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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Satsuki (32ki) - Obsolete Meat
Song title
Romaji: Obusomiito
English: Obso-Meat/Obsomeat
Official English: Obsolete Meat
Original Upload Date
November 8, 2024
Kasane Teto and Hatsune Miku
Satsuki (music, lyrics)
Kasaki Sakura (video)
kemu (guitar)
430,000+ (NN), 9,400,000+ (YT), 110,000+ (BB), 7,800+ (SC)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
bilibili Broadcast / SoundCloud Broadcast


Singers Miku Teto Both
Japanese Romaji English
とある一品を境に toaru ippin o sakai ni Just one fine dish was all it took
突如、担がれ方だけ、三ツ星。 totsujo, katsugarekata dake, mitsuboshi. And all of a sudden, we're rated as high as they pushed it - 3 stars
そんで、分不相応な店舗を構えて sonde, bunfusouou na tenpo o kamaete So, we set up a shop with a tempo all too much for our means
勝手が分からず、撃沈。 katte ga wakarazu, gekichin. Unaware of the ins and outs, we went under

正味、礼儀作法や、 shoumi, reigi sahou ya, Substance, etiquette
テーブルマナーとか、 teeburu manaa toka, table manners,
なんのこっちゃでして。 nan no kotcha deshite. just, what even are those?
加えて、勝手な推知で、 kuwaete, katte na suichi de, We just took a convenient, arbitrary shot in the dark
形成されていく、 keisei sarete iku, and just like that,
パブリック・イメージ。 paburikku imeeji. Our public image took form!

嗚呼!ただただ、 aa! tadatada, Oh! Is it all just
話題性だけが先行していて wadaisei dake ga senkou shite ite the trendability that gets ahead
碌に咀嚼せず嚥下か。 roku ni soshaku sezu enge ka. and we wolf it down, not getting to properly digest the stuff?
実は、見かけの映えだけ jitsu wa, mikake no hae dake But, to get to the meat of it, if we're only conscious about
意識していれば、 ishiki shite ireba, how good it looks on the surface,
味はどうだっていいらしい。 aji wa dou datte ii rashii. the taste can be, like, whatever, it seems.

必死こき、拵えたメニューも、 hisshi koki, koshiraeta menyuu mo, If these menus we're churning out for dear life don't even reach anyone
伝わらなけりゃ、無意味と同義? tsutawaranakerya, muimi to dougi? would it be synonymous to a “nothing-burger”?
兎角、嘲笑塗れのレビューサイトでは tokaku, choushou nure no rebyuu saito de wa In any case, I'm getting fed up with those
流言飛語って、やんなっちゃう! ryuugenhigo tte, yannacchau! baseless rumors, on those review sites with scorn all about!

続々と現る新フード zokuzoku to arawaru shinfuudo One after another, all types of new food pop up;
全量を食べてちゃ追いつけない;; zenryou o tabetecha oitsukenai ; ; and you won't catch up if you try eating em' all ; ;
一片食べたら、後はもう、 ippen tabetara, ato wa mou, Once you've had a bit of that,
適当に遊んでしまえ。 tekitou ni asonde shimae. just have as much fun as you see fit.

塞がった声は影も無く、 fusagatta koe wa kage mo naku, Our voices are stifled, not leaving any shadows,
ただ、給仕の枷になり得るの。 tada, kyuuji no kase ni narieru no. and merely place shackles on our service.
並々ならぬ思いとか、 naminami naranu omoi toka, Our extraordinary ideas, stuff like that
それは、塵も同然。 sore wa, gomi mo douzen. are just akin to garbage

偏食傾向の神様に、 henshoku keikou no kamisama ni, We, slaves, offer up the same tastes again and again
また同じ味を捧ぐ奴隷。 mata onaji aji o sasagu dorei. to a picky eater God;
「あなたに満足してもらえたなら "anata ni manzoku shite moraeta nara “If I was able to satisfy you,
私の気持ちはどうでもいいですわ!」 watashi no kimochi wa dou demo ii desu wa!" My feelings are of no concern!”

