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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

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Kabocha Head Miserable
Song title
Romaji: Kabocha Hezzu Mizeraburu
English: Pumpkin Head Miserable
Original Upload Date
October 31, 2013
YM (music, lyrics)
Youetsu (illustration)
44,000+ (NN), 19,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
悪魔のいじめられっこ イタズラがヘタクソな akuma no ijimerarekko itazura ga hetakuso na A bullied demon child who was terrible at pulling pranks
僕の居場所は 此処じゃないようだ boku no ibasho wa koko ja nai you da ‘It seems my place to be isn’t here?’
たった一匹だけの白猫が友達さ tatta ippiki dake no shironeko ga tomodachi sa His only friend was a solitary white cat
僕らお互い 孤独者同士 bokura otagai kodokusha doushi ‘The two of us are one in the same, mutual loners’

宵闇魔女にお願いごと yoiyami majo ni onegai goto He asked of the twilight witch;
「僕を人間にしてくれ」 "boku o ningen ni shite kure" “Please turn me into a human”
そうすれば人間(ヒト)の世界で君と僕 sou sureba hito no sekai de kimi to boku Then in the human world, me and you,
ふたりぼっち futaribotchi can be together

小さな悪魔 ハングリーマン chiisana akuma hangurii man A tiny demon, hungry man,
お菓子くれなきゃイタズラするぞ!! okashi kure nakya itazura suru zo!! If you don’t give me some treats, I’ll trick you!!
カボチャの頭 いっぱいになれ kabocha no atama ippai ni nare Pumpkin head fill up,
そしたらきっと! きっと 僕は soshitara kitto! kitto boku wa Then surely, surely I’ll…

小さな悪魔に魔女は魔法をかけてこう言った chiisana akuma ni majo wa mahou o kakete kou itta The witch cast magic on the tiny demon and said thus;
「人間になれる(すべ)を教えましょう」 "ningen ni nareru sube o oshie mashou" “I’ll teach you the way to become human”
お前は一日だけカボチャのオバケになれる omae wa ichinichi dake kabocha no obake ni nareru For one day only, you’ll become a pumpkin monster
その時僕がするべき事とは sono toki boku ga suru beki koto to wa When that time comes the thing I should do is...

ハロウィンの夜に harowin no yoru ni On Halloween night if
心のこもった贈り物だけで kokoro no komotta okurimono dake de you can fill that head up
その頭を満たせるなら sono atama o mitaseru nara with only heartfelt gifts,
お前は人間(ヒト)になれるでしょう omae wa hito ni nareru deshou you’ll surely be able to become a human

小さな悪魔 ハングリーマン chiisana akuma hangurii man A tiny demon, hungry man,
お菓子くれなきゃイタズラするぞ!! okashi kure nakya itazura suru zo!! If you don’t give me some treats, I’ll trick you!!
カボチャの頭 いっぱいになれ kabocha no atama ippai ni nare O’ pumpkin head become full,
そしたら僕は人間になれる soshitara boku wa ningen ni nareru then I’ll be able to become a human…
小さな悪魔 ハングリーマン chiisana akuma hangurii man A tiny demon, hungry man,
お菓子を貰う子供見つめて okashi o morau kodomo mitsumete gazing at the children given sweets
ハロウィンの夜 満たされぬまま harowin no yoru mitasarenu mama On Halloween night unable to become full,
カボチャになった頭を抱える kabocha ni natta atama o kakaeru holding his pumpkin turned head

おねだりが ヘタクソな onedari ga hetakuso na For me, who’s terrible at nagging[1],
僕じゃお菓子が 集められない boku ja okashi ga atsumerarenai gathering sweets is impossible
「なら私を」「お食べなさい」 "nara watashi o" "otabenasai" “then” “eat me”
「そうすればいつまでも」「一緒に居られるよ」 "sou sureba itsumade mo" "issho ni orareru yo" “in that case” “we can be together forever”

そういえばあの後に sou ieba ano ato ni ‘Come to think of it, after that,
あたしの元を訪れた 白猫 atashi no moto o otozureta shironeko a white cat came to me
一生に一度だけお菓子になれる魔法をかけたっけ? isshou ni ichido dake okashi ni nareru mahou o kaketakke? “Just once in my life, could you cast a spell, letting me become candy?”
でも食べられる時には demo taberareru toki ni wa But when you’re eaten,
痛みを伴うし itami o tomonau shi it’ll be painful[2]
悪魔に食べられても akuma ni taberarete mo and even if you’re eaten by a demon,
その魂は むくわれないのに sono tamashii wa mukuwarenai no ni that soul will never be saved[3]

大好きな君を食べちゃったの daisuki na kimi o tabechatta no I ate my beloved you…
満たされたパンプキンヘッドの mitasareta panpukin heddo no From the filled up pumpkin head’s
目から零れるアメ玉は何故? mekara koboreru ame dama wa naze? eyes, candy drops began to fall, why?
また足りなくなっちゃう どうしよう matatari naku natchau doushiyou It’s still not enough, what should I do...

悪魔は自らの手を齧る akuma wa mizukara no te o kajiru The demon began to chew on his own hand,
とても痛いや それでも齧る totemo itai ya soredemo kajiru it hurt, but still he chewed
君もきっと痛かったんだろう kimi mo kitto itakattan darou It surely hurt for you as well,
ごめん ごめんね ごめんなさい gomen gomenne gomennasai I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…

僕が 人になりたいのは boku ga hito ni naritai no wa Even though, the reason I wanted to be human,
君と共に暮らすためだったのにな kimi to tomo ni kurasu tame datta no ni na was so I could live together with you…
自分を食べ続けた末に jibun o tabetsuzuketa sue ni He continued to eat himself,
(から)のカボチャの頭だけが残った とさ kara no kabocha no atama dake ga nokotta to sa It is said all that remained was an empty pumpkin head[4]

English translation by Forgetfulsubs, with edits by ジュリ

Translation Notes

  1. (paraphrase) (nagging is onedari - pestering/ asking for something)
  2. (lit. it’ll be accompanied with pain)
  3. (/recompensated?)
  4. the little とさ at the end is just a quoting particle + casual sentence ending particle; aka implying it was all a story the witch was telling.

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