! | Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors. People diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy or who have a history of seizures should be especially careful. Viewer discretion is advised. |
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! | Warning: This song contains questionable elements (death); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences. All external links may also contain questionable elements. The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature. If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. |
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Song title | |||
"コピイキャット" Romaji: Kopiikyatto English: Copycat | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
September 23, 2022 | |||
Singer | |||
Kaai Yuki | |||
Producer(s) | |||
Views | |||
29,000+ (NN), 100,000+ (YT) | |||
Links | |||
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast | |||
“Lead me to the completion (ideal) with your hands.” |
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Japanese | Romaji | Official English |
Iする事の意味を | I suru koto no imi o | Fully aware that it’s a grave sin |
誤った罪は重いらしい、と | ayamatta tsumi wa omoi rashii, to | To misunderstand the meaning |
知っていながらもこうやって | shitte i nagara mo kou yatte | Of the action called “I,”[1] I haven’t stopped |
背徳を飼い慣らし | haitoku o kainarashi | Taming the sense of immorality. |
寝惚け眼で口に含んだ | nebokemanako de kuchi ni fukunda | Half asleep, I held in my mouth |
レモン風味の飴玉が | remon fuumi no amedama ga | A lemon-flavored candy stick, |
ボクの心の最外層を | boku no kokoro no saikasou o | Which melted the outermost layer |
何にも言わず融かしてった。 | nannimo iwazu tokashitetta. | Of my heart without saying a word. |
そう | sou | Yes! |
陰謀論者とキスをして | inbouronja to kisu o shite | Let me kiss a conspiracy theorist, |
正義感で口を濯いで | seigikan de kuchi o yusuide | Rinse my mouth with a sense of justice, |
上辺の哀で腹満たして | uwabe no ai de hara mitashite | Fill up my stomach with superficial pity, |
貴方の気管に栓をしよう。 | anata no kikan ni sen o shiyou. | And put a stopper into your windpipe. |
絡めた指で刺繍をして | karameta yubi de shishuu o shite | Embroidering with my entangled fingers, |
つまらないリフは終止して | tsumaranai rifu wa shuushi shite | Bringing the monotonous riff to an end, |
栄養足りない根を張ってでも | eiyou tarinai ne o hatte demo | And going so far as to spread malnourished roots, |
貴方になりたかったから咲いた | anata ni naritakatta kara saita | I badly wanted to become you, so I bloomed. |
貴方に遭いたがって痛がった | anata ni aitagatte itagatta | I was hurting so much to see you. |
彼方で鳴いた空のサイダー | kanata de naita kara no saidaa | Coming from far off is the empty soda bottle’s cry. |
理解させる為の暇も | rikai saseru tame no hima mo | You don’t even try to convince them because you think |
惜しがっている?惜しがっている。 | oshigatte iru? oshigatte iru. | It’d be a waste of time? It’d be a waste of time. |
台本通りの台詞を | daihon doori no serifu o | Completely scripted lines |
欲しがっている?欲しがっているんだ。 | hoshigatte iru? hoshigatte iru nda. | Are what you want? They’re what you want, yes. |
同じBPMで刻まれた | onaji BPM de kizamareta | At the same BPM, we beat |
鼓動も 妄想も | kodou mo mousou mo | Our pulsations as well as daydreams. |
予定調和、何もかもが | yoteichouwa, nanimokamo ga | What a pre-established harmony. Every single thing |
歪んだ虚像 | yuganda kyozou | Is a distorted, false image. |
唾液に塗れた汚い言葉を | daeki ni mamireta kitanai kotoba o | If you say you still can forgive |
それでも赦せるというなら | sore demo yuruseru to iu nara | Those abusive words covered in saliva, |
ボクのココロの最内層で | boku no kokoro no sainaisou de | Then in the innermost layer of my heart, |
その手で |
sono te de risou e michibiite. | Lead me to the completion (ideal) with your hands. |
更生乞う手を踏みつけて | kousei kou te o fumitsukete | Trample upon the hand begging for rehabilitation, |
視界がクラっと軸を変えて | shikai ga kuratto jiku o kaete | And I’ll suddenly get dizzy, my sight’s axis changed. |
自壊した思考に手を合わせ | jikai shita shikou ni te o awase | Let me pray so my disintegrated thoughts rest in peace, |
腐敗した思想に蓋をしよう。 | fuhai shita shisou ni futa o shiyou. | And brush my rotten ideas under the carpet. |
記憶をなぞるだけは作業 | kioku o nazoru dake wa sagyou | Just tracing over my memories is a task, |
命吹き込めたなら現象、 | inochi fukikometa nara genshou, | And once you revitalize them, it’ll be a phenomenon; |
鏡越しにボクを睨んでるのは | kagamigoshi ni boku o niranderu no wa | What’s staring at me from the other side of the mirror |
亜型に成り下がったパラサイト! | agata ni narisagatta parasaito! | Is a parasite reduced down to the subtype! |
あんなに舞い上がってみたかった | annani maiagatte mitakatta | I wonder if I could’ve flown that high. |
中身は既に空のライター。減点。 | nakami wa sudeni kara no raitaa. genten. | Inside, I’m already an empty lighter. Points deducted. |
粗悪な下位互換でも良かった | soaku na kaigokan demo yokatta. | A shoddy, backward compatible would’ve worked. |
彼方で抱いた殻を裂いた。 | kanata de daita kara o saita. | I tore up the shell I had once embraced far off. |
偶像重ね合わせて | guuzou kasaneawasete | I superimposed the idols, |
オリジナルの夢を見て | orijinaru no yume o mite | Had an original dream, |
そんなモノに自我を錯覚していた | sonna mono ni jiga o sakkaku shite ita | And foolishly hallucinated an ego in that thing. |
逢いしていた。 | aishite ita. | I so dearly had a tryst with you.[2] |
English translation by Tackmyn Y.
Translation Notes
External Links
- piapro - Instrumental
- VocaDB
- Hatsune Miku Wiki
- Tackmyn’s House - Translation source