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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Clear Sky Engine
Song title
Romaji: Kuriya Sukai Kikan
Official English: Clear Sky Engine
Original Upload Date
July 30, 2014
Tohoku Zunko and Kagamine Rin
nyanyannya (music, lyrics, video)
Yokanko (illustration)
Hara (vocal tuning)
56,000+ (NN), 14,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
その日も同じ黒い霧で sono hi mo onaji kuroi kiri de That day had the same, dark fog
授業なんかろくに聞かないで jugyou nanka rokuni kikanai de not listening properly to my lessons,
お気に入りの曲でソートして okiniiri no kyoku de sooto shite sorting by my favourite songs,
キレイな空を探してた kirei na sora o sagashiteta I searched for a pretty sky

忘れられてた誕生日のことで wasurerareteta tanjoubi no koto de Because my mood was a little bad
少しだけ機嫌が悪かったから sukoshi dake kigen ga warukatta kara due to my forgotten birthday
埋め合わせの待ち合わせ 帰り道 umeawase no machiawase kaerimichi On the trip home rendezvous to make up for it
無理難題押し付けたりして murinandai oshitsuketari shite I made pushed my unreasonable demands

「あれが欲しい――」なんて困らせたから? "are ga hoshii――" nante komaraseta kara? “I want that~!” is it because I troubled you like that?
そのとき街頭ビジョンがパッと変わって sono toki gaitou bijon ga patto kawatte In that moment the street vision changed suddenly
誰かが興奮気味に叫んだんだ dareka ga koufungimi ni sakenda nda And someone cried, excitedly—
「全人類の夢ついに空を取り戻す日がやってきました!」って "zenjinrui no yume tsuini sora o torimodosu hi ga yatte kimashita!" tte “All of humanity's dreams—finally! A day where we will bring back the sky has come!”

「覚めない夢のようなんだ」 "samenai yume no you nanda" “It’s like an unending dream”
「突然何を言い出すの?」 "totsuzen nani o iidasu no?" “What on earth are you talking about, all of a sudden?”

指差した広告塔の文字は yubisashita koukokutou no moji wa The letters on the billboard he[1] pointed at read
『空を取り戻せ!協力者<ジンザイ>募集!』 “sora o torimodose! jinzai boshuu!” “Take back the sky! Recruiting cooperative (talented) workers!”

「なぁお前覚えているか?」 "naa omae oboete iru ka?" “Hey, do you remember?”
「何を?」 "nani o?" “remember what?”
「夢を希望を愛を勇気を」 "yume o kibou o ai o yuuki o" “Dreams, hope, love, courage...”
「そういうものばかり信じて大怪我したくせに」 "sou iu mono bakari shinjite ookega shita kuseni" “Jeez, even though you got injured because that was all you believed in…”

「はは大丈夫。皆さん初めての方ばかりだってさ」 "haha daijoubu. minasan hajimete no kata bakari datte sa" “Haha, it's fine, I’m sure it's a first for most everyone”
「莫迦……ばか」 "baka…… baka" “You ignoramus…. Stupid[2]

街中が浮かれて気触(かぶ)れたみたいに machijuu ga ukarete kabureta mitai ni The town rejoiced as though it had caught something..

「一年間十年間百年間もし霧が続いたら?」 "ichinenkan juunenkan hyakunenkan moshi kiri ga tsuzui tara?" “What if the fog continues for (the span of) one year, ten years—a hundred years?”
「一万年十万年百万年晴れを待とう!ラララ」 "ichimannen juumannen hyakumannen hare o matou! rarara" “Then let’s wait for ten thousand years, One hundred thousand years—One million years for it to clear! Lalala”
「十八億三千六十八の不安、描ききったら?」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu hachi no fuan, egaki kittara?" “What if I draw out one billion eight hundred million three thousand and sixty-eight anxieties?”
「十八億三千六十九の(うた)を贈るよ」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu kyuu no uta o okuru yo" “Then I’ll confer one billion eight hundred million three thousand and sixty-nine songs back to you[3]

なんてCMソング 耳ふさいでも流れこんでくるよ ランキングトップ nante shiiemu songu mimi fusaidemo nagarekonde kuru yo rankingu toppu What a CM song…. even if I cover my ears it flows through, top of the rankings

『五回目に世界が終わってから地上に人は住めなくなって “gokaime ni sekai ga owatte kara chijou ni hito wa sumenaku natte “Since the 5th time the world ended, humans became unable to live above ground
放射性降下物(フォールアウト)と蒼く光る水没した世界に fooruauto to aoku hikaru suibotsu shita sekai ni In the radioactive fallout and submerged world shining blue
覆われた厚いガラスの中 完全環境都市(アーコロジー)で生きるようになりました』 oowareta atsui garasu no naka aakorojii de ikiru you ni narimashita” within a covered thick layer of glass, we came to live in an arcology”

授業さえ歴史の特別講義―― jugyou sae rekishi no tokubetsu kougi―― Even my classes are turning into a special history lesson...

