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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
ElTango nyanyannya
Song title
Romaji: Eru Tango Aventadooru
Official Spanish: El Tango Aventador
English: The Winnowing Tango
Original Upload Date
October 27, 2021
Megurine Luka
Kagamine Rin (chorus)
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
だしお (video)
54,000+ (NN), 390,000+ (YT), 4,000+ (BB)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast / bilibili Broadcast

Alternate Versions

Quintet version
Upload date: January 5, 2024
Featuring: Megurine Luka
Producer(s): nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)


Japanese Romaji English
さぁ弱虫さん 泣き虫さん saa yowamushi-san nakimushi-san Come now, cowards and crybabies—
救いの手はよろしくて? sukui no te wa yoroshikute? Will the hand of salvation do?

疑い深いのね 素敵  utagaibukai no ne suteki You’re suspicious of me. That’s wonderful.
でもこう呼ぶの demo kou yobu no But this is what they call me:
寛容・高潔・愛の体現者 kan'you kouketsu ai no taigensha The embodiment of magnanimity, virtue, and love.
掬くうスプーンひとさじの魂で sukuu supuun hitosaji no tamashii de With the soul of a single scooping spoon,
巣喰って……救ってあげるわ sukutte…… sukutte ageru wa I’ll nest in you like a ichneumon wasp...I mean, I’ll save you!

Si no puedes soportar la tormenta, conviertete en ella. Nena! Si no puedes soportar la tormenta, conviertete en ella. Nena! If you can’t bear the storm, become it, dearie!

ねぇ弱虫さん 泣き虫さん nee yowamushi-san nakimushi-san Come now, cowards and crybabies,
意気地無しさん 嘘吐きさん  ikujinashi-san usotsuki-san Losers and liars,
怖がりさん  kowagari-san Scaredy-cats—
死神が––とびきりの嵐が来てよ shinigami ga–– tobikiri no arashi ga kite yo The grim reaper...no, the unparalleled storm is coming.
さぁ祈って頂戴! saa inotte choudai! Come now, let me hear your prayers!

よろしくて アヴェンタドール yoroshikute aventadooru That’ll do, winnower.
もし奇跡お望みなら moshi kiseki onozomi nara If a miracle is what you desire,
その奇跡と同じように残酷になるよりないの sono kiseki to onaji you ni zankoku ni naru yori nai no Then what choice do you have but to become as brutal as that miracle?
よろしくて アヴェンタドール yoroshikute aventadouru That’ll do, winnower.
覚悟が必要よ kakugo ga hitsuyou yo Be prepared.
信じていたいと云うなら shinjite itai to iu nara If you say you want to believe,
じゃあ……貴女もその手汚す? jaa…… anata mo sono te yogosu? Then, well...will you too get your hands dirty?

病める妹にと yameru imouto ni to There was a girl
救い信じた少女がいたわ sukui shinjita shoujo ga ita wa Who saved and believed, when it was for her ailing little sister.
世間知らず……   sekan shirazu…… You know nothing of the world...
祝福されたその薬 shukufuku sareta sono kusuri Although they call
毒だというのに doku da to iu no ni That blessed medicine a poison—

Si no puedes soportar la tormenta, conviertete en ella. Nena! Si no puedes soportar la tormenta, conviertete en ella. Nena! If you can’t bear the storm, become it, dearie!

ねぇ病める時も 富める時も 死せる時も  nee yameru toki mo tomeru toki mo shiseru toki mo Say, are you alone in singing of illness, of wealth,
喜ぶも 悲しむも 慈しむも yorokobu mo kanashimu mo itsukushimu mo Of death, of rejoicing, of mourning,
貴女独りで歌うの? anata hitori de utau no? Or of loving with all the pity in your heart?
さぁ祈って ”もっと!” 頂戴! saa inotte ”motto!” choudai! Come now, pray! Give me your "I want more!"

よろしくて アヴェンタドール yoroshikute aventadooru That’ll do, winnower.
信じた痛みが病室なら shinjita itami ga byoushitsu nara If the pain of having believed is a hospital ward,
信じなかった後悔の人生は懺悔室 shinjinakatta koukai no jinsei wa zangeshitsu Then the life of regret for not having believed is a confessional booth.
哭いてもね アヴェンタドール naite mo ne aventadooru Weep as you may, you’re a winnower.
狼にはなれないの ookami ni wa narenai no You can’t become a wolf.
神がくれたのは孤独と kami ga kureta no wa kodoku to If isolation is what God has given you,
孤独でいられぬ人の身の弱さだけ kodoku de irarenu hito no mi no yowasa dake Then it’s just weakness of the flesh that you can’t remain isolated.

Cuando quieres rezar, ya estás rezando. Cuando quieres rezar, ya estás rezando. When you want to pray, you’re already praying.

嗚呼 面倒な子 aa mendou na ko Oh, you bothersome child!

もう! ありのまま信じたいのなら mou! ari no mama shinjitai no nara Damn you! If you want to believe in the truth,
怯えた目で見ないで 触れてみるしかないの obieta me de minaide furete miru shika nai no Then there’s nothing for it but to try touching it without giving me those frightened eyes.
手は濡れて? 鉛姫(アヴェンタドール) te wa nurete? aventadooru Are your hands wet, Lead Princess Winnower?
そう! 一寸も不安などないから sou! issun mo fuan nado nai kara Yes! There’ll be no fear, not even for a moment!
私後悔した方知らないわ ねぇ? watashi koukai shita kata shiranai wa nee? I don’t recall anyone who’s had any regrets, you know?
だって救われなきゃ もう物も言えないじゃなあい datte sukuwarenakya mou mono mo ienai ja naai After all, you must be saved. You can’t say a thing anymore, isn’t that riiight?
じゃなあい? ja naai? Isn’t that riiight?

さぁ祈って頂戴! saa inotte choudai! Come now, let me hear your prayers!

English translation by MeaningfulUsername

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