Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Song title
Romaji: Kirumaa
English: Kilmer / Kilmaa[R 1]
Original Upload Date
November 22, 2019
Niru Kajitsu (music, lyrics)
Nakamura Ryouma (mix, mastering)
WOOMA (movie)
970,000+ (NN), 7,900,000+ (YT), 730,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast / Spotify Broadcast

Alternate Version

Living Dead Niru Kajitsu album
Self-cover version
Upload date: July 15, 2020
Featuring: Niru Kajitsu
YT (auto-gen)
Featured on "LIVING DEAD".


The following translation was made by Releska, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his blog.
Japanese Romaji English
かつて深窓の少女は無自覚モーション katsute shinsou no shoujo wa mujikaku mooshon In a secluded room, the girl once moved unconsciously.
痛い位に溢れた狂気を吸って itai kurai ni afureta kyouki o sutte She inhaled a madness that painfully flooded forth.
凄惨な修羅場で一糸も二糸も纏わず seisan na shuraba de isshi mo nishi mo matowazu In a ghastly scene of carnage, she wears not a thread.
熟れる 獲る 得る 煩悶 ureru eru eru hanmon She digests, takes, and acquires agony.

下賎の面から遥々 韜晦(とうかい) gesen no tsura kara harubaru toukai She concealed herself, distant from the vulgar ones.
外連 面被 備えた令嬢のvirgin kerenmen hi sonaeta reijou no virgin The virgin maiden had prepared her pretences and thick makeup.
群衆は目をつけ矢鱈滅多ら gunshuu wa me o tsuke yataramettara The masses, the indiscriminate and thoughtless, have their eyes on her.
耽溺して選り択り抜く tandeki shite eri eri nuku They indulge, select and extract.

先見の明は低迷だ senken no mei wa teimei da Foresight is in a slump.
嘆願の甲斐なくhooligan tangan no kainaku hooligan The ones who appeal are worthless hooligans.
煽情が明滅 酩酊 senjou ga meimetsu meitei Strong emotions flicker in drunkenness.
奪って去って嗤う ubatte satte warau They snatch her away, leave, and sneer.

今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな ima ga shougai sai no teihen datte ureitaku naru yo na You’re at the bottom of your life now, so you want to grieve, right?
都合良く天網なんか存在しないやって tsugouyoku tenmou nanka sonzai shinai ya tte A convenient heaven’s net doesn’t exist.
判明したのよ 隷従 隷従 hanmei shita no yo reijuu reijuu It’s established. Slavery, slavery…
はいはいこれが運命だって hai hai kore ga unmei datte Okay, okay. This is fate.
吐き捨てる分からず屋 hakisuteru wakarazuya The obstinate fools spit those words out.
そこに愛は無い 愛は無いと 喚いていた soko ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to wameite ita There’s no love there. Is there no love?
破られたベルベットロープ yaburareta berubetto roopu She was screaming. The velvet rope was torn.

宵 ふらふら嘆いて歩いていた yoi furafura nageite aruite ita In the night, she walked unsteadily while grieving.
救いなど無いと解っていた sukui nado nai to wakatte ita She understood that there was no salvation.
全てを悟ってしまいそうだった subete o satotte shimaisou datta It seems like she’s reached enlightenment.
御伽噺みたい だって 観客様は otogibanashi mitai datte kankyaku-sama wa It’s like a fairy tale. After all, the audience
さぞ楽しいでしょうね 五月蝿い sazo tanoshii deshou ne urusai is having fun, I’m sure. How noisy.
『熱が潰えるまで仕様がないから観ててやる』 "netsu ga tsuieru made shouganai kara mitete yaru" “Until this fever burns out, I can’t do anything, so I’ll watch over you!”

"I'll take care of you until you die."

制裁も毒牙も畏れぬ馬と鹿に seisai mo dokuga mo osorenu ba to ka ni[R 2] There are no drugs that can be administered to horses and deer
付ける薬餌は無い tsukeru yakuji wa nai that do not fear restraint or poison fangs.

