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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Nakiso OchiwaOnaji
Song title
Romaji: Ochi wa Onaji
English: The End is Always the Same
Original Upload Date
April 14, 2023
Kaai Yuki
Nakiso (music, lyrics)
Nou (illustration, character design)
Iga Kitty (video)
OTAMA (mastering)
1,200+ (NN), 186,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


Japanese Romaji English
深く眠る 落ちた飴細工のような fukaku nemuru ochita amezaiku no you na You looked pristine when you had fallen into a deep slumber.
意味のない綺麗なその目は imi no nai kirei na sono me wa Those beautiful eyes of yours are meaningless.
きっと役に立たないな kitto yaku ni tatanai na They’re almost certainly useless.

抱いた夢はこのまま idaita yume wa kono mama Will the dream you entertain
「暗い底でいい」に変わる? "kurai soko de ii" ni kawaru? Turn into “I want to stay in the dark depths” before long?
見たいな 見たいから私は mitai na mitai kara watashi wa I want to see that, and since I want to see it
傘をさす kasa o sasu I’ll lift up my umbrella.

目を合わせないで 合わせないで me o awasenaide awasenaide Don’t let our eyes meet, don’t let them lock
やるせないね オチは同じ yarusenai ne ochi wa onaji It’s miserable. The end is always the same.
君も同じ kimi mo onaji You too will be the same.
あーあ aaa Aaah
呼吸が聞こえなくなった kokyuu ga kikoenaku natta I can’t hear your breathing anymore.

誰か 白馬を連れてきてくれたら dareka hakuba o tsurete kite kuretara If someone could bring me a white horse,
探して迎えに行くよ sagashite mukae ni iku yo I’ll search for and go to meet them.
迎えに行く mukae ni iku I’ll go to meet them.
居なくても 誰も inakute mo dare mo Even if nobody ever comes.

深く眠る いつか何か変わるはずと fukaku nemuru itsuka nanika kawaru hazu to I fall into a deep slumber, wishing that I could think so lightly of destiny
運命を甘く見たいな unmei o amaku mitai na As to believe that someday, something will change.

あーあ aaa Aaah
死んだ未来はそのまま shinda mirai wa sono mama Let your dead future stay that way.
痛いほど分かってしまう itai hodo wakatte shimau I understand so much that it hurts.
遺体 嫌いなことは itai kirai na koto wa I hate dead bodies,
目を塞ぐ me o fusagu so I cover my eyes.

目を合わせないで 合わせないで me o awasenaide awasenaide Don’t let our eyes meet, don’t let them lock
やるせないね オチは同じ yarusenai ne ochi wa onaji It’s miserable. The end is always the same.
君も同じ kimi mo onaji You too will be the same.
あーあ aaa Aaah
呼吸が聞こえなくなった kokyuu ga kikoenaku natta I can’t hear your breathing anymore.
変わらないね 変わらないね kawaranai ne kawaranai ne You’re unchanging, constant
動かないね 歳もとらない ugokanai ne toshi mo toranai You can’t move, you can’t age
君も同じなら kimi mo onaji nara If you too will be the same,
いつまでも一緒ね itsu made mo issho ne Then we’ll always be together,
ずっと zutto forever.

English translation by Kesera

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