimi o utsukushiku kizutsukerareru I alone can hurt you more beautifully  
記憶の中の君の笑顔じゃ kioku no naka no kimi no egao ja The smiling "you" in my memory
もう生きていけない mou ikite ikenai Is dead to me, now
僕は もっと美しい君の姿を知ってしまった boku wa motto utsukushii kimi no sugata o shitte shimatta I went and ended up learning of a "you" even more beautiful...
嗚呼 嗚呼 aa aa Ahh Ahh

桜はすぐ散るもの サクラノ後夜 sakura wa sugu chiru mono sakura no goya Just as quickly as it bloomed, the sakura before the dawn withers away
記憶の中の 君の笑顔は kioku no naka no kimi no egao wa The smiling "you" in my memory
かみさまの樹の 桜とともに kamisama no ki no sakura to tomo ni Along with God's Sakura Tree
美しく 儚く 散りゆくだろう utsukushiku hakanaku chiri yuku darou Will ephemerally, beautifully scatter, I'm sure

English translation by Anonymous, proofread by AngelSubs

Translation Notes

  1. 嗚呼 sounds like "ahh" but means something closer to "alas"


This song was featured on the following albums:

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