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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song's original music video contains flashing lights and/or colors.

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Song title
Romaji: Gureito Bizu Shoutaimu
English: Great Biz Showtime
Original Upload Date
November 26, 2014
Hatsune Miku
masa (music, lyrics, illustration)
15,000+ (NN), 110,000+ (YT), 17,000+ (SC)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English

It’s Show Time!
くだらない人生 kudaranai jinsei A worthless life,
人目を避けて hitome o sakete avoiding people’s gazes,
這い蹲り haiuzukumari while crawling on the ground.
争い拒絶の arasoi kyozetsu no Only god knows
平和の心は heiwa no kokoro wa a peaceful heart
神のみぞ知る kami nomizo shiru that never struggles.

It’s Show Time!
決断の人生 ketsudan no jinsei The life one decides on
いつだって itsu datte is always
間違いだらけ machigai darake full of mistakes.
失って知る ushinatte shiru “Knowing what one has lost”.
その大切さは sono taisetsusa wa Shouldn’t this valuable experience
次に活かせればいいんじゃない? tsugini ikasereba ii nja nai? come in handy later?

暗闇の中進むだけさ kurayami no naka susumu dake sa Advance into the darkness,
希望の光 kibou no hikari with only the light of hope
目指して行け mezashite ike guiding you!

全力疾走 zenryoku shissou Life is a game
直球勝負の chokkyuu shoubu no where you have to run straight forward
人生は jinsei wa with all your might.
無理だよやめとけ muri da yo yametoke “Cut it out, it’s impossible!”
時間の無駄だよ jikan no muda da yo “This isn’t the time for that!”
邪魔する奴等の jama suru yatsura no I close my ears
声は聞こえない koe wa kikoenai to those guys wanting to hold me back.
人間願えば ningen negaeba If you can hope,
なりたい自分に naritai jibun ni you can become the person
なれるんだ! nareru nda! you want to be!
It’s Show Time!
私の人生 watashi no jinsei My life,
輝いて kagayaite I’ll make it sparkle!

It’s Show Time!
ネガティブな思考は negatibu na shikou wa Those negative thoughts
夢、希望 yume, kibou that steal all my dreams, my hopes
その先の可能性 sono saki no kanousei and the possibilities of tomorrow
全ての奪って subete no ubatte away from me
流れに飲まれる nagare ni nomareru get washed away and swallowed up
寝ぼけた未来 neboketa mirai in my dreamy future!

It’s Show Time!
決断の人生 ketsudan no jinsei Nobody understands
誰にも dare ni mo the life
判らないから wakaranai kara you decided on,
自分の気持ちに jibun no kimochi ni so stop lying
嘘を吐かないで uso o hakanaide to your own feelings.
大きな一歩で進んで行け! ookina ippo de susunde ike! March forward with big steps!

優しさを知り強くなれる yasashisa o shiri tsuyoku nareru Learn to be kind, become strong
泣いてる人に手を差し出して naiteru hito ni te o sashidashite and stretch out your hand to those who cry.

沢山の人に takusan no hito ni We have been helped
助けられている tasukerarete iru by lots of people,
僕達は bokutachi wa so we
他人を貶め tanin o otoshime close our ears to those
騙して成り上がれ damashite nariagare who urge us to
そんな奴等の sonna yatsura no look down on others
声は聞こえない koe wa kikoenai and deceive them for our own profit.
昔憧れた mukashi akogareta Let’s go and meet
なりたい自分に naritai jibun ni that person you longed to become
逢いに行こう! ai ni ikou! in the past!
It’s Show Time!
私の人生 watashi no jinsei My life,
輝いて kagayaite I’ll make it sparkle!

未来の私笑顔ですか? mirai no watashi egao desu ka? Will I be happily smiling in the future?
大きな現在を踏み出していけ ookina genzai o fumidashite ike March forward into the vast here and now!

そうだよ明日は sou da yo ashita wa That’s right! Tomorrow will
明日の ashita no bring the
風が吹く kaze ga fuku wind of tomorrow.
頑張れ!行けるよ ganbare! ikeru yo Do your best! You can do it.
だってお前じゃん datte omae jan But it’s not just you.
皆の笑顔が mina no egao ga I want to continue
もっと見たいから motto mitai kara watching everyone smile.
人間願えば ningen negaeba If you can hope,
なりたい自分に naritai jibun ni you can become the person
なれるんだ! nareru nda! you want to be!
It’s Show Time!
私の人生 watashi no jinsei My life,
輝いて kagayaite I’ll make it sparkle!

全力疾走 zenryoku shissou Life is a game
直球勝負の chokkyuu shoubu no where you have to run straight forward
人生は jinsei wa with all your might.

It’s Show Time!
皆の人生 mina no jinsei Everyone’s lives,
輝いて kagayaite I’ll make them sparkle!

English translation by Ciel Scans

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