建前じゃ『夢を希望を』本音じゃ『地位 名誉 金』のためだろ tatemae ja “yume o kibou o” honne ja “chii meiyo kane ” no tame daro On the outside they say it's for “dreams, hope” but their real intentions are “status, fame, money” for sure
回顧主義の笛吹きに取り付かれ踊る大人たちは研究所に向かってった kaiko shugi no fuefuki ni toritsukare odoru otona tachi wa kenkyuujo ni mukattetta The adults, dancing, possessed by the nostalgist flute player headed towards the research establishment—

例外なく例外なく reigai naku reigai naku With no exception, with no exception

「十分間一週間半年間ただそばにいてほしいよ!!」 "juppunkan isshuukan hantoshi kan tada soba ni ite hoshii yo!!" “For ten minutes, for one week, for half a year, I just want you to stay by my side!!”
「一年後十年後百年後空を見よう一緒に」 "ichinengo juunengo hyakunengo sora o miyou issho ni" “After one year, after 10 years, after 100 years, let’s look at the sky, together”
「十八億三千六十八回行かないでって言ったら?」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu hakkai ikanaide tte ittara?" What if I told you not to go one billion, eight hundred million, three thousand and sixty-eight times?
「十八億三千六十九回ほかの願いを聞くよ」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu kyuukai hoka no negai o kiku yo" “Then I’ll listen to another wish of yours one billion, eight hundred million, three thousand and sixty-nine times”

「じゃあ!!」 "jaa!!" “Then—!!”

「弾けないギターで歌ってよ」 "hikenai gitaa de utatte yo" “Sing with a guitar you can’t play!”
「まかせろ」 "makasero" “Leave it to me”
「しょっぱい炒飯食べたい」 "shoppai chaahan tabetai" “And I wanna eat salty chahan”
「そらきた」 "sora kita" “And there it is—”
「黒い霧はどうでもいいから今日も明日もそばにいてよ」 "kuroi kiri wa dou demo ii kara kyou mo asu mo soba ni ite yo" “I don't care about the fog… so just stay by my side, today and tomorrow”
「ごめん……」 "gomen……" “Sorry…”
「どうして?」 "doushite?" “Why?”
「キミに空を見せたくてその名前を贈ったから」 "kimi ni sora o misetakute sono namae o okutta kara" “I gave you that name because I wanted to show you the sky…”

「誕生日だって忘れていたくせに"親"ぶったりしないで!!バカ!!」 "tanjoubi datte wasurete ita kuseni "oya" buttari shinai de!! baka!!" “You even forgot my birthday, don’t try to act like a ‘parent’ now! Stupid!!”

あれから嘘みたいに霧は晴れてった―― are kara uso mitai ni kiri wa haretetta―― After that, the sky cleared, as though it had all been a lie

華やかなパレード 見たことのない碧い空 hanayaka na pareedo mita koto no nai aoi sora A showy parade, a never before seen blue sky
「我々は勝利した。無事世界は救われました」 "wareware wa shouri shita. buji sekai wa sukuwaremashita" “We have triumphed! The safe world has been saved”
誇らしげな大人と拡声器の声 降り注ぐ陽の光 ハッピーエンド hokorashige na otona to kakuseiki no koe furisosogu hi no hikari happii endo The triumphant adults voice through a megaphone, the light of the sun pouring down… a happy ending

でも帰ってこない帰ってこない帰ってこないよ?どうして!! demo kaette konai kaette konai kaette konai yo? doushite!! But, he won’t come home, he won’t come home, he won’t come home? Why!!
巷をウェブを駆け巡る知らなければよかった真実 chimata o webu o kakemeguru shiranakereba yokatta shinjitsu Running through the streets, scouring the web; a truth I’d been better off not knowing,

