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Song title
Romaji: Urufu
English: Wolf
Original Upload Date
September 16, 2016
HoneyWorks (music, lyrics)
Oji (guitar)
shito (bass)
cake (piano)
AtsuyuK! (drums)
Orebanana-P (tuning)
Yamako (video)
YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by ElectricRaichu, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on his user page.
Japanese Romaji English
もう会いたくないよ mou aitaku nai yo I don't want to see you anymore
信じても信じても shinjite mo shinjite mo even if I trust you, even if I trust you.
君だってそうだろ? kimi datte sou daro? Don't you feel the same way?
裏切られるんだ uragirareru nda It's betrayal.

見せかけの友達 misekake no tomodachi You're pretending to be my friend,
無理してるって分かるよ muri shiteru tte wakaru yo I know you're doing it on purpose.
本当の事口にしてみなよ hontou no koto kuchi ni shite mina yo So spit out the truth.

数合わせはみ出して kazu awase hamidashite You're always the odd one out,
それでもまだ信じて soredemo mada shinjite and even so, you still trust.
バカみたいだねほら騙されて baka mitai da ne hora damasarete You look like an idiot. Look, you're falling for it.

泡のような記憶 awa no you na kioku With our faulty memories
すれ違う僕たち surechigau bokutachi we grate each other.
この傷痕は消せないんだろう? kono kizuato wa kesenai ndarou? This scar can't disappear, can it?

嫌いだ kirai da I don't like you.

真っすぐに信じたって massugu ni shinjitatte Even if we honestly believe,
心塞いでみたって kokoro fusaide mitatte even if we shut our hearts up,
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda we just hurt each other.
そんな風にできてる sonna fuu ni dekiteru That's the way things turn out.
君は顔色変えずに kimi wa kaoiro kaezu ni Without a hint of shame,
誰かの為つまずいてる dareka no tame tsumazuiteru you stumble for someone's sake.
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukau nda We just hurt each other.
そんな風に生きてる sonna fuu ni ikiteru That's the way we live.

『後悔なんてさせない』 “koukai nante sasenai” "I won't let you be disappointed,"
震えてた君の声 furueteta kimi no koe you said with a quivering voice.
かき乱される...君が苦手だ。 kakimidasareru... kimi ga nigate da. You're disturbing … I can't handle you.

『何様のつもりだ』 “nanisama no tsumori da” "What's this big thing you're gonna do for me?"
動揺隠すセリフ douyou kakusu serifu was my line back, hiding my trembling.
バカみたいだねほら騙されて baka mitai da ne hora damasarete I look like an idiot. Look, I'm falling for it.

いつもの様に君は itsumo no you ni kimi wa As usual, you're
当たり前の顔で隣を歩く atarimae no kao de tonari o aruku walking by my side with a generic face.
もううんざりだ mou unzari da I'm fed up with it.

嫌いだ kirai da I don't like you.

ずっと守るからなんて zutto mamoru kara nante Even if you disturb me with talk like,
心かき乱したって kokoro kakimidashitatte "I'll always look after you,"
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda we'll just hurt each other.
そんな風にできてる sonna fuu ni dekiteru That's the way things turn out.
君は優しすぎるから kimi wa yasashi sugiru kara You are too kind,
泣かないから逃げないから nakanai kara nigenai kara you cry zero, and never run away.
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda That's why we'll just hurt each other.
そんな風に生きてる sonna fuu ni ikiteru That's the way we live.

(君に何と言われようと僕は疑うことを信じる (kimi ni nan to iwareyou to boku wa utagau koto o shinjiru Whatever you tell me, I believe I'll doubt it.
だから君も信じることを信じて dakara kimi mo shinjiru koto o shinjite So you too, believe that I'll trust you.
もし君が諦めれば交わらない moshi kimi ga akiramereba majiwaranai If you give up, we won't be together.
いつだって僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ) itsu datte bokura wa kizutsukeau nda) We just hurt each other all the time.)

見せかけの絆に何度も騙されて misekake no kizuna ni nandomo damasarete This sham of a bond has deceived you so often
君は独りで肩を落とした kimi wa hitori de kata o otoshita that you've brought disappointment on yourself.

負けるな makeru na Don't lose.

信じてると叫んだ shinjiteru to sakenda Even if the cry "I believe you"
声が胸に届いたって koe ga mune ni todoitatte reaches your heart,
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda we'll just hurt each other.
そんな風にできてる sonna fuu ni dekiteru That's the way things turn out.
君は優しすぎるから kimi wa yasashi sugiru kara You are too kind,
泣かないから逃げないから nakanai kara nigenai kara you cry zero, and never run away.
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda That's why we'll just hurt each other.
そんな風に生きてる sonna fuu ni ikiteru That's the way we live.

今日も顔色変えずに kyou mo kaoiro kaezu ni Again today without a hint of shame,
誰かの為つまずいてる dareka no tame tsumazuiteru you stumble for someone's sake.
僕らは傷つけ逢うんだ bokura wa kizutsukeau nda We just hurt each other.
そんな風に生きている sonna fuu ni ikite iru That's the way we live.

English translation by ElectricRaichu and RandomAir BGM

Notable Derivatives[]

CHiCO version
Featuring: CHiCO
Simultaneously released with GUMI version.

External Links[]