爛々騒ぐ有象無象すり抜けて ranran sawagu uzoumuzou surinukete She slips through a crowd making a fiery racket.
淡々放つ言動 tantan hanatsu gendou Words and deeds are released dispassionately.
救いのない sukui no nai There’s no saving them.
渇いた眼には業火が咲いた kawaita me ni wa gouka ga saita Hellfire bloomed in her dry eyes.
そうね さよなら sou ne sayonara Yes. Farewell…

今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな ima ga shougai sai no teihen datte ureitaku naru yo na I’m at rock bottom now, so I want to wallow in grief.
都合良く天網なんか存在しないやって tsugouyoku tenmou nanka sonzai shinai ya tte A convenient heaven’s net doesn’t exist.
判明したのよ 隷従 隷従 hanmei shita no yo reijuu reijuu It’s established. Slavery, slavery…
安全策は無い この地獄から anzensaku wa nai kono jigoku kara There’s no safety plan. You want to break free
抜け出したいのさ nukedashitai no sa from this hell, don’t you?
此処に愛は無い 愛は無いと 願っていた koko ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to negatte ita There’s no love here. There’s no love.
少女は舞った shoujo wa matta The girl who wished for that danced.

『仕様がない』ってもう一回ぐらい "shouganai" tte mou ikkai gurai I’ll make you say “I can’t do anything about it”
言わせてやるよ なあ iwasete yaru yo naa at least once more.
卦体な衝動 見抜けないで ketai na shoudou minukenaide Don’t see through my negligent impulses.
油断 クランベリーに溺れる yudan kuranberii ni oboreru Careless. The lawless hooligan
不埒なhooligan furachi na hooligan drowns in cranberry.
はいはい何も問題ないわって 吐き捨てる少女が hai hai nani mo mondainai wa tte hakisuteru shoujo ga Okay, okay, nothing’s wrong. The girl spat those words out.
故に愛は無い 愛は無いと yue ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to So, there’s no love. No love at all.
悟って歌う satotte utau She realises and sings[R 3]
断ち切るわベルベットロープ tachikiru wa berubetto roopu “I’ll sever the velvet rope!”

戻らないベルベットロープ modoranai berubetto roopu The velvet rope won’t come back.

English translation by Releska

Translation Notes

  1. As for the title, Kilmaa is an anagram of Kalmia, a name given to the pink-haired girl (Hanna) by Gui, the man with the golden eyes. I got this information from a Japanese analysis of the song by Sugar&Salt Music, found here.
    I originally translated this by defaulting to a first person perspective for the majority of it. Looking back over it alongside the video, though, I decided to reword it. Now, it’s like a narrator is describing the exploits of Hanna. I based it on how several sentences end – it felt like it fit so I went with it. Still, there’s some depth here. I’d be interested to see how this compares to the the other songs in the trilogy.
  2. 馬 (ba – horse) and 鹿 (ka – deer) are written separately here, but together they form 馬鹿 (baka – idiot).
  3. The alternative version of this line is: 謳って嗤う 断ち切るわベルベットロープ / utatte warau tachikiru wa berubetto roopu / She chants and sneers “I’ll sever the velvet rope!”

Japanese Romaji English
かつて深窓の少女は無自覚モーション katsute shinsou no shoujo wa mujikaku mooshon The ex-closeted girl, in an unconscious motion
痛い位に溢れた狂気を吸って itai kurai ni afureta kyouki o sutte Sucks in the overflowing madness to the point of pain
凄惨な修羅場で一糸も二糸も纏わず seisan na shuraba de isshi mo nishi mo matowazu In a gruesome scene of carnage, without a shred of clothing on
熟れる 獲る 得る 煩悶 ureru eru eru hanmon Mellowed, captured, obtained anguish

下賎の面から遥々 韜晦(とうかい) gesen no tsura kara harubaru toukai Out of a lowly expression, concealing herself all the way
外連 面被 備えた令嬢のvirgin kerenmen hi sonaeta reijou no virgin Bluffing, with her mask on, a young virgin maiden
群衆は目をつけ矢鱈滅多ら gunshuu wa me o tsuke yataramettara The crowd has set its eyes on her and thoughtlessly
耽溺して選り択り抜く tandeki shite eri eri nuku They pick, pick her out, indulging themselves

先見の明は低迷だ senken no mei wa teimei da Foresight’s in a slump
嘆願の甲斐なくhooligan tangan no kainaku hooligan A hooligan to whom pleas are worthless
煽情が明滅 酩酊 senjou ga meimetsu meitei The excitement is a flickering intoxication
奪って去って嗤う ubatte satte warau He sneers, plundering away

今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな ima ga shougai sai no teihen datte ureitaku naru yo na This is the very bottom of your life, makes you want to grieve doesn’t it
都合良く天網なんか存在しないやって tsugouyoku tenmou nanka sonzai shinai ya tte Something like a convenient heaven’s net doesn’t exist
判明したのよ 隷従 隷従 hanmei shita no yo reijuu reijuu It’s been proved y’know, slavery, slavery
はいはいこれが運命だって hai hai kore ga unmei datte Right right, this is your fate
吐き捨てる分からず屋 hakisuteru wakarazuya The blockhead spits out
そこに愛は無い 愛は無いと 喚いていた soko ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to wameite ita Love doesn’t exist here, love doesn’t exist,
破られたベルベットロープ yaburareta berubetto roopu that’s what you were crying. The velvet rope was torn.

