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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

! Warning: This song contains explicit elements (Gore, Kidnapping); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
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Kiyomi no Mukiryoku
Song title
Romaji: Kiyomi no Mukiryoku
Official English: Kiyomi's Apathy
Original Upload Date
Feb 22, 2024
TsuiokuPii (music, lyrics, illustration)
YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji Official English
いつからここにいるのですか? itsu kara koko ni iru no desu ka? How long have you been here?
約2年ぶりでした yaku ninenburi deshita It's been about 2 years
鎖が私をここに縛り付けているねよ kusari ga watashi o koko ni shibaritsukete iru ne yo Chains keep me here
空の色を思い出せない sora no iro o omoidasenai I can't remember the color of the sky
時の味を思い出せない toki no aji o omoidasenai I can't remember the taste of time
逃げ場のないアンダーグラウンドコンプレックス nigeba no nai andaaguraundo konpurekkusu An underground complex with no escape
涙 涙 namida namida tears tears
私の不注意が原因です watashi no fuchuui ga gen'in desu It's because of my carelessness
お前お前解けてください omae omae tokete kudasai You, you, untie me
鉄の鎖を断ち切るよね tetsu no kusari o tachikiru yo ne You'll break the iron chains, don't you?
お前は私の皮膚でそれらを縛った omae wa watashi no hifu de sorera o shibatta You bound them with my skin
今までどうやって生き延びてきたんだろう? ima made dou yatte ikinobite kita ndarou? How have I survived all this time?
ドアの壊れるとで逃げ出したい doa no kowareru to de nigedashitai I want to run away when the door breaks
モルヒネが血管に入った moruhine ga kekkan ni haitta morphine entered the bloodstream
少なくとも苦しまない sukunaku to mo kurushimanai At least you won't suffer
気管は金属製 kikan wa kinzokusei The trachea is made of metal
「強く引っ張ればないよ」 "tsuyoku hippareba nai yo" "Not if you pull hard enough"
この男は天才だった kono otoko wa tensai datta This man was a genius.
大天才でしたよ daitensai deshita yo He was a great genius.
私は実験の失敗者 watashi wa jikken no shippaisha I'm a failed experiment.
時間は止まっていない jikan wa tomatte inai Time hasn't stood still.
涙 涙 namida namida Tears. Tears.
私の不注意が原因です watashi no fuchuui ga gen'in desu It was my carelessness.
お前お前解けてください omae omae tokete kudasai You, you, untie me.
鉄の鎖を断ち切るよね tetsu no kusari o tachikiru yo ne You'll break the iron chains, don't you?
お前は私の皮膚でそれらを縛った omae wa watashi no hifu de sorera o shibatta You bound them with my skin
今までどうやって生き延びてきたんだろう? ima made dou yatte ikinobite kita ndarou? How have I survived all this time?
ドアの壊れるとで逃げ出したい doa no kowareru to de nigedashitai I want to run away when the door breaks
お前お前解けてください omae omae tokete kudasai You, you, untie me.
鉄の鎖を断ち切るよね tetsu no kusari o tachikiru yo ne You'll break the iron chains, don't you?
お前は私の皮膚でそれらを縛った omae wa watashi no hifu de sorera o shibatta You bound them with my skin
今までどうやって生き延びてきたんだろう? ima made dou yatte ikinobite kita ndarou? How have I survived all this time?
ドアの壊れるとで逃げ出したい doa no kowareru to de nigedashitai I want to run away when the door breaks