ぐちゃぐちゃに混ざり合う"愛国者だったナニカ" guchagucha ni mazariau "aikokusha datta nanika" A pulpy mixed together “something that was once a patriot”
注がれた液体の人間 sosogareta ekitai no ningen The poured-out liquid humans
そう霧を晴らし人類を救ったのは生命(いのち)を燃やして動く機関(エンジン) sou kiri o harashi jinrui o sukutta no wa inochi o moyashite ugoku enjin Yes, what had cleared the fog and saved humanity was an engine that moves by burning lives

うそつきうそつきうそつきうそつき usotsuki usotsuki usotsuki usotsuki Liar liar liar liar

何百人何千人何万人もの命に塗れて nanbyakunin nanzennin nanmannin mo no inochi ni mamirete Stained with just how many hundreds, how many thousands, how many tens of thousands of lives,
十分間一週間半年間安息を買ったの? juppunkan isshuukan hantoshikan ansoku o katta no? Did you buy peace for ten minutes, for one week, for half a year?
「嫌ああああああ」 "iyaaaaaaa" “Nooooooo”
黒い霧は半年もしないうちに戻ってきた kuroi kiri wa hantoshi mo shinai uchi ni modotte kita Not even half a year had passed and the black fog returned
「なんのためなんのためなんのため」 "nan no tame nan no tame nan no tame" “For what purpose! For what purpose! For what purpose!”
狂いそうだあああああああ kurui sou daaaaaaaa I feel like I’m going to lose it aaaaaaaaaaaaa

弾けないギターと下手なアレンジの歌が聞こえる hikenai gitaa to heta na arenji no uta ga kikoeru I can hear the sound of a badly arranged song to the guitar of someone who can't play it

「一年間十年間百年間もし霧が続いたら?」 "ichinenkan juunenkan hyakunenkan moshi kiri ga tsuzuitara?" “What if the fog continues for the span of one year, ten years—a hundred years?”
「一万年十万年百万年晴れを待とう?どうよ?」 "ichimannen juumannen hyakumannen hare o matou? dou yo?" “Then let’s wait for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years—one million years for it to clear? What do you think?”
「十八億三千六十八の不安、描ききったら?」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu hachi no fuan, egaki kittara?" “What if I depict one billion, eight hundred million, three thousand and sixty-eight anxieties?”
「十八億三千六十九の日々を暮らそう!」 "juuhachioku sanzen rokujuu kyuu no hibi o kurasou!" “Then let’s live through one billion, eight hundred million, three thousand and sixty-nine everydays!”
「きっとだよ!」 "kitto da yo!" “surely—!”

「五億四百八十五万千四百秒、ん……ああ、そういえば言ってなかったかな。誕生日おめでとう」 "gooku yonhyaku hachijuu goman sen yonhyaku byou, n…… aa , sou ieba itte nakatta kana. tanjoubi omedetou " Five hundred and four million, eight hundred and fifty-one thousand, four hundred seconds… aah, that reminds me I haven’t said it yet, have I… happy birthday”

今日も同じ黒い霧で kyou mo onaji kuroi kiri de Today has the same, dark fog
授業なんかろくに聞かないで jugyou nanka rokuni kikanai de not listening properly to my lessons,
懐かしい曲でソートして natsukashii kyoku de sooto shite sorting by some nostalgic songs
キレイな空を探してる kirei na sora o sagashiteru I search for a pretty sky

型遅れの端末、呼び出した愛するあの人のデータ kata okure no tanmatsu, yobidashita aisuru ano hito no deeta On a back number computer terminal,
そっとスリープにして sotto suriipu ni shite I softly put the data from someone I'd loved that I'd called up back to sleep.

「莫迦……昨日だよ。一年前の……」 "baka…… kinou da yo. ichinenmae no……" “You ignoramus… it was yesterday. One year ago…”

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. Rin's character is presumably the main character's father, but no gendered pronouns are used in the original.
  2. 莫迦 is old? Alternate kanji form for the famous “baka” I can’t find much concrete info on it’s difference from the usual kanji used for baka, but decided since its a very rare usage and both me and a friend got a “pretentious old” form of baka feeling from it I felt another “pretentious old” form of stupid would work… so ignoramus it is.
  3. 詞 "lyrics/verse" is written but 歌 "song" is sung.


This song was featured on the following album:

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