宵 ふらふら嘆いて歩いていた yoi furafura nageite aruite ita In the early hours of the night, staggering, lamenting, you were walking
救いなど無いと解っていた sukui nado nai to wakatte ita You knew you couldn’t be saved
全てを悟ってしまいそうだった subete o satotte shimaisou datta It seemed as if you’d understood everything
御伽噺みたい だって 観客様は otogibanashi mitai datte kankyaku-sama wa It’s like a fairytale, I mean, the dear audience
さぞ楽しいでしょうね 五月蝿い sazo tanoshii deshou ne urusai Must be having so much fun right, they’re so loud
『熱が潰えるまで仕様がないから観ててやる』 "netsu ga tsuieru made shouganai kara mitete yaru" “I’ll look over you, ‘til the craze disappears there’s no helping it after all”

"I'll take care of you until you die."

制裁も毒牙も畏れぬ馬と鹿に seisai mo dokuga mo osorenu ba to ka ni There’s no medicine that works
付ける薬餌は無い tsukeru yakuji wa nai On an idiot[6 1] that fears no punishement nor poison fang

爛々騒ぐ有象無象すり抜けて ranran sawagu uzoumuzou surinukete Slipping through the blazingly clamouring crowd
淡々放つ言動 tantan hanatsu gendou Words and deeds you spew dispassionately
救いのない sukui no nai This is hopeless
渇いた眼には業火が咲いた kawaita me ni wa gouka ga saita In those dried up eyes, hellfire bloomed
そうね さよなら sou ne sayonara That’s right, this is goodbye

今が生涯 最の底辺だって憂いたくなるよな ima ga shougai sai no teihen datte ureitaku naru yo na This is the very bottom of your life, makes you want to grieve doesn’t it
都合良く天網なんか存在しないやって tsugouyoku tenmou nanka sonzai shinai ya tte Something like a convenient heaven’s net doesn’t exist
判明したのよ 隷従 隷従 hanmei shita no yo reijuu reijuu It’s been proved y’know, slavery, slavery
安全策は無い この地獄から anzensaku wa nai kono jigoku kara There’s no safety, this hell
抜け出したいのさ nukedashitai no sa Aah, you want to escape from it!
此処に愛は無い 愛は無いと 願っていた koko ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to negatte ita Love doesn’t exist here, love doesn’t exist,
少女は舞った shoujo wa matta that’s what you were wishing. The girl danced

『仕様がない』ってもう一回ぐらい "shouganai" tte mou ikkai gurai “There’s no helping it” I’m going to make you say that
言わせてやるよ なあ iwasete yaru yo naa About one more time, hey
卦体な衝動 見抜けないで ketai na shoudou minukenaide That strange impulse, don’t let it be see-through
油断 クランベリーに溺れる yudan kuranberii ni oboreru Be off guard and you’ll drown in cranberry,
不埒なhooligan furachi na hooligan You insolent hooligan
はいはい何も問題ないわって 吐き捨てる少女が hai hai nani mo mondainai wa tte hakisuteru shoujo ga Right right, there’s absolutely no problem, the girl spits out
故に愛は無い 愛は無いと yue ni ai wa nai ai wa nai to Therefore love doesn’t exist, love doesn’t exist
悟って歌う satotte utau That’s what she sings, realizing that fact
断ち切るわベルベットロープ tachikiru wa berubetto roopu I’ll sever the velvet rope

戻らないベルベットロープ modoranai berubetto roopu The never to be returned velvet rope

English translation by 6oose

Translation Notes

  1. The characters 馬と鹿 here should normally be pronounced “uma to shika” (“horse and deer”) but in this song, they’re pronounced “ba to ka”, meaning “idiot” (馬鹿 - baka).

Notable Derivatives

Miyashite Yuu's Cover
Featuring: Miyashita Yuu


This song was featured on the following albums:

External Links