新たな食事が出る度、 arata na shokuji ga deru tabi, With each new dish,
何処からか湧いてくる、ノスタルジー doko kara ka waite kuru, nosutarujii A sense of nostalgie rushes out from somewhere.
なんか、毎年いつも同じムーブだね。 nanka, maitoshi itsumo onaji muubu da ne. It's like, every year, we're always making the same moves.
それこそ、お腹がいっぱい。 sore koso, onaka ga ippai. Really, we're full to bursting on it.

もう、主観と、客観が、 mou, shukan to, kyakkan ga, What's subjective and what's objective
ごっちゃになっている gotcha ni natte iru become jumbled up with one another.
カスのサラダボウル? kasu no sarada bouru? Like a salad bowl of dregs?
はたまた、事実に反する hatamata, jijitsu ni hansuru Or is that just confirmation bias
確証バイアスか? kakushou baiasu ka? in opposition with the truth?

じゃあ、例えば。 jaa, tatoeba. Then, suppose this;
数年後には、脚光の主役が suunengo ni wa, kyakkou no shuyaku ga If, in a few years from now, the stars in the limelight
取って代わられているとして、 totte kawararete iru to shite, were to be replaced,
その時、あなたはそれでも sono toki, anata wa soredemo Even when that happens,
私の隣に居続けてはくれるのかな。 watashi no tonari ni itsuzukete wa kureru no kana. would you still be by my side?

流行り廃りの延長線に、 hayarisutari no enchousen ni, As a consequence of the climb and decline of trends,
腐り落つ私達が有って。 kusariotsu watashitachi ga atte. we rot, falling off and away
賞味期限も過ぎずに、 shoumi kigen mo sugizu ni, Not even past our expiry date,
とっとと廃棄で、 totto to haiki de, we're disposed of at once, and then
「次の注文(オーダー)」って… "tsugi no oodaa" tte… “Next order…”

大前提な、公然の秘密、 daizentei na, kouzen no himitsu, You, gleefully proclaiming an open secret needing no mention,
嬉々として宣って、何番煎じ? kiki to shite notamatte, nanbansenji? How many times have you said the same thing, over and over?
こうなった以上、もう是非もない。 kou natta ijou, mou zehi mo nai. Now that it's come to this, there's nothing else to be done...
冷めきっている残飯を召し上がれ。 samekitte iru zanpan o meshiagare. Feast on your cold scraps.

後続狙った功名心 kouzoku neratta koumyoushin I subsequently aimed for ambition.
欲張りすぎたって空回り? yokubari sugita tte karamawari? Aren't we just spinning our wheels by being too greedy?
変わらず抱いている矜持だけ、 kawarazu daite iru kyouji dake, This dignity we harbor unchangingly,
捨てないように。 sutenai you ni. may we never cast it away.

飽和してしまった供給で、 houwa shite shimatta kyoukyuu de, With provisions that have gone oversaturated,
そのサイクルすらも速くなる sono saikuru sura mo hayaku naru we turn out fast to cycle through those, too!
下馬評なんて気にせずに、 gebahyou nante ki ni sezu ni, Let's not bother ourselves with senseless rumors and
好き勝手やろうぜ。 suki katte yarou ze. have it our own way.

模造品(イミテイション)ばっか食べていりゃ、 imiteishon bakka tabete irya, If you only take the time to eat imitation food,
そら、同じ味に飽きは来よう。 sora, onaji aji ni aki wa koyou. look, you're gonna come to hate the same old taste
直に此処いらも、お釈迦になるから、 jiki ni kokoira mo, oshaka ni naru kara, That stuff may already be done for at this point,
お好きな加減で、食い散らした後、 osuki na kagen de, kuichirashita nochi, So, after we've had a bit of everything, as much as we wanted,
お手々を合わせて、ご馳走様でした。 otete o awasete, gochisousama deshita. we'll clasp our hands together, and say our thanks for the meal!

English translation by Aquatheories

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