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Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki
Welcome to the Daisangenland
Song title
Romaji: Uerukamu Tu Za Daisangenrando
English: Welcome to the Daisangenland
Original Upload Date
November 26, 2018
nyanyannya (music, lyrics)
Yokanko (illustration)
380,000+ (NN), 140,000+ (YT)
Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast


The following translation was made by Bluepenguin, and may only be used in accordance with the restrictions stated on their website.
Japanese Romaji English
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls
 Dr=FunkBeat boastfully presents Daisangen land's chronogeometrical parade
大天才のターン daitensai no taan The Great Genius’s move

撃ち抜いた論理(モラル)の裏側で uchinuita moraru no uragawa de If the mechanized sheep dance
機械式羊(メキナイズドシープ)が踊れば mekinaizudoshiipu ga odoreba On the flip side of morals that have been shot down
『クライン』も悪夢(ゆめ)見るワンダーランド “kurain” mo yume miru wandaarando They’ll go to the wonderland even Klein had (bad) dreams about
また二つとない 逝かれた物語 mata futatsu to nai ikareta monogatari It’s a one-of-a-kind crazy murder story![1]

ハーッハッハッハッハー! どこへ行く? haahhahhahhahhaa! doko e yuku? Haahahahahaa! Where do you think you’re going?
Gimme a break! 拘束! 照明! Gimme a break! kousoku! shoumei! Gimme a break! Restraint! Illumination!
華やかに 開園だ hanayaka ni kaien da It’s spectacular

加速幻想ライド 液化現実ショー kasoku gensou raido ekika genjitsu shoo It’s our grand opening! High-speed fantasy rides, liquefaction live shows
お待ちかね ウェルカム・トゥ・ザ・大三元ランド omachikane werukamu tu za daisangenrando It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for: Welcome to Daisangenland![2]
魅力的にグリート もっと支離滅裂 miryokuteki ni guriito motto shirimetsuretsu We’ll greet you charmingly, and with more confusion,
笑え泣けもがき楽しめ warae nake mogaki tanoshime You’ll laugh, cry, struggle, enjoy yourself!
絶大効果 どうだ? それがハッピーだ zetsudai kouka dou da? sore ga happii da How do you like our amazing special effects? That’s happiness

「おっとプレゼントの時間だ。さぁ好きな箱を選べ。 "otto purezento no jikan da. saa sukina hako o erabe. “Oh, I almost forgot, it’s present time! Come on, choose whichever box you want.
ここにあるものは全て甘くて哀しい味がするぞ koko ni aru mono wa subete amakute kanashii aji ga sur uzo Everything here has a sweetly sad flavor…
・・・・・・この天才もだ」 ......kono tensai mo da" just like this genius.”

“Hey,FunkBeat! Why does this box change shape? “Hey, FunkBeat! Why does this box change shape? “Hey, FunkBeat! Why does this box change shape?
Is this a triangle?rectangle?” Is this a triangle? rectangle?” Is this a triangle? rectangle?”

「幸せに形などいらないからな」 "shiawase ni katachi nado iranai kara na" “Because happiness needs no shape.”

満ちるチョコレートの川を超え michiru chokoreeto no kawa o koe Crossing the river filled with chocolate,
貴様は思うだろう「熟能生巧(shú néng shēng qiǎo) kisama wa omo udarou "shú néng shēng qiǎo" You may think, “Practice makes perfect”
誰もが羨むセンス・オブ・ワンダーランドへ dare mo ga urayamu sensu obu wandaarando e “I want to go, I want to pass on to
行きたい 逝きたい 絶対 超絶に ikitai ikitai zettai chouzetsu ni The Sense-of-Wonder-land that’s the envy of all, transcendentally”

熱烈歓迎 打! rèliè huānyíng dǎ We’ll hit you with a warm welcome![3]
妄想思考ビュー 嗜癖錯誤スイーツ mousou shikou byuu shiheki sakugo suiitsu Delusional thinking views, addictive mistake sweets
めくるめく ウェルカム・トゥ・ザ・大三元ランド mekurumeku werukamu tu za daisangenrando Welcome to the dazzling Daisangenland
刺激的インパーク 青き春を見やれ shigekiteki in paaku aoki haru o miyare Enter the park with excitement and gaze upon the verdant springtime[4]
無二無三無類無双の(スター) munimusan murui musou no sutaa ga A unique, unequaled, unparalleled star is...
待て ちょうど今散った・・・・・・ マーチングバンド! mate choudo ima chitta...... maachingubando! Wait, our marching band… has just died!

ハーッハッハッハッハー! haahhahhahhahhaa! Haahahahahaa!
それが散々三度のサイサンで ヤンヤン病んだ成れの果て sore ga sanzan sando no saisan de yanyan yanda narenohate Having gotten sick from our scattered three-times-a-day profits, it’s a shadow of its former glory
今すぐに間に合ううちに 聞け ワンマンバンドの独奏会 ima sugu ni ma ni au uchi ni kike wanman bando no dokusoukai But now, while there’s still time, listen to our one-man band’s solo performance
ランランランドその全てを 描き プロデュースしたのは ranranrando sono subete o egaki puroduusu shita no wa And the one who produced everything to do with this lan-lan-land is…
それは ウ・ワ・サ!の DAI☆TEN☆SAI It’s MEEEEEEEE! sore wa u wa sa! no DAI☆TEN☆SAI It’s MEEEEEEEE! The Great Genius you’ve all heard about–that’s right, it’s MEEEEEEEE!

大逆転のフレーズ みんな大好き ウェルカム・トゥ・ザ・大三元ランド dai gyakuten no fureezu minna daisuki werukamu tu za daisangenrando A phrase that totally turns things around! Everyone loves it! Welcome to Daisangenland!
秘密の煌作用機序(ファンメカニズム)悪夢(ゆめ)を乗せて himitsu no fanmekanizumu ni yume o nosete The mechanism of action of a secret brilliant light will carry you into (bad) dreams
孤独苦境悲観威圧嘆き迷い幸せに変える kodoku kukyou hikan iatsu nageki mayoi shiawase ni kaeru Your loneliness, hardship, disappointment, overwhelmed feelings, grief, and uncertainty will turn into happiness
You got crack You got lucky You got slappy… You got crack You got lucky You got slappy… You got crack You got lucky You got slappy…
You got crack You got lucky You got slappy… You got crack You got lucky You got slappy… You got crack You got lucky You got slappy…
ハーッハッハッハッハー! haahhahhahhahhaa! Haahahahahaa!

English translation by bluepenguin


  1. “Ikareta” usually means “crazy,” but is here written as the passive past tense of a verb meaning “to die” (so it’s something like “was killed/has been killed”).
  2. Daisangen, or “Big Three Dragons,” is a winning hand in mahjongg, also referenced in the previous Dr. Funk=Beat song Hyper Gore Musasabi Stick Disappearing Genius. “Daisangenland” also, of course, happens to sound a bit like “Disneyland.” (The voiceover at the very beginning of the song is also reminiscent of Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade.)
  3. This sentence sounds like “It’s a warm welcome,” but, without getting too much into Japanese grammar, the word that would usually serve the purpose of “it is” has been replaced with a word that refers to hitting a ball (usually in a baseball context).
  4. インパーク/”inpark” is slang used by fans of Tokyo Disneyland as a verb to refer to, well, entering the park. (Its counterpart, to refer to leaving the park, is “outpark.”)


This song was featured on the following album:

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