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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Song title
Romaji: Orenji
English: Orange
Original Upload Date
December 20, 2012
Hatsune Miku Append Sweet
Tohma (music, lyrics)
toi (illustration)
Sakana (mixing, mastering)
Niconico Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
君のいる世界で笑ったこと、 kimi no iru sekai de waratta koto, The fact that I laughed in a world you were in,
君の見る未来を恨んだこと、 kimi no miru mirai o uranda koto, The fact that you resented the future that you saw,
君の声、温もり、態度、愛のすべてが・・・ kimi no koe, nukumori, taido, ai no subete ga... Your voice, warmth, attitude, everything you loved…

海街、赤錆びた線路沿い umi machi, aka sabita senrozoi At a town near the ocean, along tracks rusted red,
二人、「幸せだ」って嘘ついて futari, "shiawase da" tte uso tsuite The two lied, “I’m happy”
くしゃくしゃに笑う顔、繋いだ手 kushakusha ni warau kao, tsunaida te Their dishevelled smiling faces, connected hands
遠くの島、朝焼け tooku no shima, asayake A faraway island, the morning glow

愛しきれない君のこと、 aishikirenai kimi no koto, The things about you, who I can’t love
つられて泣く私も弱いこと、 tsurarete naku watashi mo yowai koto, The things about a weak crying me as I am attracted
代わりなんてないって、特別だって kawari nante nai tte, tokubetsu datte That there won’t be any change, after all, it’s special
許し合えた日も yurushiaeta hi mo Days when we forgave each other, too

もう二人に明日がないことも mou futari ni ashita ga nai koto mo That there won’t be a tomorrow for the two of us anymore
ただ、ずっと。そう、ずっと隠してしまおう。 tada, zutto. sou, zutto kakushite shimaou. Just always. Yes, always. Let’s hide it.
残される君に届く ただひとつを nokosareru kimi ni todoku tada hitotsu o The only one which will reach you, who will be left behind
今でも、探してる。 ima demo, sagashiteru. Even now, I’m searching for.

「元気でいますか。」「笑顔は枯れてませんか。」 "genki de imasu ka." "egao wa karetemasen ka." “Are you doing well?” “Has your smile withered away?”
「他の誰かを深く深く、愛せていますか。」 "hoka no dareka o fukaku fukaku, aisete imasu ka." “Are you deeply, deeply in love with someone else?”
ずっと来るはずない君との日を願ったこと zutto kuru hazu nai kimi to no hi o negatta koto For the days with you that I knew would never come,
鍵かけて。 kagi kakete. I locked away that wish.

三日月島、陰る渚鳥 mikazukijima, kageru nagisa tori Crescent Moon island, darkening birds on the water’s edge
ツタに飾られた教会裏で tsuta ni kazarareta kyoukai ura de Behind a church decorated with ivy,
また子供じみた約束しては mata kodomo jimita yakusoku shite wa We again made a childish promise
逃げ出す話をしよう。 nigedasu hanashi o shiyou. Let’s tell a story about running away.

誰も満たされないよりも dare mo mitasarenai yori mo Rather than having no one be satisfied,
望んだ最後だけを温める nozonda saigo dake o atatameru I’ll only warm the end that we desired
怖い夢を見ただけの私に kowai yume o mita dake no watashi ni To me, who only had a scary dream
そうであったように。 sou de atta you ni. Yes, in order to meet.

許すだけでも、耐え抜くだけでも yurusu dake demo, taenuku dake demo Even to just forgive, even to just stick out to the end,
ただ、きっと。そう、きっと tada, kitto. sou, kitto Just, definitely. Yes, definitely,
誰も変われないこと。 dare mo kawarenai koto. No one can change.
傷付けない弱さが生きられないほど kizutsukenai yowasa ga ikirarenai hodo The weakness that couldn’t be harmed had grown so big
大きく育ったの。 ookiku sodatta no. To the extent I couldn’t live.

覚えていますか、初めて会ったことも、 oboete imasu ka, hajimete atta koto mo, Do you remember? When we met for the first time,
君の嘘も、甘えも、弱さも、流してゆくような kimi no uso mo, amae mo, yowasa mo, nagashite yuku you na Your lies, dependence, weakness, as if all of it’s being swept away
この朝焼けで あの日のように君はまた kono asayake de ano hi no you ni kimi wa mata By this morning glow, just like that day, you are once again
素敵に変わってゆく suteki ni kawatte yuku Beautifully changing

愛を歌った 大地を蹴った ai o utatta daichi o ketta We sang of love and kicked the earth
今、「最低だ」って殺した最後も ima, "saitei da" tte koroshita saigo mo Right now, even if it’s an end killed by the phrase “It’s the worst”
不完全だって不確かになって fukanzen datte futashika ni natte Even if it’s incomplete, if it becomes uncertain,
ほら蹴っ飛ばして、ないや。 hora kettobashite, nai ya. See, kick it out and it’s gone.

歳月が巡って 声を辿って saigetsu ga megutte koe o tadotte Merging with the years and following voices
また生まれ変わったら mata umarekawattara If we are reincarnated again,
真っ先に君に会いに行こう。 massaki ni kimi ni ai ni ikou. Let’s go meet you foremost.

愛していました。 aishite imashita. I had loved you.
最後まで、この日まで。 saigo made, kono hi made. To the end, to this day.
それでも終わりにするのは私なのですか、 soredemo owari ni suru no wa watashi nano desu ka, Even so, am I the one to put it to an end?
君の幸せな未来を、ただ、願ってる。 kimi no shiawase na mirai o, tada, negatteru. Your happy future, I just, wished for.

君のいる世界で笑ったこと、 kimi no iru sekai de waratta koto, To the fact that I laughed in a world that you were in,
君の見る未来を恨んだこと、 kimi no miru mirai o uranda koto, To the fact that you resented the future that you saw,
君の声、温もり、態度、愛のすべてに kimi no koe, nukumori, taido, ai no subete ni To your voice, warmth, attitude, everything you loved

さよなら。 sayonara. Goodbye.

English translation by Coleena Wu


This song was featured on the following albums:

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