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Co-Co-Co-Communication ga Mondai ~Onegai! Kami-sama!~
Song title
Romaji: Ko-Ko-Ko-Komyunikeeshon ga Mondai ~Onegai! Kamisama!~
English: Co-co-co-communication's a problem ~ Please! God! ~
Original Upload Date
December 23, 2016
100kai Outo (music, lyrics)
Hifumin (illustration)
Kaneko Kaihatsu (movie, encoding)
36,000+ (NN), 65,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
コ・コ・コ・ ko ko ko Co..c-co
コ・コ・コ・コ・コ・コ・ ko ko ko ko ko ko C..c...co-c-co-co
コ・コ・コ・コ・コ・ ko ko ko ko ko Co….c...co-co-co
コ・コォオオォオォ!!!!!!!!!!! ko kooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! co-coOOOOooooO!!!!!!!!!!!!

どうせ選ばれない側の人間とわかってるさ douse erabarenaigawa no ningen to wakatteru sa I know I’m not one of the chosen ones[1]
選ばれる側 選ばれる同士でずっと笑ってろ erabarerugawa erabareru doushi de zutto warattero The ones who are can just go off smile together with their mutually chosen comrades
楽しく過ごせる方がいいに決まっているじゃんか tanoshiku sugoseru hou ga ii ni kimatte iru jan ka Because it’s obvious the ones who can spend their time having fun are better off
僕も僕みたいな奴 選ばないだろう boku mo boku mitai na yatsu erabanai darou I certainly wouldn’t choose someone like me either
きっと kitto I’m sure

ネガティブを探したって一緒 negatibu o sagashita tte issho I go around searching for negatives but it’s all the same
もうそろそろ気付いてる mou sorosoro kizuiteru I’ve come to realize it
これが僕って kore ga boku tte This is just how I am
受け入れて嘔吐 ukeirete outo Accepting it all... Throwing up.

お願い!神様! onegai! kamisama! Please, God!
僕らがコ・コ・コ・コミニケーションに bokura ga ko ko ko kominikeeshon ni I’m so very glad that we are proficient
長けててよかった taketete yokatta at c...c-co-communication
だってだって尻尾がもし付いてたら datte datte shippo ga moshi tsuitetara Because- because- you know if we had tails or something instead
嫌いな奴の前では大・大・大問題だから kirai na yatsu no mae de wa dai dai daimondai dakara It’d be a h-h-huge problem in front of the people we hate!
薄っぺらくたって鵜呑んじゃって!! usupperaku tatte unonjatte!! However shallow and vapid it is, gulping it all down;
僕は世界の誰でも愛してる boku wa sekai no dare demo aishiteru “I just love everyone in the world so much!!!”

「クラスでいわゆるメインカルチャーのような奴が嫌い」 "kurasu de iwayuru mein karuchaa no you na yatsu ga kirai" “I hate those so called ‘Main Culture[2]’ types in class”
そういう歌を歌ってるバンドの曲が身に沁みます sou iu uta o utatteru bando no kyoku ga mi ni shimimasu The songs from bands who sing those kinds of lyrics really stick with me
僕もそういうところあるけれども1つだけ違う boku mo sou iu tokoro aru keredomo hitotsu dake chigau I feel like I’m similar to them in several places… except for one thing
僕はバンドすら組めなかった boku wa bando sura kumenakatta I wasn’t able to make a band,
友達いなくって tomodachi inakutte Because I had no friends to do so with...

あああああ aaaaa AAAAAAAAAAaA!!!
そう思えばなんて違和感 sou omoeba nante iwakan Come to think of it that gives me a kind of uncomfortable feeling
大好きだよ 大好きだけど daisuki da yo daisuki dakedo I mean I love you, I love all of you but
なんかちょっと裏切られた気分 nanka chotto uragirareta kibun For some reason I feel as though I’ve been betrayed, somehow.

お願い!神様! onegai! kamisama! Please, God!
僕にもう少しコミュニケーションの boku ni mou sukoshi komyunikeeshon no It’d be so very great
才があればよかった sai ga areba yokatta if I had a little more talent when it comes to communication
そうすれば全国ツアーしたのに sou sureba zenkoku tsuaa shita no ni Cuz if I did, I’d have done a countrywide tour,
いつまでも完治しないか・か・瘡蓋のようだ itsu made mo kanji shinai ka ka kasabuta no you da It’s just like a s...s-scab, that never fully heals
ひとりぼっちだって生きてけって!!! hitoribocchi datte ikiteke tte!!! “suck it up and go live on your own[4]!!!”
別に強くならなくてもいいから betsu ni tsuyoku nara nakute mo ii kara I don’t think there’s any need to toughen up like that

せいぜい周りの気に入らない2、3を掘り出して叫んで seizei mawari no ki ni iranai ni, san o horidashite sakende Doing my utmost to dig up 2, 3 things I don’t like around me and screech out
なんて小さな話なんだろ nante chiisana hanashi nan daro How very minor and petty
自分でもそう思うよ jibun demo sou omou yo even I think so
いつまでこうしてるんだろ itsu made kou shiteru ndaro Just how long am I gonna be like this...?

お願い!神様! onegai! kamisama! Please, God!
僕らにはコ・コ・コ・コミニケーションは bokura ni wa ko ko ko kominikeeshon wa Turns out c...co, co-communication’s
やっぱうざったくて荷が重くて yappa uzattakute ni ga omokute A damn pain in the ass for me, the burden’s too heavy
解けない仕組みの設問 tokenai shikumi no setsumon It’s like a question with an unsolvable structure
ひとりぼっちは悪じゃない hitoribocchi wa aku ja nai Being alone isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I don’t think,
だけど飽きて来たんや dakedo akite kitan ya But… I’ve gotten real bored of it
どうにか奇跡的に出会いたいや dounika kisekiteki ni deaitai ya I’d so love to somehow miraculously happen upon
話が合うようなやつ hanashi ga au you na yatsu Someone I’m really able to talk to
なんちゃってね~~ nanchatte ne~~ Haha! as if~!

お願い!神様! onegai! kamisama! Please, God!
それでも僕はあらゆる人に soredemo boku wa arayuru hito ni Despite all of this, I wanna meet all sorts of people
選ばれない存在 謎の存在 erabarenai sonzai nazo no sonzai A not-chosen existence, an enigmatic existence
人間力が足りません ningenryoku ga tarimasen I just don’t have enough human resources in me
そんな僕こそ他人を受け入れるべきだよな? sonna boku koso tanin o ukeirerubeki da yo na? So maybe, just maybe, it suits me to be the one who accepts others?
薄っぺらくて破れそうな usupperakute yaburesou na So very thin, and rippable-looking;
こんな世界の暖簾をくぐってく konna sekai no noren o kugutteku I pass under this world’s noren[5]
へい!らっしゃい!! ei! rasshai!! ‘ey! Welcome!

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. it says “the chosen side” in the japanese but I simplified it to a more familiar english expression
  2. in this context, normies who go with what’s popular, parallel to subculture
  3. The “OUT” is a pun with OUTO (throwing up) both words are said the same in japanese. The video says “OUTO (in english)” but the lyrics on piapro say it’s “OUT” so I went with it.
  4. the literal is more along the lines of “live even if you’re on your own” but I think the underlying meaning was “live even in solitude without complaining” and the “even” distracts from that, so I paraphrased it!
  5. this is one of those door curtains you’ll see on the front of japanese shops (onsen especially) I’ll leave you to think about what the “the world’s noren” implies?

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