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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki

Warning: This song contains questionable elements (allusions to depression/self-harm); it may be inappropriate for younger audiences.
All external links may also contain questionable elements.
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Song title
Romaji: Okawari o Doozo
English: Help yourself to seconds
Original Upload Date
August 12, 2012
Hatsune Miku
highcolor_sunz (music, lyrics)
Chisuke (illustration)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast (reprint, subbed)


Japanese Romaji English
ヤニで汚れた よたれたダンスを yani de yogoreta yotareta dansu o I dance a perversed[1] dance, sullied by tobacco
僕は踊るのさ ゴキゲンなこった boku wa odoru no sa gokigen nakotta what a pleasant thing.
(ひず)みきった愛を さよならソングを hizumi kitta ai o sayonara songu o Packing together, warped love and a goodbye song
ミキサーに詰めた パッパッパッパッ mikisaa ni tsumeta pappappappa into a blender pah pah pah pah

クサい言葉でも 何でもいーぜ  kusai kotoba demo nan demo ii ze Whatever kind of cheesy lines you got I’ll take em
くりかえしてくれ 聞こえないもんね kurikaeshite kure kikoenai mon ne Just repeat them for me, can’t hear after all
インクは切れかけ それでもいーよ inku wa kirekake sore demo ii yo My ink’s just about to dry, but it doesn’t matter
手紙を書こうよ たった一言を さあ tegami o kakou yo tatta hitokoto o saa Let’s write a letter, with only a single word

呼吸器がいかれてく感覚が kokyuu ki ga ikareteku kankaku ga The feeling of my organs slowly deteriorating
さいきんとても愛しく思えてしまって saikin totemo itoshiku omoete shimatte Has lately felt rather… precious
昔の自分の写真なんかと見比べる mukashi no jibun no shashin nanka to mikuraberu I end up comparing it to my past self.
そんな毎日がずいぶんつづいてるんだ sonna mainichi ga zuibun tsuzuiterun da Days like that have been continuing for quite some time now
部屋にやたらでかい蜘蛛を見つけ heya ni yatara dekai kumo o mitsuke In my room, I spot an excessively large spider
でも特に驚いたりもせず demo toku ni odoroitari mo sezu But don’t really jump or anything
ヤニくさいふとんにもぐって yani kusai futon ni mogutte And just crawl under my tobacco stained blankets
天井の蜘蛛をじっとただ見つめる tenjou no kumo o jitto tada mitsumeru And stare at the spider on my ceiling

それとなく 近所の sore to naku kinjo no Perhaps unintentionally, I end up feeling jealous
中学生にすら 嫉妬する chuugakusei ni sura shitto suru Of even the neighbourhood middle schoolers

\かっこわる/ \ kakko waru / “So lame…”

巡り巡って 塗り固まって meguri megutte nuri katamatte Going round and round my coating hardens
こんな自分です 「オカワリヲドーゾ」 konna jibun desu "okawari o doozo" {And} this is how I am “help yourself to seconds”
風呂場の鏡が 憎たらしーね furoba no kagami ga nikutarashii ne The mirror in my bathroom is oh so hateful
救われねーよな ワッハッハッハッ sukuwarenee yo na wahhahhahha I can’t be saved {at this point,} can I… wah hah hah hah
笑えないジョークです 涙拭って waraenai jooku desu namida nugutte ...Yeah, that’s not funny. Brushing away those tears
あなたの涙も 「オカワリヲドーゾ」 anata no namida mo "okawari o doozo" "help yourself to seconds" of those tears of yours as well
コンタクトレンズ その瞳には kontakuto renzu sono hitomi ni wa contact lenses... what exactly is reflected
何が映るのさ たったったったったー nani ga utsuruno sa tattattattattaa in those eyes… tah tah tah tah

ロクデナシが路上で踊ってる rokudenashi ga rojou de odotteru A bum dances on the road
街ゆく人々それを見つめてる machi yuku hitobito sore o mitsumeteru the people walking by are staring at him
みんなひどく滑稽だと笑う minna hidoku kokkei da to warau and laugh at how dreadfully hilarious {they find it}
でも僕には彼だけ色づいて見える demo boku ni wa kare dake irozuite mieru but I see him alone in colour,
きっとそれは僕と少し似てるから kitto sore wa boku to sukoshi niteru kara that’s probably because I’m not so different from him
僕もきっと彼の仲間だから boku mo kitto kare no nakama dakara I’m his comrade, I’m sure.
気づけば僕も路上で踊ってる kizukeba boku mo rojou de odotteru Before I realised it I too began to dance
街ゆく人々それを見つめてる machi yuku hitobito sore o mitsumeteru the people walking by are staring at that

診察券 片手に shinsatsuken katate ni With my patient's registration card in one hand
部屋の隅っこで じっとする heya no sumikko de jitto suru In the corner of my room, I {sit} motionless

\周りの迷惑も考えなさいよ/ \ mawari no meiwaku mo kangaenasai yo / “God! Think about how you’re bothering the people around you!”

会えない人に 会えないそうです aenai hito ni aenai sou desu It doesn’t seem like I’ll be able to meet, the people who can’t be met
知ったこっちゃねーよ 「オカワリヲドーゾ」 shitta koccha nee yo "okawari o doozo" That’s no concern of mine... “help yourself to seconds”
嘘をつき続け 生きてきました uso o tsuki tsuzuke ikite kimashita I lived, continuing to lie
なら素敵な呪文 ぱっぱっぱっぱっ nara suteki na jumon pappappappa If that's the case, what a wonderful incantation. Pah pah pah pah

灰色の街が ひどく怖い haiiro no machi ga hidoku kowai This grey town is so dreadfully scary
色づけてくれよ 「オカワリヲドーゾ」 irozukete kure yo "okawari o doozo" Colour it in for me “help yourself to seconds”
ひび割れたグラス こぼれたソーダ hibiwareta gurasu koboreta soo da A chipped glass, a spilt soda
その足元には・・・ sono ashimoto ni wa... at those feet is…

English translation by Forgetfulsubs

Translation Notes

  1. よたれた/ perversed is from http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/与太る I couldn’t really think of an exact translation for it in this context but perversed (as in http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictio... / http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Perv... NOT "perverted") seemed to fit well enough


A remaster of this song was featured on the following album:

External links

