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Song title | |||
"キララ" Romaji: Kirara | |||
Original Upload Date | |||
May 3, 2020 | |||
Singer | |||
Hatsune Miku | |||
Producer(s) | |||
HoneyWorks (arrangement)
shito (music, lyrics) Gom (lyrics) Oji (guitar, bass) Keiki Uto (piano) Higuchi Kousuke (drums) SuperciderX (illustration) ziro (video) | |||
Views | |||
640,000+ | |||
Links | |||
YouTube Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed) | |||
Originally sung by CHiCO with HoneyWorks that appeared on the Watashi wo Someru i no Uta album. |
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Japanese | Romaji | English |
買ったばかりのアイス溶ける | katta bakari no aisu tokeru | It was an oppressively hot day, |
うだるような暑い日でした | udaru you na atsui hi deshita | enough to melt an ice-cream that I only just bought. |
また連れてこられた田舎で一目惚れした夏休み | mata tsurete korareta inaka de hitomebore shita natsuyasumi | I was brought along again to a summer holiday at a country town when I fell in love at first sight. |
知ってるのに話したいから海への行き方を聞いた | shitteru no ni hanashitai kara umi e no ikikata o kiita | I wanted to say something, so I asked the way to the sea although I knew. |
"この町は初めてですか?" | "kono machi wa hajimete desu ka?" | "Is it your first time to this town?" |
ぎこちない返事になった | gikochinai henji ni natta | was the awkward reply. |
君を探す二日目 | kimi o sagasu futsuka me | The second day I spent looking for you. |
同じ場所を歩いてみる | onaji basho o aruite miru | I tried walking around the same place. |
後ろ姿見つけて駈け出してた | ushiro sugata mitsukete kakedashiteta | I saw you from behind and ran up. |
また会えたね | mata aeta ne | I got to see you again. |
真っ直ぐに花は咲き 空を目指し迷わない | massugu ni hana wa saki sora o mezashi mayowanai | Flowers that blossom grow straight and unfalteringly reach for the sky |
もう一度話したい 今感じたこの気持ち | mou ichido hanashitai ima kanjita kono kimochi | I wanted to say something once more, about this feeling I now felt. |
隣は空いてますか? | tonari wa aitemasu ka? | "Is the spot next to you vacant?" |
とある夏の恋の歌 | toaru natsu no koi no uta | It's a song of falling in love one summer. |
三日目四日目会えずにタイムリミットが近づく | mikkame yokkame aezu ni taimurimitto ga chikazuku | Without getting to see you the third and fourth day the time limit drew near. |
波の音は優しいけれど急かされてるような気もした | nami no oto wa yasashii keredo sekasareteru you na ki mo shita | The sound of the waves was pleasant enough but I was feeling pressed for time. |
子供と大人の間で忙しく変わる心を | kodomo to otona no aida de isogashiku kawaru kokoro o | one's heart is busy changing.Between being a child and being an adult |
大丈夫だよきっと晴れるよ | daijoubu da yo kitto hareru yo | It's fine, it'll surely pass. |
この夏は特別なんだ | kono natsu wa tokubetsu nanda | For this summer is special. |
"偶然だね"五日目 | "guuzen da ne" itsukame | On the fifth day, "What a coincidence," |
探した声 振り向いた | sagashita koe furimuita | came the voice I was searching for. I turned around. |
制服姿の君 見とれて僕は緊張してた | seifuku sugata no kimi mitorete boku wa kinchou shiteta | Captivated by how smart you looked in your uniform, I felt nervous. |
真っ白な片思い 恋は決して濁らない | masshiro na kataomoi koi wa kesshite nigoranai | A pure white, one-sided love, such love is definitely unblemished. |
何度も話したい 君の事や僕の事 | nando mo hanashitai kimi no koto ya boku no koto | Many times I want to speak about you and about me. |
明日も会えますか? | ashita mo aemasu ka? | Can I see you again tomorrow? |
青い夏の物語 | aoi natsu no monogatari | It's a summer story of youth. |
虫が歌って星が踊る | mushi ga utatte hoshi ga odoru | I got to enjoy this season when insects sing |
この季節を好きになれた君のおかげだ | kono kisetsu o suki ni nareta kimi no okage da | and stars dance thanks to you. |
明日の今頃は触れられない場所にいる | ashita no imagoro wa furerarenai basho ni iru | This time tomorrow I'll be somewhere out of reach. |
どうしようも出来なくて | doushiyou mo dekinakute | Unable to do anything at all about it, |
やるせなくてこみ上げる | yarusenakute komiageru | a feeling of helplessness welled up inside me. |
"来年待ってるよ約束だよ"君が言う | "rainen matteru yo yakusoku da yo" kimi ga iu | "I'll wait for you next year, it's a promise," you say. |
さよならまた来るよ | sayonara mata kuru yo | "Good-bye, I'll come again." |
その時には伝えよう | sono toki ni wa tsutaeyou | I'll tell you then, |
初めて見た日から君の事が好きでした | hajimete mita hi kara kimi no koto ga suki deshita | how from the first moment I saw you, I loved you. |
English translation by ElectricRaichu
External Links
- pixiv - Illustration
- UtaiteDB
- VocaDB
- Len's Lyrics - Translation source